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Releases: bluerobotics/BlueOS


25 Jun 12:51
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1.3.0-beta.6 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • frontend:
    • Add PX4 parameter metadata #2728
    • BrIframe: Avoid set canvas width when its not rendered #2730
    • CloudTrayMenu: Use new Major Tom URL #2742
    • Fix check for heartbeat #2718
    • Fix error message in fetch available devices on VideoManager #2740
    • GpsTrayMenu: First version #2713 #2726
    • OnboardSensors: fix internal baro showing as water pressure sensor #2570
    • ParameterLoader: Fix invalid parameter loaded from file #2734
    • vehicle-setup: Fix typo #2719
    • VersionChooser: Add internet checking prior to fetch remote tags #2732
    • VersionChooser: Disable delete button if two images or less are available #2707
    • VersionChooser: Make bootstrap update less dangerous #2711
    • VideoStreamCreation: Add more RTSPs variants (through UDP, TCP) #2741
    • Wizard: ActionStepper: Disable checkboxes after all configuration is done #2710
    • Wizard: ActionStepper: Remove check if action is done #2709
    • Wizard: RequireInternet: Decrease time check #2708
  • core:
    • Add missing aarch64 binaries #2686
    • AutopilotManager: Add further error handling to decrease log verbosity #2681
    • Configuration: motd: Update version to 1.3 #2693
    • kraken: Add checks when starting offline #2736
      • Fix issue where the extension was being removed when the vehicle was offline
    • Kraken: Check disk space before installing extensions #2689
    • Kraken: Handle operations better #2680
    • Libs: commonwealth: settings: pykson: Save in pretty json #2717
    • Tools: mavlink-camera-manager: Update to t3.15.1 #2695 #2694 #2687 #2685
    • core: Tools: mavlink-router: Add support for aarch64 #2684
  • bootstrap: Improve log messages #2731
  • bootstrap: README: Update info #2712
  • ci: Fix CI disk space before building docker #2690 #2696
  • ci: Move always from old node16 #2692
  • ci: Update action checkout to v4 #2691
  • pre-push: Updates and QOL improvements #2677 #2592
  • CoC: Add first commit #2715

Full Changelog: 1.3.0-beta.5...1.3.0-beta.6


12 Jun 18:56
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1.3.0-beta.5 Pre-release

What's Changed

Note: This version was removed from dockerhub, extensions were automatically removed if the vehicle starts offline, fixed in beta.6

  • Frontend:
    • cloud_tray_menu: Fix set major tom token in bag to not delete other existing keys #2683
    • Improved CSS on Vehicle setup / IMU pages #2638
  • Core:
    • ardupilot_manager: Add cache for board detection #2600
    • ardupilot_manager: add missing async/await #2636
    • ardupilot_manager: Ardupilot fix usage of udp serial port #2626
    • ardupilot_manager: Reduce verbosity when there's no board running #2662
    • blueos_startup_update: Add boot-loop detection #2651
    • blueos_startup_update: Add linting check #2645
    • blueos_startup_update: Add support for platform-specific patches #2643
    • blueos_startup_update: find config.txt and cmdline.txt dynamically #2622
    • blueos_startup_update: Fix "Nagivator" typo #2648
    • blueos_startup_update: Fix ssh ownership #2661 #2674
    • blueos_startup_update/commonwealth: Add run_command() logging #2653
    • commonwealth: create upload_file() #2642
    • Dockerfile: Use blueos-base v0.1.3 #2631
    • Dockerfile: Use blueos-base v0.2.0 #2663
    • Dockerfile: Use heredocs for a beter syntax and reduce number of layers #2632
    • Kraken: Add authentication for private container registry when installing from raw body #2660
    • Kraken: Add default extensions #2656
    • Kraken: Add docker wrapper module with async context to manage containers and related operations #2640
    • Kraken: Add extension Module V2 #2641
    • Kraken: Add Manifest V2 with multiple manifest support #2607
    • Kraken: Allow usage via command line #2624
    • Kraken: Improve main loop checks and modify raw body install to be atomic #2676
    • pifile: Bump image pump to 2gb #2679
    • pre-push-hooks: lock dependencies #2633
    • Remove limit_ram_usage in python programs #2634
    • tools: Add case for aarch64 camera manager #2669
    • tools: linux2rest: Update to 0.5.7 #2644
    • tools: linux2rest: Update to 0.6.0 #2654
    • tools: mavlink-camera-manager: Update to t3.13.1 #2667
    • tools: mavlink2rest: Update to 0.11.21 and add aarch64 #2672
    • version_chooser: differentiate arm64 from arm #2637
    • Use pydantic for settings backend #2619
    • Fix cgroups binds with host computer #2623
  • install: boards: Add support to CM4 #2658
  • ci: test-and-deploy: Disable selfhost if running outside blue robotics #2659

