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Fakegoose is a plugin for simulating queries and seeding collections in Mongoose using the Faker contextual data generation tool. Fakegoose takes Mongoose schemas and generates the proper dummy data based on the types and defaults described for on-the-fly queries or seeding collections for testing.

npm install fakegoose

Command-line Usage

Seeding the database

fakegoose examples/chat-message.js --count 42 --seed mongodb://localhost:27017/test

Quick JSON documents

fakegoose examples/chat-message.js --count 42

Without the --seed [mongo_url] argument, generated documents will be printed with console.log().

Note: Fakegoose must be installed globally install --global to be used from the command-line.

Programmatic Usage

Fakegoose works like other Mongoose plugins and only effects the models of schemas it is applied to. Inside the schema, the fake property instructs Fakegoose how to generate fake data. See Faker for a list of all methods. If Faker does not have the generator you need, fake can also be a function that takes no arguments.

// models/chat-message.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var fakegoose = require('fakegoose');

var chatMessageSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
  first: {
    type: String,
    fake: 'name.firstName'  // calls
  last: {
    type: String,
    fake: 'name.lastName'   // calls
  text: {
    type: String,
    fake: 'lorem.paragraph' // calls faker.lorem.paragraph()
  date: {
    type: Date,
    fake: 'date.past'       // you get the pattern

module.exports = mongoose.model('ChatMessage', chatMessageSchema);

Fakegoose adds static methods fake (find variant) and fakeOne (findOne variant) for querying, and seed for database population.


The fake and fakeOne methods are drop-in replacements for Mongoose's find and findOne accepting the same arguments and using the same chaining interface.


  • fake([conditions]) Query
  • fake(conditions[, options]) Query
  • fake(conditions[, options], callback:(error, results)) Query


  • fakeOne([conditions]) Query
  • fakeOne(conditions[, options]) Query
  • fakeOne(conditions[, options], callback:(error, results)) Query
// elsewhere
var assert = require('assert');
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var ChatMessage = mongoose.model('ChatMessage');

ChatMessage.fakeOne({first: 'Chris'}, function(error, message) {
  if(error) {
    // this won't be called ever but is good
    // to include if #fakeOne is ever going
    // to be changed to #findOne.
  assert.equal(message.first, 'Chris');

Fakegoose queries will conform to simple conditions, but don't yet interpret $[g|l]t[e], $in, or other expressions, but can with help from viewers like you. Options like select, limit, skip, and lean work properly, however complicated features such as aggregation and populate do not..yet.



  • Model.seed(count:number[, forceAppend=false], callback:(error))

Model.seed adds count documents to the model's collection, passing an error to the completion callback if there was a Mongoose error. By default if you specify a count Fakegoose will only seed at a maximum the number of documents necessary to reach the count. So if your collection has 42 records and you call Model.seed(69, ...) only 27 documents will be added to the collection. This is done because seeding generally is safe to perform multiple times without overfilling the database. To add exactly count documents, use Model.seed(420, true, myCallback).


Contributions are incredibly welcome as long as they are standardly applicable and pass the tests (or break bad ones). Tests are written in Mocha and assertions are done with the Node.js core assert module.

# running tests
npm run test

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