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AbstractVM is a machine that uses a stack to compute simple arithmetic expressions. These arithmetic expressions are provided to the machine as basic assembly programs.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


What you need to run this project is C++11


To install you'll have to clone the project to your local machine

Step 1: Clone the project

git clone

Step 2: Go inside the cloned repo

cd Abstract_VM

Step 3: Compile the project


To recompile the project use this command:

make re

Running the tests

There are two ways to test the program. Either you pass a file to the program or you use the default mode (STDIN) to test it.

Testing using the default mode

To use the default mode follow these instructions:

Step 1: Run the program

./avm (With no arguments or else it will fail)

Step 2: Input instructions

for example:

push int8(100)
push int32(20)
exit;; (Add the double semi-colon and press enter to execute your instructions)

Testing using the file mode

To use the file mode follow these instructions:

Step 1: Create text file (You can use any editor you want)

touch test.txt (Creating a file using a terminal)

Step 2: Write the following instructions inside the text file

push int8(100)
push int32(20)
exit (This time around you don't need the double semi-colon)

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