Full Changelog: 1.3.0-beta.4...1.3.0-beta.5


03 Jun 15:23
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What's Changed

  • core: ArdupilotManager: try detecting boards up to 5 times #2635

Full Changelog: 1.2.5...1.2.6


28 May 14:05
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1.3.0-beta.4 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • frontend: compass calibration: do not cleanup on error #2582
  • frontend: extensions: Add sort on extension tags based on semantic versions #2586
  • frontend: extensions: Allow only updates to more recent versions in Installed Extension Card #2598
  • frontend: extensions: Fix single extension card min width #2625
  • frontend: extensions: Fix stream messages #2601
  • frontend: extensions: Improve contrast between background, buttons and cards #2611
  • frontend: firmware: Increase timeout time in fetch firmware #2608
  • frontend: wifi: make it clear we are still scanning for networks #2621
  • frontend: onboardSensors: Add celsius support #2571
  • frontend: Wizard: Add better parameters description table #2590
  • frontend: Wizard: Make parameters and scripts loader update based on is_online #2581
  • core: Add prefixed cache folder for mypy and add it in gitignore #2587
  • core: ArdupilotManager: Fix wrong detection of x86 #2615
  • core: ArdupilotManager: reduce verbosity #2613
  • core: blueos_startup_update: Use loguru #2612
  • core: Fix random W0406 by pylint in module imports in #2616
  • core: kraken: Add special case for 64bit kernel and 32bit userland for bookworm on pi5 #2614
  • core: Kraken: Move API to dedicated module #2604
  • core: ping: Fix duplicated ping instances #2576
  • core: tools: linux2rest: Add Aarch64 #2629
  • core: tools: linxu2rest: Update to 0.5.5 #2603
  • core: tools: remove unnecessary apt calls #2620
  • core: Wizard: Add retry for edge cases in params/script #2584
  • core: Wizard: Fix typo #2585
  • compose: Add blueos cloud telemetry #2602

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.3.0-beta.3...1.3.0-beta.4


07 May 13:45
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What's Changed

  • Improve parameter and script fetch in wizard #2589

Full Changelog: 1.2.4...1.2.5


30 Apr 15:58
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1.3.0-beta.3 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • Increase timeout in fetch manifest operation at Extension Manager #2575
  • Change kraken to manifest dev for now #2578
  • Add Cloud Tray Menu with Install Major Tom and Join cloud functionality #2577

Full Changelog: 1.3.0-beta.2...1.3.0-beta.3


26 Apr 21:59
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1.3.0-beta.2 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • core: tools: mavlink-camera-manager: Update to t3.12.12 #2566
  • core: Dockerfile: Enforce style for git version #2441

