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⛔️ DEPRECATED: This repo is no longer supported, please consider using instead since this role is migrated to ansible collections.

Using this module you are able to install the Avi Vantage Controlller, to Vmware cloud.


  • python >= 2.6
  • avisdk
  • pyVmomi
  • pyVim
  • ovftool (Installation bundle packaged with the role please run command '<roles_dir>/avinetworks.avicontroller-vmware/files/VMware-ovftool-4.1.0-2459827-lin.x86_64.bundle' to install ovftool)

Role Variables

Variable Required Default Comments
ovftool_path Yes Path for VMWare ovftool
vcenter_host Yes VMWare host IP
vcenter_user Yes VMWare user name
vcenter_password Yes VMWare password
ssl_verify No False ovftool sslverify option
state No present Option to specify create or destroy the infra
con_datacenter No Picked first from the list Name of VMWare datacenter
con_cluster No Picked from the first in the list of given datacenters clusters Name of a cluster in the datacenter
con_datastore No Picked up the datastore having max free space Name of datastore on which VM to be deployed
con_mgmt_network Yes Management network name
con_disk_mode No thin Deployment disk mode
con_ova_path Yes Path to controller OVA file
con_vm_name Yes Name of a controller VM on VMWare
con_power_on No True VM to be powered on after provisioning
con_vcenter_folder No Datacenter root Folder path to deploy VM
con_mgmt_ip No Static IP for the controller
con_mgmt_mask No Management IP Mask
con_default_gw No Default gateway of management network
con_sysadmin_public_key No Public key file path
con_number_of_cpus No Number of CPUs for controller
con_cpu_reserved No CPU reservation in megahertz
con_memory No Controller memory in MB
con_memory_reserved No Controller memory reservation in MB
con_disk_size No Controller disk size in GB
con_ovf_properties No Other Controller ovf properties in key value format


Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - { role: avinetworks.avicontroller-vmware }
    - name: Deploy Avi Controller
        ovftool_path: /usr/lib/vmware-ovftool
        vcenter_host: '{{ vcenter_host }}'
        vcenter_user: '{{ vcenter_user }}'
        vcenter_password: '{{ vcenter_password }}'
        con_datacenter: 10GTest
        con_cluster: Arista
        con_mgmt_network: Mgmt_Ntwk_3
        con_ova_path: ./controller.ova
        con_vm_name: ansible-test-controller
        con_power_on: true
        con_vcenter_folder: network/avi

Example using including role [version parameter is required while including the role]

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
    - name: Avi Controller | Vmware | Configure VMware controller
        name: avinetworks.avicontroller_vmware
        ovftool_path: /usr/bin/
        vcenter_host: '{{ vcenter_host }}'
        vcenter_user: '{{ vcenter_user }}'
        vcenter_password: '{{ vcenter_password }}'
        con_datacenter: '{{ con_datacenter }}'
        con_cluster: '{{ con_cluster }}'
        con_mgmt_network: '{{ con_mgmt_network }}'
        con_ova_path: ./controller.ova
        con_vm_name: ansible_ctr
        con_power_on: false
        con_number_of_cpus: 8
        con_memory: 30720
        con_cpu_reserved: 1028
        con_memory_reserved: 2048
        con_disk_size: 128
        con_vcenter_folder: /folder/path
        state: present
        con_datastore: '{{ con_datastore }}'


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Author Information

contact: Avi Networks []