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Classify output of AmpliconArchitect to detect types of focal amplifications present


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Classify AmpliconArchitect output to detect types of focal amplifications present.

Info about accessing the legacy version:

For the legacy version used in Kim et al., Nature Genetics, 2020 please see the scripts and README in the "legacy_natgen_2020" folder of this repo. The legacy version is only recommended for reproducing the paper results, and not for state-of-the-art amplicon classification. The legacy version was developed by Nam Nguyen, Jens Luebeck, and Hoon Kim. The current version is developed and maintained by Jens Luebeck.

If using AmpliconClassifier, please cite:

      Kim H, Nguyen N, et al. “Extrachromosomal DNA is associated with oncogene amplification and poor outcome across multiple cancers.” Nature Genetics. 2020.

Current version: 0.4.8

Please note that this software is actively being developed. Stable versions are released on the main branch.

1. Prerequisites:

  • Supports both python2 and python3.
  • intervaltree (python library): pip install intervaltree
  • scipy (python library): pip install scipy
  • $AA_DATA_REPO environment variable. For instructions see AmpliconArchitect installation.
  • matplotlib (python library, optional): pip install matplotlib


git clone
cd AmpliconClassifier
echo export AC_SRC=$PWD >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

2. Usage: takes an AA graph file and an AA cycles file as input.

To classify a single amplicon,

python --ref [hg19, GRCh37, or GRCh38] --cycles [/path/to/amplicon_cycles.txt] --graph [/path/to/amplicon_graph.txt] > classifier_stdout.log

Alternatively you can generate classifications for a list of amplicons:

python --ref [hg19, GRCh37, or GRCh38] --input [file with list of your amplicons] > classifier_stdout.log

If passing a list of amplicons, the --input argument must be formatted as follows, with one amplicon per line:

sample_name_amplicon1 /path/to/sample_name_amplicon1_cycles.txt /path/to/sample_name_amplicon1_graph.txt

To generate the input file automatically, you can use the script, which takes a path and an output prefix. /path/to/AA/output/directory/ [some_prefix]

and it will search for the cycles and graph files in that directory, and pair the locations into a text file compatible with the --input argument.

There is also an experimental option you can set to visualize the strength of each amplicon class assigned to an amplicon, which can be turned on by setting --plotStyle individual.

If combining data from both GRCh37 and hg19 in the same classification run, you can set the flag --add_chr_tag to add the "chr" prefix to each chromosome name and effectively unify everything as hg19-based.

3. Output:


This contains an abstract classification of the amplicon, and also indicates in separate columns "BFB+" and "ecDNA+" status. Note that amplicons receiving a "Cyclic" classification may be ecDNA+, BFB+ or both.

Column name Contents
sample_name Sample name prefix
amplicon_number AA amplicon index, e.g. [samplename]_amplicon2
amplicon_decomposition_class Abstract description of the AA amplicon type. Note that Cyclic can refer to either BFB or ecDNA. Please see the following columns for that distinction.
ecDNA+ Prediction about whether the AA amplicon contains ecDNA. Note, an AA amplicon may contain regions surrounding the ecDNA, or multiple linked ecDNA. Either Positive or None detected
BFB+ Prediction about whether the AA amplicon is the result of a BFB. Either Positive or None detected
ecDNA_amplicons Predicted number of distinct (non-overlapping) ecDNA which are represented in a single AA amplicon. This estimate is highly experimental.

Because an ecDNA may overlap with a BFB, they are reported separately.


This will reports the genes present on amplicons with each classification, and which genomic feature (e.g. ecDNA_1, BFB_1, etc), it is located on, along with the copy number and which end(s) of the gene have been lost ("truncated"), will be one of None, 5p (5-prime end), 3p (3-prime end) or 5p_3p if both. This will also create a folder in the current working directory which stores .bed files with the predicted feature regions.

