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C#/.NET package for Atata configuration through JSON files.

The package targets .NET Standard 2.0, which supports .NET 5+, .NET Framework 4.6.1+ and .NET Core/Standard 2.0+.

What's new in v3.0.0

Table of Contents


  • Full configuration of Atata context via JSON file
  • Custom settings
  • Multi-driver configuration
  • Merged configuration via multiple files
  • Multiple environments support


Install Atata.Configuration.Json NuGet package.

  • Package Manager:

    Install-Package Atata.Configuration.Json
  • .NET CLI:

    dotnet add package Atata.Configuration.Json


  • Add Atata.json file (with property "Copy to Output Directory" = "Copy if newer") to Atata test project.
  • Use one of ApplyJsonConfig configurational extension methods to apply JSON config.


Use Chrome with NUnit settings

  "driver": {
    "type": "chrome",
    "options": {
      "arguments": [ "start-maximized" ]
  "baseUrl": "",
  "culture": "en-US",
  "useAllNUnitFeatures": true

Use Firefox

  "driver": {
    "type": "firefox",
    "options": {
      "arguments": [ "--start-maximized" ]


  "drivers": [
      "type": "chrome",
      "options": {
        "arguments": [ "start-maximized" ]
      "type": "firefox",
      "options": {
        "arguments": [ "--start-maximized" ]

Apply Configuration


    .ApplyJsonConfig() // Applies default "Atata.json" config.

Default Globally



    .ApplyJsonConfig("Config.json") // Applies "Config.json" config.

Named With Environment

    .ApplyJsonConfig("Config", environmentAlias: "QA") // Applies "Config.QA.json" config.

Get Config Properties


Use JsonConfig.Current to get current configuration properties.

string baseUrl = JsonConfig.Current.BaseUrl;


Use JsonConfig.Global to get global configuration properties.

string baseUrl = JsonConfig.Global.BaseUrl;

Custom Settings

Define Config Settings

  // Driver, url and other standard settings...

  "intProperty": 5,
  "stringProperty": "str",
  "boolProperty": true,
  "stringListValues": [ "str1", "str2", "str3" ],
  "section": {
    "stringProperty": "section_str",
    "boolProperty": true
  "items": [
      "name": "item1",
      "value": 5
      "name": "item2",
      "value": 7

Define Config Class

Config class should inherit JsonConfig<TConfig> from Atata.Configuration.Json namespace.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Atata.Configuration.Json;

namespace SampleApp
    public class AppConfig : JsonConfig<AppConfig>
        public int IntProperty { get; set; }

        public string StringProperty { get; set; }

        public bool BoolProperty { get; set; }

        public List<string> StringListValues { get; set; }

        public CustomSection Section { get; set; }

        public List<CustomItemSection> Items { get; set; }

        public class CustomSection
            public string StringProperty { get; set; }

            public bool BoolProperty { get; set; }

        public class CustomItemSection
            public string Name { get; set; }

            public int Value { get; set; }

Apply Config


Use Config

string rootStringValue = AppConfig.Current.StringProperty;

string sectionBoolValue = AppConfig.Current.Section.BoolProperty;

Reference Environment Variables

It is possible to use environment variables as configuration values of standard or custom properties with help of {env:VarName} template insertions.

  "baseUrl": "{env:BaseUrl}",
  "accountEmail": "{env:AccountEmail}",
  "accountPassword": "{env:AccountPassword}"

