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Awesome JS Books Awesome


Starter Books

So Many experienced Javascript developer recommend this book to beginners.

The book includes full of exercises and programs, giving beginners experience. It is also give book readers an idea to developer their own applications. The current 3rd Edition gives you a deep dive into the concepts and reflects the current state of JS and web browsers.

The You Don’t Know JS book series is one of the most popular series for learning JavaScript. Each book in the series shares similarities in style and scope. The series segments are broken down for the reader to focus on each of the technical concepts of JavaScript. It starts with the basics and finally moving towards ECMAScript 6 in the last installment. These are quick reads for anyone who needs a basic understanding of each concept (each book spans about 100 pages). But the shortness of the books provides as much effectiveness in learning than the average detailed book on JavaScript.

This online book will walk you through the basics of the JavaScript language. As the book progresses, you’ll be introduced to more advanced subjects such as object-oriented programming and regular expressions.

The premise of Human JavaScript is that within the realm of JavaScript, there’s a subset of features, tools, approaches and patterns that are optimized for people. This book is for developers who are interested in learning about JavaScript in the perspective of building web apps.

Speaking JavaScript is for programmers who want to learn how to write code with JavaScript. An assumption the author makes is that the reader is already a programmer who knows object-oriented programming and another language like PHP, Ruby, Python, C++, Java and so forth.

First Version of the book releasd on early stage of javascript.This book is good for those looking for a crash course and start with javascript.Crockford in this book trying not only show the good parts in javascript but also trying to show the bad habbits to avoid from .

Book covers the history of JavaScript. Topics include syntax, functions, inheritance, Methods, regular expressions, and more.

David Herman provides a deep look into the programming language. He wrote this book for JS developers of any skill level to gain best practices. He uses his experiences in the field to provide realistic examples to help developers learn the tricks to provide effective code. This book is for developers who are starting off in programming. It provides a deep understanding of producing effective, reliable, and maintainable code.

This has been a dedicated resource for JavaScript programmers since 1996. Many programmers will have this on their recommended book list for beginners. This book touches on the basics as well as several JavaScript and web platform API features aimed at web application development. The updated 6th edition not only focuses on HTML5 and ECMAScript5, but many chapters were rewritten in the current edition to include modern updates of web development practices. Anyone interested in learning how to master programming languages on the Web should definitely try this book out.

This book provides kids an introduction to JavaScript and other programming essentials. But adults new to programming and code can use this as a resource as well, as the book makes complex topics easy to understand

Advanced Books

JavaScript Enlightenment deeply delves into advanced JavaScript language features. To give you an idea of how technical this book is: There’s a chapter dedicated solely to the null value, and another one just for undefined. If you’d to learn the ins and outs of the language, read this book.

The document object model (DOM) is a key concept that you must master if you’re serious about JavaScript. DOM Enlightenment is a technical guide to DOM scripting.

Design patterns are conventional solutions to common tasks. Using good design patterns will improve your code’s efficiency, security and quality, while bad ones — called anti-patterns — will lead you to trouble. This book is about JavaScript (and jQuery) design patterns, techniques and best practices.



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