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Simple Xarray + JAX Integration

This is an experiment at integrating Xarray + JAX in a simple way.

import jax.numpy as jnp
import xarray as xr
import xarray_jax as xj

# Construct a DataArray.
da = xr.DataArray(
    xr.Variable(["x", "y"], jnp.ones((2, 3))),
    coords={"x": [1, 2], "y": [3, 4, 5]},
    attrs={"attr1": "value1"},

# Do some operations inside a JIT compiled function.
def some_function(data):
    neg_data = -1.0 * data
    return neg_data * neg_data.coords["y"]  # Multiply data by coords.

da = some_function(da)

# Construct a xr.DataArray with dummy data (useful for tree manipulation).
da_mask = _: True, da)

# Take the gradient of a jitted function.
def fn(data):
    return (data**2.0).sum().data

da_grad = jax.grad(fn)(da)

# Convert to a custom XjDataArray, implemented as an equinox module.
# (Useful for avoiding potentially weird xarray interactions with JAX).
xj_da = xj.from_xarray(da)

# Convert back to a xr.DataArray.
da = xj.to_xarray(xj_da)

# Use xj.var_change_on_unflatten to allow us to expand the dimensions of the DataArray.
def add_dim_to_var(var):
    var._dims = ("new_dim", *var._dims)
    return var

with xj.var_change_on_unflatten(add_dim_to_var):
    da = x: jnp.expand_dims(x, axis=0), da)


pip install xarray_jax


  • PyTree node registrations
    • xr.Variable
    • xr.DataArray
    • xr.Dataset
  • Minimal shadow types implemented as equinox modules to handle edge cases (Note: these types are merely data structures that contain the data of these types. They don't have any of the methods of the xarray types).
    • XjVariable
    • XjDataArray
    • XjDataset
  • xj.from_xarray and xj.to_xarray functions to go between xj and xr types.
  • Support for xr types with dummy data (useful for tree manipulation).
  • Support for transformations that change the dimensionality of the data using the var_change_on_unflatten context manager.

Sharp Edges

Prefer eqx.filter_jit over jax.jit

There are some edge cases with metadata that eqx.filter_jit handles but jax.jit does not.

Dispatching to jnp is not supported yet

Pending resolution of pydata/xarray#7848.

var = xr.Variable(dims=("x", "y"), data=jnp.ones((3, 3)))

# This will fail.

# This will work.
xr.apply_ufunc(jnp.square, var)

Distinction from the GraphCast Implementation

This experiment is largely inspired by the GraphCast implementation, with a direct re-use of the _HashableCoords in that project.

However, this experiment aims to:

  1. Take a more minimialist approach (and thus neglects some features such as support JAX arrays as coordinates).
  2. Find a solution more compatible with common JAX PyTree manipulation patterns that trigger errors with Xarray types. For example, it's common to use boolean masks to filter out elements of a PyTree, but this tends to fail with Xarray types.


This repo was made possible by great discussions within the JAX + Xarray open source community, especially this one. In particular, the author would like to acknowledge @shoyer, @mjwillson, and @TomNicholas.


Simple Xarray + JAX Integration








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