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postgres-json-schema allows validation of JSON schemas in PostgreSQL. It is implemented as a PL/pgSQL function and you can use it as a check constraint to validate the format of your JSON columns.

postgres-json-schema supports the entire JSON schema draft v4 and v7 spec, except for remote (http) references. It's tested against the official JSON-Schema-Test-Suite.


postgres-json-schema is packaged as an PGXS extension. To install, just run make install as root, then CREATE EXTENSION "postgres-json-schema"; as the database superuser.



  • json_schema_validation_result A composite type which contains error messages and path (an array to the path) within json data where the validation failed

    contains the following attributes

    • path a text[] to the path where the validation failed
    • error the validation error message


Functions accepting a argument string_as_number controlling whether a schema expecting a number may contain a valid number as a string. This is useful when dealing with for example python Decimal, which most implementations serialize it to json as a quoted string not to lose decimal precision.

  • -- Returns bool
    validate_json_schema(schema jsonb, data jsonb, string_as_number bool)
  • -- Returns ARRAY json_schema_validation_result[]
    get_json_schema_validations(schema jsonb, data jsonb, string_as_number bool)
  • -- Returns true if valid,
    -- otherwise raises a check_constraint exception, this is useful when you want to get a detailed
    -- error knowing which part of the json document failed to validate.
      schema jsonb,
      data jsonb,
      string_as_number bool default false,
      table_name text default '', -- if you need to set the value for TABLE in the PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT
      column_name text default '' -- if you need to set the value for COLUMN in the PG_EXCEPTION_CONTEXT
  • json_schema_resolve_refs( schema )

    When dealing with a JSON schema that has $id uri values being used in $ref, there is a convenient function to resolve those references

    validate_json_schema( json_schema_resolve_refs( schema ), data );
    -- or
    json_schema_check_constraint( json_schema_resolve_refs( schema ), data, ... );


Using standard default check constraint with boolean function

CREATE TABLE example (id serial PRIMARY KEY, data jsonb);
ALTER TABLE example ADD CONSTRAINT data_is_valid CHECK (validate_json_schema('{"type": "object"}', data));

INSERT INTO example (data) VALUES ('{}');
-- INSERT 0 1

INSERT INTO example (data) VALUES ('1');
-- ERROR:  new row for relation "example" violates check constraint "data_is_valid"
-- DETAIL:  Failing row contains (2, 1).

Using custom check constraint exception with detailed error

CREATE TABLE example (id serial PRIMARY KEY, data jsonb);
ALTER TABLE example ADD CONSTRAINT data_is_valid CHECK (json_schema_check_constraint('{"type": "object", "properties": { "foo": {"type": "number"}, "bar": { "prefixItems": [{ "type": "number" }, { "type": "number", "minimum": 2 }] } }}', data, true, table_name := 'example', column_name := 'data'));

INSERT INTO example (data) VALUES ('{}');
-- INSERT 0 1

INSERT INTO example (data) VALUES ('1');
-- ERROR:  json_schema_validation_failed
-- DETAIL:  [{"path": [], "error": "number is not a valid type: {object}"}]
-- CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function json_schema_check_constraint(jsonb,jsonb,boolean,text,text) line 7 at RAISE

INSERT INTO example (data) VALUES ('{ "foo": "string" }');
-- ERROR:  json_schema_validation_failed
-- DETAIL:  [{"path": ["foo"], "error": "string is not a valid type: {number}"}]
-- CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function json_schema_check_constraint(jsonb,jsonb,boolean,text,text) line 7 at RAISE

INSERT INTO example (data) VALUES ('{ "foo": 1, "bar": ["a", 1.1] }');
-- ERROR:  json_schema_validation_failed
-- DETAIL:  [{"path": ["bar", "0"], "error": "string is not a valid type: {number}"}, {"path": ["bar", "1"], "error": "value must be >= 2"}]
-- CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function json_schema_check_constraint(jsonb,jsonb,boolean,text,text) line 7 at RAISE


JSON Schema validation for PostgreSQL







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  • PLpgSQL 95.8%
  • Python 3.9%
  • Makefile 0.3%