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For the first step is you will login user for create the autheticator with Room and you dont have create the other account. So this apps will be created some account with role permission and you can try the account in below:

  1. Name: Admin | Password: admin | Role: ADMIN
  2. Name: Ari | Password: ari | Role: EMPLOYEE
  3. Name: Bagas | Password: bagas | Role: EMPLOYEE
  4. Name: Cika | Password: cika | Role: EMPLOYEE
  5. Name: Dimas | Password: dimas | Role: EMPLOYEE
  6. Name: Fika | Password: fika | Role: EMPLOYEE


  1. Role ADMIN -> login with super account and you have to use all feature in this apps
  2. Role EMPLOYEE -> login with employee is the restricted account and just have saw the list product