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How long is a click?

First, I did not write this code. It was kindly provided by Puru Vijay. I downloaded Puru's project and dissected this work to understand drizzle and turso plus it is a cool project. As Puru is on the Svelte development team I thought that I would also learn how to better concoct a svelte app.

This was all an experimental learning experience and I sorta geek out on milliseconds as my work for the US Navy way back when involved real-time responses of our software so I love measuring time. I also jumped into the Typescript pool finally but may get out soon 8) (a typical attitude befitting a noob)

Click here for the demonstration.

Learning about drizzle and turso


Drizzle is an ORM or an Object-relational mapping. An ORM is a programming technique to convert data betweeen incompatible type systems. Drizzle is a light abstraction to a database converting types between SQL and Typescript. It makes dev life easier.


Turso is an SQLite Database as a service (free tier) that I used to store the number of clicks.

From the website:

Iku-Turso is a mythological Finnish sea creature that is an elemental force of nature. When we created Turso this seemed the ideal "spirit animal" for what we were building, and we named our mascot Iku.

Basically, turso is a free, easy to use, ready for production SQLite database in the cloud. It makes dev life easier.

What to do first

Before you

pnpm i
pnpm run dev

You need to set-up your database and your .env file.

Your .env file.

This is what your skeletal .env file looks like:


In the next steps we will take care of the first two. PROD is obvious but RATE_LIMIT_SECRET's value I just guessed.

Creating a database

First, head over to and sign-up for a free account. Click the Create Database button. Give it a nice name. Create a replica. Sit back and admire your work with a cold Tab.

From the main screen, click on 'Databases' Click on your newly created database to open the about panel. See the URL field? You will need to copy that and put it in your sveltekit project's .env file to define the TURSO_DATABASE_URL environment variable.

Now we need to create a TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN to put in the .env file, but first you need to install the turso CLI. The instructions for your OS are in the Dashboard > Getting Started section. I'm on a Mac and use brew so from a terminal:

# install turso CLI
brew install tursodatabase/tap/turso

# login via the command-line
turso auth login

# FYI: you can get the url of your database if you haven't yet:
turso db show --url my-db-name

# create a new token to access your turso database

turso db tokens create my-db-name

Populating the database

# generate the migrations by invoking the script
# generate is used to create an sql file together with additional information
# needed for `drizzle-kit`

pnpm run db:generate

# which runs

drizzle-kit generate:sqlite

# then we push the or sync the Typescript schema with the database schema

pnpm run db:push

# which runs

drizzle-kit push:sqlite


At some point you may already done this if not, go for it:

pnpm i
pnpm run dev

Cool huh?


To create a production version of your app:

pnpm run build

# and then

pnpm run preview

I use Vercel and you have to re-create the .env file as Environment Variables prior to deploying your project.


The technologies used in this project are html, css, javascript/typscript/nodejs, svelte, sveltekit, drizzle and turso and many more. If you want to play around with any of them go to Puru Vijay and grab the code or download it from here. Enjoy, my friends!