Full Changelog: 1.3.0-beta.1...1.3.0-beta.2


24 Apr 20:51
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1.3.0-beta.1 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • frontend: Add button for resetting parameters to firmware defaults #2453
  • frontend: Add cache headers for logviewer and assets folder #2479
  • frontend: Add extra check for empty file input in version chooser manual upload #2428
  • frontend: Add path check prior to pushing repeated path in router when using logo to navigate to home #2533
  • frontend: Add plain shader loading overlay in BrIframe #2530
  • frontend: Add vehicle calibration #2339 #2451 #2503 #2558 #2554 #2505
  • frontend: Allow reversing motors in the frontend #2565
  • frontend: Allow uninstalling extension from modal #2499
  • frontend: App: Fix v-stepper disappearing when the screen width is small #2493
  • frontend: Asyncfy loading some things #2470
  • frontend: components: system-information: Network: Sort order of interfaces #2515
  • frontend: components: SystemCondition: Improve temperature code #2485
  • frontend: cosmos: Add last #2488
  • frontend: Enhancement Network Connection Detection in BeaconTray #2440
  • frontend: extensions: raise error if tag is included in docker name #2545
  • frontend: Fix device decoder #2514
  • frontend: Fix flickering problem in NMEA injector page #2452
  • frontend: Fix parameters name in ParameterLoader #2458
  • frontend: Fix tooltip typo #2517
  • frontend: Hide camera and gripper tabs from vehicle setup #2559
  • frontend: Improve extension page UI #2492
  • frontend: Install vehicle scripts from wizard #2487
  • frontend: PowerMenu: reorder options with increasing severity #2563
  • frontend: Refactor COMMAND_LONG code #2504
  • core: Add force tag when deleting images in version chooser #2459
  • core: Add image check before updating bootstrap in version chooser #2528
  • core: Add pixhawk6c support #2550
  • core: Add support for Arduino based controllers #2456
  • core: Allow user to disable startup update script #2443
  • core: ardupilot manager: update default firmware to Sub 4.1.2 #2457
  • core: ArdupilotManager: skip some tests on MacOS #2228
  • core: blueos_startup_update: Stop boot if restart is required #2520
  • core: Improve Bridges #2322
  • core: configuration: motd: Update version to 1.2 #2483
  • core: Dockerfile: Update blueos-base to v0.1.1 #2562
  • core: Fix invalid reference on install in kraken #2553
  • core: Implements is_valid_version in version chooser to avoid setting a version that does not exists locally #2546
  • core: kraken: Add check for compatibility of arch in extension store #2486
  • core: kraken: add try/except block when starting containers #2544
  • core: kraken: Fix install from outside manifest #2557
  • core: libs: commonwealth: general: Add timeout for lsof operation #2420
  • core: logviewer: bump version to 1.0.1 #2556
  • core: services: ardupilot_manager: MAVLinkRouter: Enable tlog #2536
  • core: services: versionchooser: chooser: Kill bootstrap over stopping #2526
  • core: start-blueos-core: Add python bin path to PATH #2509
  • core: tools: linux2rest: Update to v0.5.4 #2446
  • core: tools: logviewer: Create firmware logs folder beforehand #2044
  • core: tools: mavlink-camera-manager: Update to t3.12.11 #2541
  • core: tools: mavlink2rest: Update to t0.11.20 #2463
  • core: Use cgroups for limiting memory usage #2398
  • core/bootstrap: Add log message with version #2468
  • ci: eslint: add no-else-return #2564
  • ci: Fix shellcheck warning listed in deploy #2501
  • install: Fix configuration of config.txt #2535
  • add step for creating dns link #2542
  • Readme: fix typo #2507
  • README: Update compose command with pull #2555

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.2.4...1.3.0-beta.1


19 Apr 15:38
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What's Changed

  • Improve first boot time #2543
  • Fix router validation #2533
  • Add image check before updating bootstrap in version chooser #2528
  • Improve bootstrap update process (Kill bootstrap over stopping) #2526

Full Changelog: 1.2.3...1.2.4


10 Apr 02:16
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What's Changed

  • core: Dockerfile: add python bin path to PATH #2519
  • core: blueos_startup_update: sleep after sending the reboot signal #2523

Full Changelog: 1.2.2...1.2.3