JSON Schema

  "drivers": [ // Use "drivers" for multiple drivers support.
      // See driver settings below.
  "driver": { // Use "driver" for single driver support.
    "type": "chrome", // Supports: "remote", "chrome", "firefox", "internetexplorer", "safari", "edge" and custom mappers registered via DriverJsonMapperAliases.Register method.
                      // Custom RemoteWebDriver type can also be passed as a full type name, e.g.: "Namespace.Class, MyAssembly".
    "alias": "custom_alias", // Use aliases when you have several drivers of the same type.
    "createRetries": 2, // Sets the count of possible driver creation retries in case exceptions occur during creation.
    "initialHealthCheck": false, // Sets a value indicating whether to execute an initial health check. Defaults to false.
    "remoteAddress": "", // Remote driver specific.
    "options": { // Configures driver options.
      "type": "chrome", // Remote driver specific.
                       // Supports: "chrome", "firefox", "internetexplorer", "safari", "edge".
      "loggingPreferences": { // Dictionary of logType and logLevel.
                              // Invokes SetLoggingPreference method of DriverOptions for each item.
        "browser": "Info",
        "driver": "Warning"
      "additionalOptions": { // Dictionary of additional driver options.
        "globalcap1": true,
        "globalcap2": 5,
        "globalcap3": "str"
      "additionalBrowserOptions": { // Chrome, Firefox, Edge and InternetExplorer specific.
                                    // Dictionary of additional browser options.
        "cap1": true,
        "cap2": 5,
        "cap3": "str"
      "proxy": { // Configures instance of OpenQA.Selenium.Proxy type.
        "kind": "Manual" // Supports values of OpenQA.Selenium.ProxyKind enum.
        "httpProxy": "string",
        "ftpProxy": "string",
        "sslProxy": "string",
        "socksProxy": "string",
        "socksUserName": "string",
        "socksPassword": "string",
        "proxyAutoConfigUrl": "string",
        "bypassAddresses": [ "string", "string" ]
      "arguments": [ "string", "string" ], // Chrome, Firefox and Edge specific.
      "excludedArguments": [ "string", "string" ], // Chrome and Edge specific.
      "extensions": [ "string", "string" ], // Chrome and Edge specific.
      "encodedExtensions": [ "string", "string" ], // Chrome and Edge specific.
      "windowTypes": [ "string", "string" ], // Chrome and Edge specific.
      "performanceLoggingPreferences": { // Chrome and Edge specific.
                                         // Configures instance of OpenQA.Selenium.Chromium.ChromiumPerformanceLoggingPreferences type.
        "isCollectingNetworkEvents": false,
        "isCollectingPageEvents": false,
        "bufferUsageReportingInterval": "00:01:10",
        "tracingCategories": [ "string", "string" ]
      "userProfilePreferences": { // Chrome and Edge specific.
                                  // Dictionary of preferenceName and preferenceValue.
                                  // Invokes AddUserProfilePreference method of driver specific options (e.g., ChromeOptions) for each item.
        "pref1": false,
        "pref2": "str"
      "localStatePreferences": { // Chrome and Edge specific.
                                 // Dictionary of preferenceName and preferenceValue.
                                 // Invokes AddLocalStatePreference method of driver specific options (e.g., ChromeOptions) for each item.
        "pref1": 2.7,
        "pref2": true
      "profile": { // Firefox specific.
                   // Configures instance of OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox.FirefoxProfile type.
        "profileDirectory": "string",
        "deleteSourceOnClean": true,
        "preferences": { // Dictionary of name and value.
                         // Invokes SetPreference method of FirefoxProfile for each item.
          "pref1": true,
          "pref2": 5,
          "pref3": "str"
        "extensions": [ "string", "string" ]
      "preferences": { // Firefox specific.
                       // Dictionary of preferenceName and preferenceValue.
                       // Invokes SetPreference method of FirefoxOptions for each item.
        "pref1": true,
        "pref2": 5,
        "pref3": "str"
      "mobileEmulationDeviceName": "string", // Chrome and Edge specific.
                                             // Invokes EnableMobileEmulation(string deviceName) method of ChromeOptions.
      "mobileEmulationDeviceSettings": { // Chrome and Edge specific.
                                         // Configures instance of OpenQA.Selenium.Chromium.ChromiumMobileEmulationDeviceSettings type.
                                         // Invokes EnableMobileEmulation(ChromiumMobileEmulationDeviceSettings deviceSettings) method of ChromeOptions.
        "userAgent": "string",
        "width": 100,
        "height": 100,
        "pixelRation": 1.5,
        "enableTouchEvents": true
      "androidOptions": { // Chrome, Firefox and Edge specific.
        "androidPackage": "pack1",
        "androidDeviceSerial": "serial",
        "androidActivity": "act1",
        "useRunningApp": true, // Chrome specific.
        "androidProcess": "proc", // Chrome specific.
        "androidIntentArguments": [ "arg1", "arg2" ] // Firefox specific.
      "{{driverOptionsPropertyName}}": "value" // Any property of driver specific options (e.g.: ChromeOptions).
    "service": { // Configures driver service.
      "driverPath": "string", // Sets absolute or relative driver directory path.
                              // Allows "{basedir}" value at the beginning that equals AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory.
      "driverExecutableFileName": "string", // Sets the name of the driver executable file.
      "{{driverServicePropertyName}}": "value" // Any property of driver specific service (e.g.: ChromeDriverService).
    "commandTimeout": 60, // Sets the command timeout in seconds.
    "portsToIgnore": [ 60001, 60002 ] // Sets the ports to ignore while creating driver service.
  "driverInitializationStage": "string", // Supports: "none", "build" and "onDemand".

  "baseUrl": "string",
  "culture": "string", // For example: "en-US".
  "artifactsPathTemplate": "string",

  "defaultControlVisibility": "string", // Supports: "any" (default), "visible" and "invisible".

  "baseRetryTimeout": 5, // Sets the base retry timeout in seconds.
  "baseRetryInterval": 0.5, // Sets the base retry interval in seconds.
  "elementFindTimeout": 5, // Sets the element find timeout in seconds.
  "elementFindRetryInterval": 0.5, // Sets the element find retry interval in seconds.
  "waitingTimeout": 5, // Sets the waiting timeout in seconds.
  "waitingRetryInterval": 0.5, // Sets the waiting retry interval in seconds.
  "verificationTimeout": 5, // Sets the verification timeout in seconds.
  "verificationRetryInterval": 0.5, // Sets the verification retry interval in seconds.

  "variables": {
    "{{anyVariableName}}": "value" // Any custom variable. Value can be string, number or boolean.

