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Tags: andre8244/openwisp-controller



Toggle 0.8.3's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.8.3 [2020-12-18]


- Increased minimum `openwisp-users version to ~=0.5.1
  which fixes an `issue in the production setup <>`_


Toggle 0.8.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.8.2 [2020-12-11]


- Fixed the `bug <>`_
  that prevented users from adding/editing access credentials.


- Increased `django-x509 <>`_
  version to 0.9.2
- Increased `django-flat-json-widget <>`_
  version to 0.1.2
- Changed the `preview` button colors for better readability
- Added *help text* for *device name* field


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
pandafy Gagan Deep


Toggle 0.8.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.8.0 [2020-11-23]


- Added possibility to `extend openwisp-controller
- Added flat JSON widget for configuration variables
- Added JSON Schema widget to credentials admin
- Added ``device_registered`` signal
- Added `OpenWISP Notifications <>`_
  module as a dependency, which brings support for
  web and email notifications for important events
- Allow using a different device model in update_config:
  his allows `OpenWISP Monitoring <>`_
  to override the ``can_be_updated`` method to take into account the monitoring status,
  so that push updates won't be attempted
- Added notifications for changes of ``is_working`` status of credentials
- UX, automatically add/remove default values to device context:
  automatically add or remove default values of templates to the configuration context
  (a.k.a. configuration variables) when templates are added or removed from devices
- UX: added `system defined variables
  <>`_ section


- **Backward incompatible**: the code of `django-netjsonconfig <>`_
  was merged in openwisp-controller to simplify maintenance
- Changed API of ``device_location`` view for consistency: ``/api/device-location/{id}/``
  becomes ``/api/v1/device/{id}/location/``, the old URL is kept for backward compatibility
  but will be removed in the future
- **Backward incompatible change**: schema url endpoint changed to ``<controller-url>/config/schema.json``
  and it's now in config namespace instead of admin namespace
- Changed VPN DH length to 2048 and move its generation to the background because it's a lot slower
- Admin: Order Device, Template and VPN alphabetically by default
- Admin: Added ``mac_address`` field to the device list page (``DeviceAdmin.list_display``)
- Increased ``max_length`` of common name to ``64``
- Changed the config apply logic to avoid restarting the openwisp-config
  deamon if the configuration apply procedure is already being run
- Made template ``config`` field required in most cases
- Changed ``DeviceConnection.failure_reason`` field to ``TextField``,
  this avoids possible exception if ``failed_reason`` is very long,
  which may happen in some corner cases
- Made Device ``verbose_name`` configurable, see ``OPENWISP_CONTROLLER_DEVICE_VERBOSE_NAME``
- Increased `netjsonconfig <>`__ version to 0.9.x
  (which brings support for new interface types,
  `see the change log of netjsonconfig <>`_
  for more information)
- Increased `django-x509 <>`_ version to 0.9.x
- Increased `django-loci <>`_ version to 0.4.x
  (which brings many bug fixes to the mapping feature, as long as support for
  geo-coding and reverse geo-coding,
  `see the change log of django-loci <>`_
  for more information)
- Increased `openwisp-users <>`__ version from 0.2.x to 0.5.x
  (which brings many interesting improvements to multi-tenancy,
  `see the change log of openwisp-users <>`_
  for more information)
- Increased `django-taggit <>`_ version to 1.3.x
- Increased `openwisp-utils <>`__ version to 0.7.x
- Increased `django-rest-framework-gis <>`_ version to 0.16.x
- Added support for django 3.1


