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Tabular data sheets

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Tools to export object collections in spreadsheet documents like Microsoft Excel


Beporsoft.TabularSheets allow to create simple spreadsheet data tables based on a collection of items of type T.

The package uses DocumentFormat.OpenXml to create OpenXml Spreadsheets document. The aim of the package is to simplify the creation of a simple spreadsheet to store the information of instances of T, where each row represent an instance and the columns is specified using predicates.

This is one example of a simple table.

List<Product> productList = GetProducts();

// Create table
var table = new TabularSheet<Product>(productList);
table.Title = "List of products";

// Configure columns
table.AddColumn("Product", p => p.Name);
table.AddColumn("Cost", p => p.CostPerUnit);
table.AddColumn("In Stock", p => p.HasStock ? "Yes":"No");
table.AddColumn("Provider", p => p.ProviderName);

// Add some style
table.HeaderStyle.Fill.BackgroundColor = Color.LightCyan;

// Export document