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Point-to-Point with Muslces Project for ArtiSynth

This is the code for "Muscle Excitation Estimation in Biomechanical Simulation Using NAF Reinforcement Learning" paper submitted to the Computational Biomechanics for Medicine XIII, A MICCAI 2018 Workshop, Granada, Spain, 2018 September 16.

This implementation used an extended version of keras-rl to train a reinforcement learning agent for point-to-point reaching tasks in biomechanical environments.


  • artisynth_core: ArtiSynth is a biomechanical modeling environment which supports both rigid bodies and finite elements. ArtiSynth can be downloaded from its git repository, and its installation guide is available here.

  • keras-rl: keras-rl is a reinforcement learning library build on top of the keras library. This library is extended by me to include some new functionalities, the details of which are available in the paper. Please check out the extended forked version from here.

  • keras: Details available here.

  • TensorFlow: Although keras can run with theano as its backend, we have extensively leveraged the tensorboard features in our implementation; thus, we encourage users to use TensorFlow.

  • java-json: The message passing between the keras-rl (python) and artisynth (java) is through a tcp socket and the packets are sent as serialized JSON objects. To enable json support in java, include the java-json.jar (available in lib/ directory) in runtime libraries of the artisynth_rl project.


Include keras-rl directory as python path for your project. You can do this either by adding the keras-rl library root to the PYTHONPATH environment variable, or add the library as an external dependency in your IDE.

Add artisynth_rl/artisynth_src to Classpath of the artisynth project. If you are using eclipse, import the artisynth_rl into eclipse, open the Run Configurations for the artisynth_core project, switch to Classpath tab, and add the artisynth_rl project to the Classpath.

Add artisynth_core/bin to the PATH environment variable, so that you can run the artisynth command.


Step 1

Run ArtiSynth with the following arguments for the point-to-point toy environment:

artisynth -model artisynth.models.rl.PointModelGenericRl \
    [ -port 7024 -num 6 -demoType 2 -muscleOptLen 0.1 -radius 5 ] \
    -play -noTimeline

Or run with the following for the LumbarSpine environment:

artisynth -model artisynth.models.lumbarSpine.RlLumbarSpine \
    [ -port 7024 ] 
    -play -noTimeline


  • port is the port number for the tcp socket and should match the port set in src/,
  • num sets the number of muscles in the model,
  • demoType defines the dimensionality of the model and support 2 (for 2D) and 3 (for 3D) models. In the 3D model. When demoType is set to 3 (3D), num is ignored and the model is predefined to have 8 muscles.
  • MuscleOptLen defines the optimal lengths of muscles at which the apply no force on the particle.
  • radius defines the radius of the circle on the perimeter of which the muscles are arranged.
  • play hints artisynth to play immediately after loading the model.
  • noTimeline removes the timeline from artisynth as it has no use for our reinforcement learning cause.

Step 2 - Training

Run src/ with the same environment parameters such as NUM_MUSCLES, PORT, and DOF_OBSERVATIONS.

Training results and logs are stored in 4 directories, namely

  • trained: stores the trained model
  • log_agent: stores the agent-related logs with timestamp
  • log_env: stores the environment logs with timestamp
  • log_tb: stores the tensorboard logs which can be visualized during training by tensorboard and setting the --logdir=logs_tb/TB_LOGGING_DIR.

The above 4 directories are created in the parent directory of where is executed. In the src/ it is assumed that the main file is executed from inside the src folder and the 4 directories are made in the artisynth_rl root.

Step 3 - Testing

Once the model was successfully trained (the agent was constantly reaching the success state), call the main function in src/ with 'test' as input instead of 'train' and see the results.


Once the training is complete, the model (agent) will be able to move the particle by finding the correct muscle activations to reach its destination.

Point to point tracking video

Out of domain tracking


Deep Reinforcement Learning for Biomechanical Modeling







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