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Instagram Challenge

The Task

Build Instagram: Simple huh!

Your challenge is to build Instagram using Rails. You'll need users who can post pictures, write comments on pictures and like a picture. Style it like Instagram's website (or more awesome).

Bonus if you can add filters!

My Solution

I've taken a design-led approach to this project.

  • I started by creating user stories to understand which features needed be built
  • I then designed the database and the relationships within it (see diagram below).
  • Setting up the test suite was the next logical step, including the necessary gems for cleaning the database, creating factories and so on.
  • I started building features using feature specs, following the RED-GREEN-REFACTOR process to develop the models, controllers and views.

User Stories

Epic | User Authentication

As a prospective new user
So that I can create an Octogram account
I would like to be able to easily sign up
As an existing user
So that I can keep my details secure
I would like to be able to log out
As an existing user
So that I can revisit the images I have posted
I would like to be able to login

Epic | Images

As an existing user
So that I can share my #yolo moments with the world
I would like to post an image
As an existing user
So that I can bask in the glory of my photographic greatness
I would like to view the images that I have posted
As an existing user
So that I can give my eyes a feast of visual delights
I would like to view other people's images

Epic | Posting Comments on Images

As an existing user
So that I can share my thoughts on an image
I would like to post a comment on it
As an existing user
So that I can view what others think of my image
I would like to view the comments left on it

Epic | Liking Images

As an existing user
So that I can show my appreciation for the visual feast
I want to like other people's images
As an existing user
So that I can see how popular my images are
I would like to view each image's likes

Database Design


UI Design

Text on how Octogram has been designed goes here


  • Application: Rails 5.1.3
  • Testing: Rspec, Capybara, Database Cleaner, SimpleCov, FactoryGirl, RuboCop
  • Database: Postgresql, ORM: ActiveRecord
  • User Authentication: Devise
  • Front End: ERB, Bootstrap 4, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery

How To Use

The project is currently a work in progress, and will be finished at a later date.

To view the current progress run the following in your terminal:

Step 1: Clone this repo

git clone

Step 2: Run the tests

bundle install
bin/rails db:create
bin/rails db:migrate
bundle exec rspec

Step 3: Run the app locally

rails s

The app will be shipped to production (heroku) asap


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  • HTML 45.6%
  • Ruby 32.0%
  • CSS 21.1%
  • Other 1.3%