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This is a node-sass port of the Neat library. If you are looking for the original Ruby/Rails version, you can find it here.

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To install as a development dependency, run:

npm install --save-dev node-neat

If you need it in production, replace --save-dev with --save.


Basic Usage

To use node-neat with tools like gulp.js, Grunt, or directly with node-sass, provide the path to Neat in your Sass config. There are a couple of convenience methods for this, depending on whether you want Sass to include additional directories or not.

with() Function

The with() function will include any additional paths you pass as arguments.

Returns an array of paths.

var neat = require('node-neat');
// Any of these will return an array of Neat & Bourbon's paths plus your custom path(s)
neat.with('path/to/stylesheets1', 'path/to/stylesheets2')
neat.with(['path/to/stylesheets1', 'path/to/stylesheets2'])

includePaths Property

The includePaths property returns an array of Neat & Bourbon's paths to use in your config.

var neat = require('node-neat');
neat.includePaths // Array of Neat paths

Stylesheet usage

Use either method above with the Sass config for your chosen tool (gulp.js, Grunt, etc.), then it's business as usual for Neat & Bourbon in your stylesheet:

@import "bourbon";
@import "neat";

gulp.js Usage

Using the gulp-sass plugin.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');

gulp.task('sass', function () {
      // includePaths: require('node-neat').with('other/path', 'another/path')
      // - or -
      includePaths: require('node-neat').includePaths

Grunt Usage

Using grunt-sass

The grunt-sass task uses node-sass (LibSass) underneath, and is the recommended way to use Grunt with node-neat.

Example config:

  sass: {
    dist: {
      options: {
        // includePaths: require('node-neat').with('other/path', 'another/path')
        // - or -
        includePaths: require('node-neat').includePaths
      files: {
        'path/to/output.css': 'path/to/input.scss'

Using grunt-contrib-sass

If you are using the Ruby version of Sass with node-neat, then you will need to use the grunt-contrib-sass task instead.

Note that node-neat is NOT tested against the Ruby version – only against LibSass.

Example config:

  sass: {
    dist: {
      options: {
        // loadPath: require('node-neat').with('other/path', 'another/path')
        // - or -
        loadPath: require('node-neat').includePaths
      files: {
        'path/to/output.css': 'path/to/input.scss'

node-sass Usage

Using it directly with node-sass.

var sass    = require('node-sass')
var neat = require('node-neat');

  file: './application.scss',
  success: function(css){
  error: function(error) {
  // includePaths: neat.with('other/path', 'another/path'),
  // - or -
  includePaths: neat.includePaths,
  outputStyle: 'compressed'

Getting Help

Feel free to tweet me with questions @iamlacroix, or open a ticket on GitHub.


node-neat is tested against the examples provided in the Neat documentation. The tests check for compile errors, so if a feature compiles but the expected output is incorrect, be sure to open a ticket.

Run the tests with:

make test


This node-sass port is maintained by Michael LaCroix, however all credits for the Bourbon Neat library go to thoughtbot, inc:


Neat is maintained and funded by thoughtbot, inc. Tweet your questions or suggestions at @kaishin and @kylefiedler.


node-neat is Copyright © 2013-2014 Michael LaCroix. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.


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  • JavaScript 94.2%
  • Makefile 5.8%