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Apromore Open-Source Core Edition


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Apromore Core

This repository contains source code of the Apromore Core process analytics web application server. It can be built and run on its own, or used as a submodule containing components common to the two other Apromore editions:

The instructions below are for the installation of Apromore Core from the source code. For convenience, we also make available a containerized image in Docker. If you are looking for the commercial edition (Apromore Enterprise Edition), check the Apromore web site

System requirements

  • Linux Ubuntu 20.04 (We do not support newer versions as it may lead to dependency issues), Windows 10/WS2016/WS2019, Mac OSX 10.8 or newer.

  • Java SE 11 "Server JRE" or "JDK 11" . For Ubuntu, it can be installed as sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk

  • Gradlew Wrapper, included in the source code. It will download automatically on use of gradlew wrapper command.

  • (optional) MySQL server 8.0.

  • Note: These instructions are tested with Linux Ubuntu 20.04. With minor adaptations, these instructions may be used for Windows 10/WS20016/WS2019 and macOS 10.8 or newer.

Installation Instructions

  • Check out the source code using git: git clone
  • Switch to the ApromoreCore directory: cd ApromoreCore
  • Check out the desired branch or tag: git checkout development
  • Execute ./gradlew bu bR --args='' to compile the source code and run the project using in memory database.
  • Browse (http://localhost:8181/). Login as an administrator by using the following credentials: username - "admin" and password - "password". You can also create a new account. Once logged in, a user can change their password via Account -> Change password menu.
  • Keep the prompt/terminal window open. Ctrl-C on the window will shut the server down.


The following configuration options apply to all editions of Apromore. When there are additional configurations specific to a particular edition, they are documented in that edition's own README file. Almost all configuration occurs in the file which is located in the ApromoreCore/Apromore-Boot/src/main/resources directory. The default version of this file from a fresh git checkout contains reasonable defaults that allow the server to be started without any manual configuration.

MySQL setup

By default, Apromore Core uses MySQL database. For casual evaluation, Apromore can also be used with H2.

  • Ensure MySQL is configured to accept local TCP connections on port 3306 in its .cnf file; "skip-networking" should not be present.

  • Create a database named apromore and two user accounts apromore and liquibase_user as per the sample commands below. Choose passwords for the user accounts. You will be prompted to enter the root password of MySQL.

mysql -u root -p
CREATE DATABASE apromore CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;

CREATE USER 'apromore'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'choose a password';

CREATE USER 'liquibase_user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'choose another password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON apromore.* TO 'liquibase_user'@'%';
  • Set the environment variables SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD and SPRING_LIQUIBASE_PASSWORD to the passwords of the apromore and liquibase_user accounts respectively. Alternatively, set them as the spring.datasource.password and spring.liquibase.password properties in the configuration file 'ApromoreCore/Apromore-Boot/src/main/resources/'

  • Execute ./gradlew bu bR to compile the source code and run the project using MySQL database.

Heap size

Memory limits are set using the usual JVM parameters.

The startup options must be set in the JAVA_OPTS environment variable.

On Windows:

set "JAVA_OPTS= -server -Xms20g -Xmx20g"

On unix-style systems:

export JAVA_OPTS="-server -Xms20g -Xmx20g"

Cache size

Apromore uses Ehcache for internal caching, which uses an XML configuration file. The default in a deployed server is that the ehcache.xml configuration file is located at ApromoreCore/ApromoreBoot/src/main/resoiurces. The manager.ehcache.config.url property in can be used to point to an ehcache.xml at a URL of your choice.

Backup and restore

Apromore stores its data objects in two places:

  • Database: all data, except the event logs
  • Event logs which are by default located in the top-level Event-Logs-Repository directory

As such, both need to be backed up and restored.

  • To backup a H2 database, it is enough to copy across the Manager-Repository.h2.db file
  • To backup a MySQL database, the following command may be used (If prompted for password, enter the password of the ‘apromore’ user i.e ‘MAcri’):
mysqldump -u root -p apromore > backup.sql

To backup only one table (rather than the whole database), the following command may be used:

mysqldump -u -p apromore tablename > tablename.sql

To restore, use

mysql --max_allowed_packet=1G --user=root -p -h localhost apromore < backup.sql
  • For the event logs directory, it is recommended to zip the directory before copying it across

KeyCloak setup

  • Apromore supports keycloak as authentication broker which acts as IDP provider.
  • You can configure your own keycloak instance with SAML, OAuth2 with OpenID, LDAP authentication.
  • Once done edit the with relevant information (keycloak. prefix) that you get from keycloak.
  • Apromore will use keycloak for authentication.

Change Port Number (optional)

  • Change the default port number by changing the value of server.port variable in the file .
  • Or ./gradlew bR --args='--server.port=8282' to run on port 8282 as an example.

Share file to all users (optional)

  • By default Apromore does not allow you to share a file with all users (i.e. the "public" group is not supported by default). You can change this by editing the file present . Specifically, to enable the option to share files and folders with the “public” group, you should set security.publish.enable = true in the file.

Common problems

Server fails to start.

  • If Apromore is configured to use MySQL, confirm that the database server is running.
  • If you already run another server (e.g. OS X Server) you may need to change the port number.

Can't view models by clicking them in the summary list.

  • Model diagrams are opened in new tabs/windows; you may need to disable popup blocking for Apromore in your browser settings.

Where is the server log?

  • Check the logging file location in The field ''
  • Default location is '${user_home}/.apromore/logs/apromore.log'