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Intelligent Trading Bot: Automatically generating signals and trading based on machine learning and feature engineering

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Intelligent trading bot

The project is aimed at developing an intelligent trading bot for automatic trading cryptocurrencies using state-of-the-art machine learning approaches to data processing and analysis. The project provides the following major functions:

  • Analyzing historic data and training machine learning models as well as finding their best hyper-parameters. It is performed in batch off-line mode.
  • Signaling service which is regularly requests new data from the exchange and generates buy-sell signals by applying the previously trained models
  • Trading service which does real trading by buying or selling the assets according to the generated signals

Note that is an experimental project aimed at studying how various machine learning and feature engineering methods can be applied to cryptocurrency trading.

Intelligent trading channel

This software is running in a cloud and sends its signals to this Telegram channel:

📈 Intelligent Trading Signals 📉

Everybody can subscribe to the channel to get the impression about the signals this bot generates.

Currently, the bot is configured using the following parameters:

  • Exchange: Binance
  • Cryptocurrency: ₿ Bitcoin
  • Analysis frequency: 1 minute (currently the only option)
  • Score between -1 and +1. <0 means likely to decrease, and >0 means likely to increase
  • Filter: notifications are sent only if score is greater than ±0.20 (can be parameterized)
  • One increase/decrease sign is added for each step of 0.05 (exceeding the filter threshold)
  • Prediction horizon 3 hours ahead. For example, if the score is +0.25 then the price is likely to increase 1-2% during next 3 hours. Note that the algorithm is trained for high (for increase) and low (for decrease) prices - not for close prices
  • History taken into account for forecasts: 12-24 hours

There are silent periods when the score in lower than the threshold (currently 0.15) and no notifications are sent to the channel. If the score is greater than the threshold, then every minute a notification is sent which looks like

₿ 60,518 📉📉📉 Score: -0.26

The first number is the latest close price. The score -0.26 means that it is very likely to see the price 1-2% lower than the current close price during next few hours. The three decrease signs mean three 0.5 steps after the threshold 0.15.

Signaler service

Every minute, the signaler performs the following steps to make a prediction about whether the price is likely to increase or decrease:

  • Retrieve the latest data from the server and update the current data window which includes some history
  • Compute derived features based on the nearest history collected (which now includes the latest data)
  • Apply several (previously trained) ML models by forecasting some future values (not necessarily prices) which are also treated as (more complex) derived features. We apply several forecasting models (currently, Gradient Boosting, Neural network, and Linear regression) to several target variables describing future decrease, future increase with different horizons
  • Aggregate the results of forecasting produced by different ML models and compute the final score which reflects the strength of the upward or downward trend. Here we use many previously computed scores as inputs and derive one output score. Currently, it is implemented as an aggregation procedure but it could be based on a dedicated ML model trained on previously collected scores and the target variable. Positive score means growth and negative score means fall
  • Use the final score for notifications


  • The final result of the signaler is the score (between -1 and +1). The score should be used for further decisions about buying or selling by taking into account other parameters and data sources.
  • For the signaler service to work, trained models have to be available and stored in the "MODELS" folder. The models are trained in batch mode and the process is described in the corresponding section.

Starting the service: python3 -m service.server -c config.json

Training machine learning models

For the signaler service to work, a number of ML models must be trained and the model files available for the service. All scripts run in batch mode by loading some input data and storing some output files. The scripts are implemented in the scripts module.

If everything is configured then the following scripts have to be executed:

  • python -m scripts.download_data_binance -c config.json or python -m scripts.download_data_yahoo -c config.json
  • python -m scripts.merge_data -c config.json
  • python -m scripts.generate_features -c config.json
  • python -m scripts.generate_labels -c config.json
  • python -m scripts.train_predict_models -c config.json

Downloading and merging source data

  • Download the latest historic data: python -m scripts.download_data -c config.json

    • The result is one output file with the name pattern: {symbol}-{freq}-klines.csv
    • It uses Binance API but you can use any other data source or download data manually using other scripts
  • Merge several historic datasets into one dataset: python -m scripts.merge_data -c config.json

    • This script solves two problems: 1) there could be other sources like depth data or futures 2) a data source may have gaps so we need to produce a regular time raster in the output file
    • The result is one output file with the name pattern: {symbol}-{freq}.csv

Generate features

  • Generate features: python -m scripts.generate_features -c config.json
    • This script computes all derived features and labels defined programmatically
    • The result is one output file with the name pattern: {symbol}-{freq}-features.csv
    • It may take hours to compute because it runs in non-incremental mode, that is, computes features for all the available data even if only the latest small portion was appended

Parameters in config:

Example old parameters
"base_window": 1440,
"averaging_windows": [1, 5, 15, 60, 180, 720],
"area_windows": [60, 120, 180, 300, 720],
Example new parameters
"base_window": 40320,
"averaging_windows": [1, 60, 360, 1440, 4320, 10080],
"area_windows": [60, 360, 1440, 4320, 10080],

Load merged source data, apply feature generation script and store a feature matrix with all possible derived features. Not all features will be then used. The script relies on a common feature definition function. Feature functions get some parameters like windows from the configuration. The same features must be used for on-line feature generation (in the service when they are generated for a micro-batch) and off-line feature generation.

