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A collection of esbuild plugins

Alias paths. Resolved paths must be absolute.

Note: esbuild supports the tsconfig paths option, which can often be used to achieve the same

type AliasPluginOptions = {
  [key: string]: string

// Example: Re-map the react packages to preact/compat
import {AliasPlugin} from '@esbx/alias'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [
      react: require.resolve('preact/compat'),
      'react-dom': require.resolve('preact/compat')

Evaluate and then bundle the default export as JavaScript.

// Example: evaluate eval.js
import {EvalPlugin} from '@esbx/eval'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [EvalPlugin]
// eval.js
export default 'console.log("hello")'
// main.js
import 'eval:./eval.js'
// -> out.js

Adds the .js out extension (configureable through outExtension) to relative imports and marks them as external.

// Example: append extension to imports
import {ExtensionPlugin} from '@esbx/extension'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [ExtensionPlugin]

Marks paths as external.

type ExternalPluginResponse = void | boolean | string
type ExternalPluginOptions = {
  filter?: RegExp
  // Boolean returns marks import as external,
  // string return rewrites import
  onResolve?: (
    args: OnResolveArgs
  ) => ExternalPluginResponse | Promise<ExternalPluginResponse>

// Example: mark all 'external:...' imports as external
import {ExternalPlugin} from '@esbx/external'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [
      filter: /external:.*/

Use swc to compile JavaScript to ES5. Configured for IE11 compatibility by default.

type LegacyPluginOptions = {
  filter?: RegExp
  exclude?: Array<string>
  swcOptions?: SwcOptions

// Example: compile to ES5 for IE11
import {LegacyPlugin} from '@esbx/legacy'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [LegacyPlugin]

Injects React import automatically (no need to import React to use JSX).

type ReactPluginOptions = {
  // Import react packages from 'preact/compat'
  usePreact?: boolean

// Example: inject react
import {ReactPlugin} from '@esbx/react'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [ReactPlugin]

Reload the browser on source file changes.

// Example: reload browser on file changes
import {ReloadPlugin} from '@esbx/reload'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [ReloadPlugin]

Report build times.

type ReporterPluginOptions = {
  name?: string

// Example: report build time
import {ReporterPlugin} from '@esbx/reporter'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [ReporterPlugin.configure({name: 'Server'})]

Run or restart a command on successful builds.

type RunPluginOptions = {
  cmd: string
} & SpawnOptions

// Example: start server after building
import {RunPlugin} from '@esbx/run'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [
      command: 'node server.js'

Compile sass to css. Includes support for css modules and post css plugins.

type SassPluginOptions = {
  moduleOptions: CssModulesOptions
  scssOptions: SassOptions<'sync'>
  postCssPlugins?: Array<PostCssPlugin>

// Example: compile sass and define css module options
import {SassPlugin} from '@esbx/sass'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [
      moduleOptions: {
        localsConvention: 'dashes'

Bundle static assets directory alongside generated code.

type StaticPluginOptions = {
  // Defaults to 'static'
  destination?: string
  // Set source dir in case no entryPoints are available at build time
  sources?: Array<string>

// Example: copy [entry]/static to [output]/static
import {StaticPlugin} from '@esbx/static'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [StaticPlugin]

Allows to analyze imported module size by printing a small summary of build sizes.

// Example: show a summary of imported module sizes after building
import {SummaryPlugin} from '@esbx/summary'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [SummaryPlugin]

Use swc to process JavaScript.

type SwcPluginOptions = {
  filter?: RegExp
  exclude?: Array<string>
  swcOptions?: SwcOptions

// Example: use SWC with build options
import {SwcPlugin} from '@esbx/swc'
await build({
  // ...
  plugins: [
      swcOptions: {
        jsc: {
          target: 'es5',
          loose: false,
          externalHelpers: false,
          keepClassNames: false


A collection of esbuild plugins






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