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GitOps with ArgoCD and vSphere with Tanzu (aka TKGs)

This repo can be used to test a GitOps approach with ArgoCD and a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor cluster. ArgoCD will be installed in a TKG workload cluster as described below. The Supervisor cluster and vSphere Namespace will be connected as a target.

Install ArgoCD on a TKG cluster

  1. Install ArgoCD on TKG cluster
    kubectl create ns argocd
    kubectl apply -n argocd -f

  2. Be aware of docker rate limits, you might want to use an imagepullsecret for the redis pod (create secret first)
    kubectl -n argocd patch serviceaccount argocd-redis -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "regcred"}]}'

  3. Change to service type LoadBalancer
    kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'

  4. Install argocd cli on your client
    brew install argocd

  5. Adjust argocd configmap with resource exclusions and inclusions for supervisor usage, see example here
    kubectl -n argocd edit cm argocd-cm

  6. Change argo default pw
    kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d
    argocd login x.x.x.x
    argocd account update-password

Add the Supervisor cluster to ArgoCD

  1. Logon to your Supervisor Cluster as administrator and create a service account in a vSphere Namespace e.g. "ese"(argocd system-namespace)
    kubectl create serviceaccount argocd-sa -n ese

  2. Create a rolebinding within the vSphere Namespace that you want to use as a target
    kubectl create rolebinding argo-edit-binding --clusterrole=edit --serviceaccount=ese:argocd-sa -n usercon

Note: To onboard additional vSphere Namespaces, create an identical rolebinding referencing the previously created service account in the new namespace and add the namespace to the managed namespaces under the ArgoCD cluster configuration

  1. Add the Supervisor Cluster to ArgoCD via argocd CLI
    argocd cluster add x.x.x.x --service-account argocd-sa --system-namespace ese --namespace usercon

After adding the Supervisor cluster to ArgoCD you can decide if you want to create the ArgoCD applications via the UI or to use the manifests here

Argo CD repository, configmap, and application manifests in argocd-config/
TKC manifest in tkc-config/
VM Services manifest in vmservice/

Rersources mentioned in this blog post can be found in old/. However, try to follow the new approach mentioned above.


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