- Fixed JSON validation error when dealing with OpenVPN configuration
- Ensured ``unique`` in ``HARDWARE_ID_OPTIONS`` defaults to ``False``
- Avoid need of migration if ``HARDWARE_ID_OPTIONS`` is changed
- JS: prevent crash if backend value is empty
- Do not execute default template selection if device exists
- Close preview overlay on errors
- Avoid triggering ``config_modified`` signal during registration
- UI: Fixed whitespace after overview tab in in device page
- Validate ``Config.context`` and ``Template.default_values``:
  ``Config.context`` and ``Template.default_values`` must always be a dictionary,
  falsy values will be converted to empty dictionary automatically
- Fixed failures in ``update_config`` operation:
  the ``update_config`` operation will be executed only when the transaction
  is committed to the database; also handled rare but possible error conditions
- Handled device not existing case in ``update_config`` task
- Fixed auto cert feature failure when device name is too long
- UI: avoid showing main scrollbar in preview mode
- UI fixed advanced mode bugs: positioning is done using css instead of js.
  Removed body scrollbar when in advanced mode.
  Back to normal mode with ESC key.
  Hidden netjsonconfig docs hint on narrow screens.
- Avoid simultaneous ``update_config`` tasks:
  since now the launch of the task is executed when the
  transaction is committed to the database, also the
  check for other updates in progress must be moved there
- Fixed ``OPENWISP_CONTROLLER_CONTEXT`` setting getting modified at run time
- Fixed z-index of preview overlay: the z-index is increased so it's higher
  than the main navigation menu to avoid the possibility of triggering the
  main menu inadvertently
- Prevent sending ``config_modified`` signal multiple times
- Fix timeout when changing template: slow operations are moved to the background
- Fixed variablle validation: now all the available context
  (device variables, system variables) are taken into account when performing validation
- Removed unnecessary ``static()`` call from media assets


Toggle 0.7.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.7.0 [2020-07-01]

- [feature] Added signals: ``config_status_changed``, ``checksum_requested``, ``config_download_requested``
- [feature] Added the possibility of specifying default values for variables used in templates
- [feature] Added ``banner_timeout``
- [feature] Emit signal when ``DeviceConnection.is_working`` changes
- [change] **Backward incompatible change**: the ``config_modified``
  signal is not emitted anymore when the device is created
- [change] VPN files now have 0600 permissions by default
- [change] Increased minimum `netjsonconfig <>`_ version to 0.8.0
- [change] Increased minimum `paramiko <>`_ version to 2.7.1
- [change] Increased minimum `celery <>`_ version to 4.4.3
- [fix] Avoid errors being hidden by tabs
- [fix] Fixed clashes between javascript schema validation and variables
- [fix] Fixed exception when adding device credential without type
- [fix] Fixed exception when auto adding device credentials to devices which don't have a configuration
- [fix] Avoid multiple devices having the same management IP address (multiple devices
  having the same last IP is allowed because last IP is almost always a public address)
- [docs] Documented SSH timeouts
- [docs] Update outdated steps in README instructions


Toggle 0.7.0.post1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.7.0.post1 [2020-07-01]

- Increased minimum django-netjsonconfig version to 0.12


Toggle 0.6.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.6.0 [2020-04-02]

- Added controller view that allows to update the device information (firmware version used)
- Recover deleted object views in recoverable objects now show latest objects first


Toggle 0.5.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.5.2 [2020-03-18]


- [models] Handled accidental duplication of files across templates
- [controller] Update hardware device info during registration
  (if the device already exists, the registration will update its info)
- [admin] Moved ``hardware_id`` field in device list admin
- [bugfix] Fixed broken preview when using ``hardware_id`` context var
- [models] Flagged ``hardware_id`` as not unique (it's ``unique_together`` with ``organization``)
- [admin] Hidden device configuration context field into advanced options
- [models] Removed LEDE from the OpenWRT backend label
- [docker] Added ``REDIS_URL`` to docker-compose.yml and (for dev and test env)


Toggle 0.5.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
nemesifier Federico Capoano
Version 0.5.1 [2020-02-28]


- [models] Improved consistent key generation, now a consisten key is generated
  also when creating devices from the admin interface (or via model API),
  before it was only done during registration
- [admin] Fixed unsaved changes JS bug that was triggered in certain cases
- [deps] Switched back to jsonfield