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// adds reg1 with reg2 and stores the result in reg1
ADD, // add <reg1> <reg2>

// subtracts reg2 from reg1 and stores in reg1
SUB, // sub <reg1> <reg2>

// multiplies reg2 with reg1 and stores in reg1
MUL, // mul <reg1> <reg2>

// divides reg1 by reg2 and stores in reg1
DIV, // div <reg1> <reg2>

// increments the value of reg1
INC, // inc <reg1>

// decrements the value of reg1
DEC, // dec <reg1>

// performs logical and on reg1 and reg2
AND, // and <reg1> <reg2>

// performs logical or on reg1 and reg2
OR, // or <reg1> <reg2>

// performs logical xor on reg1 and reg2
XOR, // xor <reg1> <reg2>

// performs logical not on reg1
NOT, // not <reg1>

// performs logical nand on reg1 and reg2
NAND, // nand <reg1> <reg2>

// performs logical nor on reg1 and reg2
NOR,  // nor <reg1> <reg2>

// performs logical xnor on reg1 and reg2
XNOR, // xnor <reg1> <reg2>

// performs negation on reg1
NEG, // neg <reg1>

// peforms a left shift on reg1 for amount
SHL, // shl <reg1> <amount>

// performs a right shift on reg2 for amount
SHR, // shr <reg1> <amount>

// does nothing, next instruction
NOP, // nop

// checks reg1 against reg2, sets zero flag to result
CMP, // cmp <reg1> <reg2>

// copies content of reg2 to reg1
MOV, // mov <reg1> <reg2>

// outputs the integer value of reg1
PRT, // prt <reg1>

// outputs the binary value of reg1
OUT, // out <reg1>

// defines a process 
PROC, // <name>:

// jumps to a process
JMP, // jmp <name>

// jumps to a process if zero flag is not zero
JNZ, // jnz <name>

// jumps to a process if zero flag is zero
JZ, // jz <name>

// jumps to a process if sign flag is positive
JNS, // jns <name>

// jumps to a process if sign flag is negative
JS, // js <name>

// exits the process
RET, // ret

// "sleeps" the program for sec
WT, // wt <sec>

// ignores everything after the ';'
COMMENT, // ; this is a comment

// inserted at the end of every program

// will cause the program to throw an exception


Basic, x64 inspired, assembly interpreter






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