  "assertionExceptionType": "string", // Replaces Atata.AssertionException type with custom type, e.g.: "NUnit.Framework.AssertionException, nunit.framework".
  "aggregateAssertionExceptionType": "string", // Replaces Atata.AggregateAssertionException type with custom type, e.g.: "MyApp.AggregateAssertionException, MyApp.Library".
  "aggregateAssertionStrategyType": "string", // Sets the type name of the aggregate assertion strategy. The type should implement IAggregateAssertionStrategy.
  "warningReportStrategyType": "string", // Sets the type name of the strategy for warning assertion reporting. The type should implement IWarningReportStrategy.
  "assertionFailureReportStrategyType": "string", // Sets the type name of the strategy for assertion failure reporting. The type should implement IAssertionFailureReportStrategy.

  "domTestIdAttributeName": "data-testid",
  "domTestIdAttributeDefaultCase": "kebab",

  "defaultAssemblyNamePatternToFindTypes": "regex_string",
  "assemblyNamePatternToFindComponentTypes": "regex_string",
  "assemblyNamePatternToFindAttributeTypes": "regex_string",
  "assemblyNamePatternToFindEventTypes": "regex_string",
  "assemblyNamePatternToFindEventHandlerTypes": "regex_string",

  "useAllNUnitFeatures": true, // Indicates to enable all Atata features for NUnit.
  "useSpecFlowNUnitFeatures": true, // Indicates to enable all Atata features for SpecFlow+NUnit.
  // Or enable particular NUnit configuration options:
  "useNUnitTestName": true,
  "useNUnitTestSuiteName": true,
  "useNUnitTestSuiteType": true,
  "useNUnitAggregateAssertionStrategy": true, // Indicates to use NUnitAggregateAssertionStrategy as the aggregate assertion strategy.
  "useNUnitWarningReportStrategy": true, // Indicates to use NUnitWarningReportStrategy as the strategy for warning assertion reporting.
  "useNUnitAssertionFailureReportStrategy": true, // Indicates to use NUnitAssertionFailureReportStrategy as the strategy for assertion failure reporting.

  "logConsumers": [ // Configures list of log consumers.
      "type": "nunit", // Supports: "debug", "trace", "console", "nunit", "nlog", "nlog-file", "log4net"
                       // and custom consumers registered via LogConsumerAliases.Register method.
                       // Custom ILogConsumer type can also be passed as a full type name, e.g.: "Namespace.Class, MyAssembly".
      "minLevel": "info", // Supports: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal".
      "sectionEnd": "include", // Supports: "include", "includeForBlocks", "exclude".
      "messageNestingLevelIndent": "- ",
      "messageStartSectionPrefix": "> ",
      "messageEndSectionPrefix": "< ",
      "{{logConsumerPropertyName}}": "value" // Any property of log consumer.

  "screenshots": { // Configures screenshots functionality.
    "fileNameTemplate": "string",
    "strategy": {
      "type": "webDriverViewport", // Supports: "webDriverViewport", "webDriverFullPage", "cdpFullPage", "fullPageOrViewport",
                                   // and name of custom type implementing "Atata.IScreenshotTakeStrategy".
      "{{strategyValueName}}": "value" // Any property or constructor parameter of strategy.

  "pageSnapshots": { // Configures page snapshots functionality.
    "fileNameTemplate": "string",
    "strategy": {
      "type": "cdpOrPageSource", // Supports: "cdpOrPageSource", "pageSource", "cdp",
                                 // and name of custom type implementing "Atata.IPageSnapshotTakeStrategy".
      "{{strategyValueName}}": "value" // Any property or constructor parameter of strategy.

  "browserLogs": { // Configures browser logs monitoring, which isn't enabled by default.
    "log": true,
    "minLevelOfWarning": "warn" // Supports: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal".

  "eventSubscriptions": [
      "eventType": "event type", // Optional.
      "handlerType": "handler type", // Required.
      "{{handlerValueName}}": "value" // Any property or constructor parameter of event handler.

  "attributes": { // Configures context attributes.
    "global": [
        "type": "attribute type",
        "{{attributeValueName}}": "value" // Any property or constructor parameter of attribute.
    "assembly": [
        "name": "assembly name",
        "attributes": [
            "type": "attribute type",
            "{{attributeValueName}}": "value" // Any property or constructor parameter of attribute.
    "component": [
        "type": "component type",
        "attributes": [
            "type": "attribute type",
            "{{attributeValueName}}": "value" // Any property or constructor parameter of attribute.
        "properties": [
            "name": "property name",
            "attributes": [
                "type": "attribute type",
                "{{attributeValueName}}": "value" // Any property or constructor parameter of attribute.

Type Name Values

There are a few ways to specify a type name, for example, of attribute or component:

  • Full assembly-qualified name: Product.Lib.SomeClass, Product.Lib
  • Namespace-qualified name: Product.Lib.SomeClass
  • Partial namespace-qualified name: Lib.SomeClass
  • Just type name: SomeClass

Find out more information on AssemblyQualifiedName docs, which also contains information about a format of generic and nested type names.


Any feedback, issues and feature requests are welcome.

If you faced an issue please report it to Atata.Configuration.Json Issues, write to Atata.Configuration.Json Gitter or just mail to


Atata is an open source software, licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for details.