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Game engine in C++ with a focus on evolution simulations

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This will be the most large scale and fastest evolution simulation out there.

Brain update rate will be 1 / 6 of the physics update rate.


Make sure you have cmake, vcpkg and all necessary c++ development tools for your operating system.

Cmake is gone! Simply run build.bat in an x64 command window (you get this command window when installing visual studio).

Large scale TODO

  • Switch to HandmadeMath linear algebra library.
  • Break world up in chunks and process chunks using multithreading.
  • Make cute renderer.
  • Make the world absolutely huge and do processing by chunk offsets to prevent floating point errors.
  • Two pass collision solving.
  • Improve standard library: Add string type, better sorting.
  • Improve standard library: Make own multithreading primitives.
  • Build introspection and profiling tools.
  • Do real good collision detection, fix the fact that lots of agents are being checked twice.
  • Do rendering on background thread such that the main thread doesnt block and feels smooth.
  • Saving and loading the state of an entire world.
  • Tracking succesful agents.
  • Tracking lineage.
  • Showing the entire state of the brain and genes.
  • Make a circular buffer.
  • IDEA: Create a kind of business rule table where you can set rules like:
    • Required speed for carnivores to do damage to herbivores
    • Allow sprinting, how much energy to take on a sprint?
    • Do carnivores get a reproduction boost if their population is low?



  • Show charge when zoomed in.
  • Show charge of agent in ui.
  • Make checkbox whether to show health bar in world.
  • Show graphs of deaths and births.
  • Store most succesful agents. (Requires herbivores to collect plants).
  • Edit total lifespan of agents.
  • Remove health bar in world with checkbox.
  • Port to webassembly and run online.
  • Make grass fields , energy in ground.
  • Configure amount of eyes and fov.
  • Create real and simple memory pool with chunks
  • Show indicator when herbivore is hurt.
  • Edit reproduction rate calculation, more offspring if population is low for instance.
  • Implement my own std::function.
  • OPTION: Boost or nerf agents if population is large.
  • Plotting utility functions.
  • Make active and inactive chunks.
  • Fix agents popping into view.
  • Draw scale with some text too.
  • Show agents in chunk in debug window.
  • Consistently call everything either draw or render.
  • Make random number generator.
  • Make texture region.
  • Global empty texture for convenience.
  • Make list of common colors.



  • Remove CMAKE. I decided to use CMake for this project and i regret it. Very much.
  • Make particles when agent gets killed or dies.
  • Show health when zoomed in.
  • Recoil, or however you wanna call it when a herbivore is hurt. They cannot move unless they sprint?
  • Use the charge or refractory value to disable movement for herbivore agents.
  • Fix colors everywhere, follow imgui layout.
  • Give carnivore agents a charge/attack procedure that is controlled by a neuron. This costs energy.
  • Configure energy transfer on hit.
  • Show overlays: Make coloring of genes to show genetic distance of different agents.
  • Make color helper functions.
  • Better agent selection, give feedback on agent hitboxes.
  • Plot low dimensional version of genes.
  • Draw active chunks.
  • Compare two agent genes.
  • FIX BUG: SelectFromWorld often has idx out of range.
  • Highlight currently hovered agent.
  • Create some background in the world, it looks boring right now.
  • Make neural network library.
  • Implement alpha blending.
  • Icons for imgui.
  • Make a startup screen to start simulation with new persistent parameters.
  • Turn off asserts when not debugging.
  • Show number of workers and available threads. Make settings.
  • Custom font for imgui.
  • Show time also in seconds, not just ticks.
  • Make agents squishy in direction of their velocity.
  • Make carnivore attack.
  • Collide herbivores and carnivores.
  • Implement simple jobsystem.
  • Do sensor updates and brain updates in parallel.


  • More options for user. Spawn agents.
  • Make mutation_rate adjustable in gui.
  • Keep selection when moving camera around.
  • Organize interface.
  • Debug tools for memory arenas, check if clearing doesnt lead to problems.
  • Implement 2 memory arenas for lifetime management.
  • Make super simple brain.
  • Agent lifespan.
  • Agent asexual reproduction with mutations.
  • Make cumulative graph of types of agents.
  • IMPORTANT: Solve the huge memory leak in AddAgent.
  • Remove agents.
  • Pause simulation.


  • Simple behavior.
  • Setup screen to make new simulation.
  • Show agent sensors when selected.
  • Set debug option: Show chunks etc.
  • Refactor main loop and main in general. Move to SimulationScreen.
  • Show agent rays when selected.
  • Show agent info in debug window.
  • Raycasting for all eyes.
  • Sort agents into all chunks they belong to.
  • Draw grid in a more efficient way and in the background.
  • Grid based collision detection for rays.
  • Camera to world position.
  • Make agents selectable.
  • Handle collisions using chunks.
  • Draw eye rays for selected agent.


  • Create page.
  • Asexual reproduction.
  • Collect statistics about chunk occupancy.
  • Only render visible agents.
  • Divide the world into chunks.
  • Update creature sensor info based on raycast (seeing).
  • Do raycast;
  • Do simple collision detection.
  • Resize screen.
  • Fix Array issues.
  • Level of detail.
  • Render eyes.
  • Use N-gon to draw creatures.
  • Sorting in Array
  • Render N-polygon
  • Make creature struct (Agent).
  • Line rendering.
  • Fix frame update rate at user specified FPS with SDL_Delay.
  • Create window struct for platform handling.
  • Render a creature.
  • Implement scrolling.
  • Move the 2D camera with WASD.
  • Move the 2D camera with the mouse.
  • Handle user input.
  • Make a 2D camera.
  • Make a basic 2D renderer.
  • Import imgui with docking.


  • For an overview of how the world is evolving, create a kind of sampling minimap. Dont render each individual creature but take a couple of samples for each pixel using the bsp-tree and take the average color. Store these frames and show as animation.
  • Set business rules for evolution.
  • Make interesting presets, make it easier for the user.


  • No agents leads to deadlock? SOLVED

Engine and more games.

  • Move game-engine related stuff to different folder and turn into reusable game-engine.
  • Create a game like super world box. Make complex behavior and create a behavior tree editor for fast iteration.
    • Create a custom interpreted langauge for creating behavior trees.
  • Online game where you manage your little land and need to trade or fight with neighbouring countries. On a server WASM.


Game engine in C++ with a focus on evolution simulations







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