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Auto Versioning for Continuous Delivery Pipelines.

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Automatic Versioning for Continuous Integration Pipelines


ci-auto-version is designed to seemlesly intagrate semantic versioning in to your pipeline automation. It is tested under bicbucket CI Pipelines but will work on others such as gitlab as well.


Add [minor] or [major] into the merge commit message to upgrade respective semver digit. If nothing is added, patch upgrade will be implemented by default.

Installation to pipeline

sample 'bitbucket-pipelines.yml' file

image: node:10.15.3

      - step:
            - node
          script: # Modify the commands below to build your repository.
            - npm install
            - # npm test
            - npm install ci-auto-version@0.3.0 --no-save
            - node node_modules/ci-auto-version/auto_version.js

The above pipeline automation script will run on every commit to master including merge requests. If you have npm test script in your package please uncomment # npm test line above to run your tests before.

Full Usage with Merge (Pull) Request and Postgres Database Support and npm test script implemented.

sample 'bitbucket-pipelines.yml' file

image: node:10.15.3

      - step:
            - node
          script: # Modify the commands below to build your repository.
            - npm install
            - npm test
            - npm install ci-auto-version@0.3.0 --no-save
            - node node_modules/ci-auto-version/auto_version.js
            - postgres

    '**': #this runs as default for any branch not elsewhere defined
      - step:
            - node
          script: # Modify the commands below to build your repository.
            - npm install
            - npm test
            - postgres

      image: postgres
        POSTGRES_DB: 'my_db_name'
        POSTGRES_USER: 'my_postgres_user'
        POSTGRES_PASSWORD: 'my_postgres_pwd'

The above code may be used to initiate your pipeline automation with full Postgres support. Note that ci-auto-version runs only on commits to master. Other test codes run on merge requests.

  • Don't forget to change node version according to your package.
  • Install during pipeline is invoked with --no-save , since ci-auto-versioning script modifies package.json and pushs to original repositories master. --no-save enables that our temporary installation during pipeline stays temporary.
  • You may change ci-auto-version command line parameters. Eg. running it with --verbose or -vb , will give more information about the on going process, exposing git commands and their results into the pipeline terminal.
  • If you would like to use latest version of ci-auto-version, you may prefer to install it without version suffix as npm install ci-auto-version. However, it is safer to change version manually after a new release has been published and tested.
Running Pipeline with Environment Variables
  • ci-auto-version uses $CI_AUTO_VERSION environment varible to pass arguments pefore running the pipeline manually.
  • Please pass the arguments into $CI_AUTO_VERSION environment varible as string like --force --verbose , or -ft -vb one line string.
  • Run the pipeline manually.

Example Usage:

Force update existing tags :

node ./node_modules/ci-auto-version/auto_version.js --user UserName --email --force-tag


Execute using sh file showing git commands and results :

sh ./node_modules/ci-auto-version/ -us Lorem -em -vb
Command Line Options

--operation, -op [ major | minor | patch | ignore ]

  • Definition : Defines the semver digit to increase.
  • Default Value : last_commit_message

--user-name, -us [ < UserName > | last_commit_author ]

  • Definition : Defines username of commit to repository.
  • Default Value : last_commit_author

--email, -em [ < E-Mail > | last_commit_email ]

  • Definition : Defines email of commit to repository.
  • Default Value : last_commit_email

--commit-message, -cm [ "< CommitMessage >" | last_commit_message ]

  • Definition : Defines commit message of the commit to repository.
  • Default Value : last_commit_message

--force-tag, -ft

  • Definition : Forces update tag if it already exists.
  • Default Value : false

--print-result, -pr

  • Definition : Prints result of the git commands to the pipeline terminal.
  • Default Value : false

--print-command, -pd

  • Definition : Prints git commands to the pipeline terminal.
  • Default Value : false

--print-parameters, -pp

  • Definition : Prints run time parameters to the pipeline terminal.
  • Default Value : false

--print-arguments, -pa

  • Definition : Prints command line arguments to the pipeline terminal.
  • Default Value : false

--print-envvar, -pe

  • Definition : Prints environment variable content to the pipeline terminal.
  • Default Value : false

--verbose, -vb

  • Definition : Prints all output including git commands and results to the pipeline terminal.
  • Default Value : false

--silent, -si

  • Definition : Does not print anything rather than errors to the pipeline terminal.
  • Default Value : false

--major-pattern, -mj < PatternString >

  • Definition : Defines commit message pattern for major version upgrade.
  • Default Value : [major]

--minor-pattern, -mp < PatternString >

  • Definition : Defines commit message pattern for minor version upgrade.
  • Default Value : [minor]

--patch-pattern, -pp < PatternString >

  • Definition : Defines commit message pattern for minor version upgrade.
  • Default Value : [patch]

--ignore-pattern, -gp < PatternString >

  • Definition : Defines commit message pattern to bypass version upgrade.
  • Default Value : [ignore]

--default-action, -df [ patch | minor | major | ignore ]

  • Definition : Defines default action when no pattern matched in commit message.
  • Default Value : patch

--skip-ci-pattern, -sp < PatternString >

  • Definition : Defines pipeline command used in commit message, not to run pipeline.
  • Default Value : [skip CI]

--no-skip-ci, -ns

  • Definition : Does not add skip-ci-pattern eg.[skip CI] into commit message. Pipeline runs twice but version does not change since there will be no commit on last run.
  • Default Value : false

--version-prefix, -vp < VersionPrefix >

  • Definition : Defines string which will be added as prefix of the version in tag name. Eg. v2.3.12
  • Default Value : v

--initial-version, -vi < major >.< minor >.< patch >

  • Definition : The initial value of version if no version tag is found and it can not be extracted from package file.
  • Default Value : 1.0.0

--package-file, -pf < PackageFileName.json >

  • Definition : Json file in which version field will be changed.
  • Default Value : package.json

--version-field, -pv < VersionFieldName >

  • Definition : Version field name which will be updated in package json file.
  • Default Value : version

--env-var, -ev < EnvironmentVariableName >

  • Definition : Environment Variable name which is used to pass arguments.
  • Default Value : CI_AUTO_VERSION

--simulate, -sm

  • Definition : Simulates write to file and git commands preventing permanent changes to the repo.
  • Default Value : false

--test-repo, -tr < TestRepoAddress >

  • Definition : Defines remote repository changes are pushed.
  • Default Value : null

--test-folder, -tf < TestFolderName >

  • Definition : Defines local folder where git commands are executed.
  • Default Value : null

--test-run, -test

  • Definition : Runs in test mode where git commands are executed in local test folder and changes are pushed to test repo
  • Default Value : null

--test-message, -tm "< TestCommitMessage >"

  • Definition : Defines commit message for test purposes from where version command is extracted.
  • Default Value : null

--create-test-commit, -ct < CommitMessage >

  • Definition : Creates a new test commit to test versioning.
  • Default Value : null


Auto Versioning for Continuous Delivery Pipelines.






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