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AOP Exeperiment

This project contains simple examples of using AOP in Java. All experiments are Java, Spring Framework and built with Maven.

Code consists on:

  • module: The basic module that will be intercepted by AOP. As long as I found that AOP is harder for classes that do not have default constructor, there are two module classes, one with default constructor and another without. Both classes contain just one method that sums two integers (a+b)

  • springaop: Contains the implementation of Aspects using Spring AOP Proxies. The aspect is an Around advice that modifies the sum to be (a+2)+(b+3).

  • aspecjaop: Contains the implementation of Aspects using AspectJ and Load Time Weaving (LTW). The implementation is similar as in springaop project.

  • app: An standalone Java application that uses the Module and performs a sum(3,5) using both classes (with and without constructor). If built with the exec-app profile, it will execute the application. If built with the springaop profile, it will include the Aspects in that module, and same thing will happen with aspectjaop. You cannot use woth AOP implementations in this example. In each case the application will use a different applicationContext.xml file. Initially, instead of an application, Unit Tests were used, but they used a different flow for managing dependencies and Java Agent, so now it is a regular Application, even though the code for tests is still there. The execution including the JavaAgent in the LTW example is managed in the pom.xlm.

  • webapp: A Web application using the module. It has only be tested in JBoss 5.1.0.GA. LTW is not working.

  • module-woven: Generates module code with aspects inside using AspectJ's Compile Time Weaving (CTW).

  • app-woven: Defines the profile exec-app-woven that executes app with the woven module.


After discovering dependencies with

mvn dependency:tree


mvn dependency:build-classpath

java -cp \

Directly using the exec:java plugin with the created profile exec-app, defined in app module. The execution goal will be run in the install phase, and it will use the Spring instrumentation (-javaagent). It is easier than building the whole execution command line.

In the exec-app profile it has been added an execution of maven-antrun-plugin to show the classpath.


To list all the available profiles in Maven you can run

mvn help:active-profiles


mvn help:all-profiles

Activate Spring AOP

In app/main/resources/applicationContext.xml the heading has to contain AOP references:



For Spring AOP also in applicationContext.xml there must be the following: <aop:aspectj-autoproxy />

Activate LTW AspectJ AOP

aop namespace has to be included in applicationContext.xml like in Spring AOP. You have to include in the same file also


so that AspectJ can be used. Documentation can be found in Spring documentation.

You also have to enable Load Time Weaving:

<context:load-time-weaver  aspectj-weaving="autodetect"/>

Apart, you have to run the application with the proper javaagent:


Debugging JBOSS

Just for debugging JBOSS and seeing what is being weaved I have tried different options. These are some arguments I have been playing with:

export JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xss512m -Xmx512m -Djava.awt.headless=true -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -server -Daj.weaving.verbose=true -Dorg.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.configuration=META-INF/aop.xml -Dorg.aspectj.weaver.showWeaveInfo=true -Dorg.aspectj.tracing.enabled=true -Dorg.aspectj.tracing.factory=default"

However, JBOSS with AspectJ is not working for me in JBoss 5.1.



AOP experiments using Spring AOP and AspectJ






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