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Repository files navigation


CLI tool to query data from


Demo for hdcquery


Please see the CHANGELOG.


Search for repositories

With hdcquery search you can search for repositories:

$ hdcquery search redis
     IMAGE                          DESCRIPTION                                               LAST UPDATE  PULLS  STARS
   1 redis                          Redis is an open source key-value store that …            8 hours ago   10M+   8854
   2 rediscommander/redis-commander Alpine image for redis-commander - Redis …                 9 days ago   10M+     48
   3 redislabs/redisearch           Redis With the RedisSearch module pre-loaded. See …        3 days ago    1M+     29
   4 redislabs/redisinsight         RedisInsight - The GUI for Redis                          16 days ago    1M+     15
   5 redislabs/redismod             An automated build of redismod - latest Redis …            3 days ago  500K+      7
   6 redislabs/rejson               RedisJSON - Enhanced JSON data type processing …          30 days ago  500K+     22

After every page you can type a number to show more details of one of the results, or go to the next page of the search.

[Found 14432 results] <ENTER>: more results | Number and <ENTER>: image details >

You can limit the numbers of results with the -l / --limit option.

Options for search.
$ hdcquery --help search
Usage: hdcquery search [OPTIONS]

Positional arguments:

Optional arguments:
  -l, --limit LIMIT  Limit the number of results
  -s, --search-url SEARCH-URL
                     URL to send search requests

Show repository details

hdcquery show can show the metadata and the description of a repository:

$ hdcquery show redis
Namespace: library
Name: redis
Description: Redis is an open source key-value store that functions as a data structure server.
Starts: 8853
Pulls: 2147483647
Automated: no
Last updated: 2020-12-11 22:02 UTC (10 hours ago)


# Quick reference

-	**Maintained by**:
	[the Docker Community](

You can skip the metadata and show only the description of the repository with the -o / --only-description option.

By default, the output of the show command is sent to a pager (like less(1)). You can use your own pager setting the HDC_PAGER variable.

For example, to enable syntax highlighting with Pygments:

$ export HDC_PAGER='sh -c "pygmentize -l md | less -FR"'

The pager receives two environment variables:

  • HDCQUERY_REPOSITORY: the name of the repository (like library/redis).
  • HDCQUERY_VERSION: the version of hdcquery.
Options for show.
$ hdcquery --help show
Usage: hdcquery show [OPTIONS]

Positional arguments:

Optional arguments:
  -o, --only-description  Only show full description

List image tags

hdcquery tags list tags available in a repository.

$ hdcquery tags redis
- 421 results for redis
36.7 MiB   linux    386    10 hours ago    latest
31.5 MiB   linux    arm    10 hours ago    latest
33.8 MiB   linux    arm    10 hours ago    latest
35.1 MiB   linux    arm64  10 hours ago    latest
36.4 MiB   linux    amd64  10 hours ago    latest
35.1 MiB   linux    s390x  10 hours ago    latest
35.1 MiB   linux    arm64  10 hours ago    buster

The option -l / --limit limits the number of results to show.

The option -a / --architecture filters the results to the given architecture (amd64, arm, 386, …).

The option -o / --operating-system filters the results to the given operating system (linux or windows).

The option -c / --current-machine filters the results to match the operating system and the architecture of the machine where the tool is executed.

Finally, the option -d / --digest shows the image digest for every tag:

$ hdcquery tags -l4 -dc redis
- 421 results for redis
SIZE       OS       ARCH   LAST PUSHED    DIGEST                                                                    NAME
36.4 MiB   linux    amd64  10 hours ago   sha256:466da50d1e0ba009816a4b507a9b526a34169e026e967f304679b1553cbca66c   latest
36.4 MiB   linux    amd64  10 hours ago   sha256:466da50d1e0ba009816a4b507a9b526a34169e026e967f304679b1553cbca66c   buster
10.1 MiB   linux    amd64  10 hours ago   sha256:4920debee18fad71841ce101a7867743ff8fe7d47e6191b750c3edcfffc1cb18   alpine3.12
10.1 MiB   linux    amd64  10 hours ago   sha256:4920debee18fad71841ce101a7867743ff8fe7d47e6191b750c3edcfffc1cb18   alpine
Options for tags.
$ hdcquery --help tags
Usage: hdcquery tags [OPTIONS]

Positional arguments:

Optional arguments:
  -l, --limit LIMIT      Limit the number of results (default: 30)
  -d, --digest           Show image digest
  -a, --architecture ARCHITECTURE
                         Filter by architecture
  -o, --operating-system OPERATING-SYSTEM
                         Filter by operating system
  -c, --current-machine  Filter by operating system and architecture of this machine


Pre-built binaries

Every release includes binaries for Linux, macOS, and Windows.

You can download them in the Releases page.

The binaries are built in a GitHub Actions workflow, so they are limited to the platforms supported by GitHub.

Using Docker

You can run the tool with Docker, using the ayosec/hdcquery image.

$ docker run --rm ayosec/hdcquery --help

Like the pre-built binaries, the Docker image is built in another GitHub Actions workflow for every new release.

From sources

To build the tool from sources:

  1. Install the Rust toolchain.

  2. Use cargo install:

    $ cargo install --git

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