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Loopback mixin to generate a new model to save history changes by record of a model.


npm install loopback-changes-history-mixin --save


Add the mixins property to your server/model-config.json:

  "_meta": {
    "sources": [
    "mixins": [

Add mixin params in model definition. Example:

  "name": "Person",
  "properties": {
    "name": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "status": "string",
    "description": "string"
  "mixins": {
    "ChangesHistory": true

In the above definition it will define the following:

  • A model called Person_history with properties indicated in fields: name, email, status and description.
  • Relation Person has many history (model Person_history, foreign key _recordId).
  • Relation Person_history belongs record (model Person, foreign key _recordId).
  • Properties _version and _hash as string in models Person and Person_history.
  • Properties _action as string and _update as date in model Person_history.

Every time a change is made in a record of Person, it will be saved in Person_history a record with new values and the following fields:

  • _version = <version code>
  • _hash = <hash code>
  • _action = <'create' or 'update' or 'delete'>
  • _update = <date of change>


The mixin supports the following parameters:

Name Type Default Optional Description
fields array or string * * No Array with the fields to version
modelName string ${ModelName}_history No Name to history model
relationName string history No Model has many history model relation name
relationParentName string _record No History model belongs to model relation name
relationForeignKey string _recordId No Foreign key for relations
versionFieldName string _version No Field name to version code
versionFieldLen number 5 No Length to versionField
hashFieldName string or false _hash Yes Field name to hash code
hashFieldLen number 10 No Length to hashField
actionFieldName string or false _action Yes Field name to action name
updatedFieldName string or false _update Yes Field name to update date


  • hashFieldName allow create a history change only if any property in fields was alter. If setup hashFieldName: false then a history change will be creates with update method called.
  • If hashFieldName is false then hashFieldLen is. ignoored.

Loopback methods

Generates create records

  • Model.create
  • Model.updateOrCreate (AKA Model.upsert)
  • Model.findOrCreate
  • Model.replaceOrCreate
  • Model.upsertWithWhere (view Model.upsertWithWhere section below)

Generates update records

  • Model.updateOrCreate (AKA Model.upsert)
  • Model.replaceOrCreate
  • Model.upsertWithWhere (view Model.upsertWithWhere section below)
  • Model.replaceById
  • Model.prototype.updateAttribute
  • Model.prototype.updateAttributes
  • Model.prototype.replaceAtributes

Generates destroy records

  • Model.prototype.delete (AKA Model.prototype.destroy)
  • Model.deleteById (AKA Model.destroyById)

Unsupported methods

  • Model.updateAll
  • Model.deleteAll (AKA Model.destroyAll)


To create history change with method upsertWithWhere option instanceByWhere: true must be passed:

const where = { /* ... */};
const data = { /* ... */ };
Person.upsertWithWhere(where, data, { instanceByWhere: true });


If you have any kind of trouble with it, just let me now by raising an issue on the GitHub issue tracker here:

Also, you can report the orthographic errors in the READMEs files or comments. Sorry for that, English is not my main language.


npm test or npm run cover


Loopback mixin to register all changes in a record model.







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