4. Description of command line arguments:

Running on a single AA amplicon:

  • -c/--cycles: AA cycles file
  • -g/--graph: AA graph file

OR running on multiple amplicons

  • -i/--input: Tab-separated file containing one or more amplicons formatted as

sample_name_amplicon1 /path/to/sample_name_amplicon1_cycles.txt /path/to/sample_name_amplicon1_graph.txt

Other arguments

  • --ref [hg19, GRCh37, GRCh38, mm10, or GRCm38]: (Required) Choose reference genome version used in generating AA output.
  • -v/--version: Print version and exit.
  • -o: Output filename prefix. Default is prefix of -i or -c.
  • --add_chr_tag: If you have a mix of hg19 and GRCh37 amplicons, you can set --ref hg19 and --add_chr_tag to classify them all together.
  • --min_flow: Minumum cycle CN flow to consider among decomposed paths (default=1).
  • --min_size: Minimum cycle size (in bp) to consider as valid amplicon (default=5000).
  • --report_comlexity: Report a measurement of the amplicon's 'complexity' score, which represents a measurement of the complexity of the AA breakpoint graph decomposition.
  • --verbose_classification: Output verbose information in the amplicon_classification_profiles.tsv file, and create edge_classification_profiles.tsv. Useful for debugging.
  • --force: Disable No amp/Invalid class, if possible. Use only when extremely large CN seeds were used in AA amplicon generation (>10 Mbp intervals).
  • --plotstyle [noplot, individual]: Produce a radar-style plot of classification strengths. Default noplot.
  • --annotate_cycles_file: Write a new cycles file for each amplicon analyzed with the paths annotated by how the path conforms and some other useful properties.
  • --decomposition_strictness: Value between 0 and 1 reflecting how strictly to filter low CN decompositions (default = 0.1). Higher values filter more of the low-weight decompositions.
  • --exclude_bed: Provide a bed file of regions to ignore during classification. Useful for separating linked amplicons or augmenting low-complexity annotations.
  • --no_LC_filter: Set this to turn off filtering low-complexity & poor mappability genome region paths & cycles.

5. Other utilities:

Amplicon Similarity

One may wish to compare two overlapping focal amplifications and quantify their similarity - particularly when they are derived from multi-region or longitudinal sampling. We provide a script which a) identifies overlap between pairs of amplicons (using the same input file as, b) computes measurements of the similarity of the two overlapping amplicons based on shared breakpoints and shared genomic content - using both a Jaccard index approach and also our own Symmetric Similarity Score and Asymmetric Similarity Score approaches, and c) compares the scores against the similarity scores for overlapping amplicons derived from unrelated origins (data derived from Turner et al. Nature 2017 and deCarvalho et al. Nature Genetics 2018, Bergstrom et al. Nature 2020 and the Seattle Barrett's Study). The output file *_similarity_scores.tsv reports the following columns:

  • Amplicon 1 ID & Amplicon 2 ID
  • Symmetric Similarity Score (a combination of GenomicSegment and Breakpoint scores)
  • Percentile and P-value of the Sym. Score in the background unrelated overlapping amplicon distribution. P-value based on beta distribution fit to similarity scores.
  • GenomicSegmentScore1 & GenomicSegmentScore2 based on the directional similarity of genomic segment overlap (Amp1 and Amp2)/(Amp1) or (Amp1 and Amp2)/(Amp2), respectively.
  • BreakpointScore1 & BreakpointScore2 based on the directional similarity of breakpoint matching (Amp1 and Amp2)/(Amp1) or (Amp1 and Amp2)/(Amp2), respectively.
  • JaccardGenomicSegment, based on overlap of genomic segments (based on overlap of genomic coordinates)
  • JaccardBreakpoint, based on overlap from matching of breakpoints.

Example command for

./ --ref hg19 --add_chr_tag -i examples.input -o examples [--subset_bed some_intervals.bed] [--classification_file examples_amplicon_classification_profiles.tsv] [--required_classifications ecDNA BFB "Complex non-cyclic"]

Where "examples.input" is the tab-separate file generated by /path/to/AA/outputs/ examples and --subset_bed is an optional bed file restricting the similarity calculations to one or more regions of the genome. Can provide classification file and list of classes to only perform similarity classifications on some amplicon classes.


Classify output of AmpliconArchitect to detect types of focal amplifications present







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  • Python 99.7%
  • Shell 0.3%