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Airbnb Market Data

## This README is generated from README.Rmd

This is a simple visualization inspired by InsideAirbnb. Written in R, built on Shiny framework.

Demo can be found at -



This project aims to exercise

  • utilizing various reactivity features by Shiny
  • converting Rscript to a command line utility
  • shipping an R/Shiny data product in a docker container (TODO)

Any constructive feedback, especially on how to do things in a more efficient manner is greatly appreciated.

How to Import Data?

You can use either 2 ways to import data.

  • Use the command line tool, "getting_data.R" on terminal

    # Run on terminal using bash
  • OR directly from InsideAirbnb

    Navigate to your desire city section and download files "listings.csv" (the summary version). Put your download into the Data folder.

Usage of Command Line Utility

Execute ./getting_data.R <city> to download desire market data.

# Cause Vienna waits for you - Billy Joel
./getting_data.R vienna

[1] "Downloading data..."
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/csv' length 1389561 bytes (1.3 MB)
downloaded 1.3 MB

Use list instead of city name to view available cities.

# View all cities
./getting_data.R list

 [1] amsterdam         antwerp           asheville         athens           
 [5] austin            barcelona         berlin            boston           
 [9] brussels          chicago           copenhagen        denver           
[13] dublin            edinburgh         geneva            hong-kong        
[17] london            los-angeles       madrid            malaga           
[21] mallorca          manchester        melbourne         montreal         
[25] nashville         new-orleans       new-york-city     northern-rivers  
[29] oakland           paris             portland          quebec-city      
[33] rome              san-diego         san-francisco     santa-cruz-county
[37] seattle           sydney            toronto           trentino         
[41] vancouver         venice            victoria          vienna           
[45] washington-dc  

The utility automatially fetches the latest data available (of a city). If you prefer a particular time snapshot, you may use -m <city> to list date indexes and specify particular -i <index> to download.

# First, see what's available for Vienna
./getting_data.R list -m vienna

|City   |Dates      |Index |
|vienna |2017-09-15 |1     |
|vienna |2017-08-11 |2     |
|vienna |2017-07-10 |3     |
|vienna |2017-06-07 |4     |
|vienna |2017-05-09 |5     |
|vienna |2017-04-09 |6     |
|vienna |2017-03-08 |7     |

# Then, you may specify index to download
# i.e if you desire snapshot on 2017-03-08, choose 7
./getting_data.R vienna -i 7

[1] "Downloading data..."
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/csv' length 1140895 bytes (1.1 MB)
downloaded 1.1 MB

Murray Cox for the amazing work and his generosity in sharing its data.


Explore Airbnb listings of many major cities. 🏡🏡






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