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"Create a burger-building app using React and an external API"

Technologies: React Framework, HTML5, Scss, Rest API, Styled Components, React-Query, React-Router, React-Test-Renderer.


  • Login Form. The user must log in successfully in order to view the app.
  • Show the list of burger ingredients (provided by the API)
  • User has the ability to click on an ingredient in order to add it to the burger. Ingredients can be added multiple times in the same burger (eg. 3 bacon, 2 eggs)
  • Ingredients go in the burger, in the same order in which they are added
  • User can click on an individual ingredient inside the burger to remove it
  • Show a section where the actual burger being built is visible. We provide the images via the API.


Username: xm

Password: exercise

Schermata 2023-03-12 alle 21 49 28

Schermata 2023-03-12 alle 21 49 56

[Hover effect] Schermata 2023-03-12 alle 21 50 07