Generate labels

Script: python -m scripts.generate_labels -c config.json

Parameters in code:

  • label_sets: "high-low", "top-bot" - which kind of labels we want to generate
  • in_file_suffix = "features" - input file

Parameters for different label types:

  • high-low:
    • Config: "label_horizon": 1440 - horizon for finding maximums and minimums
    • In code: label_thresholds = [1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0] and [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]
    • In code: windows=[60, 120, 180, 300] (currently this label is not used)
  • top-bot
    • In code: levels (in percent): [0.06, 0.07, 0.08, 0.09, 0.10, 0.11, 0.12]
    • In code: tolerances: 0.01, 0.02, 0.03

Load feature matrix, compute labels and store the result with additional columns in the output file. Features are not needed for label computations and they are stored unchanged in the output file. Currently, most label parameters are hard-coded.

Train prediction models

  • Train prediction models: python -m scripts.train_predict_models -c config.json
    • This script uses all input features and all generated labels to train several ML models with pre-defined hyper-parameters
    • Hyper-parameter tuning is not part of this procedure, that is, it is assumed that we already have good hyper-parameters
    • The results are stored as multiple model files in the model folder and the file names encode the following model dimensions: label being used as a target variable like high_10, input data like k (klines) or f (futures), algorithm like gb (gradient boosting), nn (neural network) or lc (linear classifier).
    • The model folder also contains metrics.txt with the scores of the trained models

Configuration in code:

  • Algorithms applied are hard-coded. Uncomment or introduce a list of algorithms
  • kline_train_length - how much (latest) data to use for training
  • hyper-parameters can be used for fine-tuning

Configuration in config:

  • label_horizon - this number of rows will be removed from the head before training so train set will be smaller and latest records will not be used. It makes sense for high-low because labels are computed from future data
  • labels - all algorithms will be trained for all labels. Choose labels for high-low or top-bot cases
  • features_kline - these columns will be selected for training


  • Algorithm hyper-parameters are defined
  • Feature matrix with labels is available

Prediction online based on trained models (service)

python -m service.server -c config.json


  • Features to select and feed prediction models
  • Buy and sell label scores used to select models and produce the corresponding score columns
  • Model files for prediction algorithms are available (stored in file system)
  • Signal model is available in config
  • Access to the exchange: API keys, credentials etc. (IP has to be whitelisted for trading)

Hyper-parameter tuning

General procedure for chosen features and labels (for some symbol):

  • Update data and generate features and labels
  • Generate prediction files for all label-k-algorithm: train_predict_models and generate_rolling_predictions
  • Choose desired top-bot threshold in % (it directly influences frequency of transactions), for example, 6%:
    • Choose manually a subset of tolerances like 1-2-3 or 15-25 and set the corresponding buy/sell score labels
    • Find coarse-grained best signal parameters for these two prediction files (coarse-grained grid)
    • Find fine-grained best signal parameters (fine-grained grid around best coarse-grained parameters)
    • Store the best signal model in configuration and use online

Optimize point-wise classification score

The goal is to find input feature parameters, output label defintions and algorithm hyper-parameters with the best scores as defined in ML (auc, average precision etc.)

  • Optimize algorithm hyper-parameters
  • Select best algorithms, e.g., only NN
  • Optimize feature and label parameters

One way is to use python -m scripts.train_predict_models -c config.json which computes standard metrics for either score (label-feature_set-algorithm). We need to try out various feature definitions and label definitions.

Optimize interval-wise classification score

Once we have found features-labels-algorithms with the best standard scores, we can produce their predictions (batch or rolling) in the form of multiple score labels label-feature_set-algorithm. After that the question which signal parameters produce the best overall performance.

The basis for this optimization is a function which transforms point-wise label prediction to an interval prediction which is typically some aggregation of one point-wise label prediction.

Optimize point-wise score aggregation parameters and the corresponding selection threshold parameters with the purpose to increase precision of interval classification. An interval is defined as bottom interval, top interval, high interval, low interval. For top-bot we compute them naturally as intervals. For high-low intervals are currently not defined.

Currently we do not use this for one important reason. The thing is that finding how frequently we detect or miss intervals is not very important by itself. It is important whether we have false positive before an interval (which was detected) or after it. Therefore, an informative measure should take into whether an error happened before an interval or after it. However, if we have it, then it is essentially equivalent or very close to finding trade performance by means of trade simulation where such situations are taken into account automatically.

One way is to use python -m scripts.train_signal_models -c config.json which computes performance for a space of signal parameters so that we can find best signal parameters. The input must contain predictions and can be generated by batch predictions and rolling predictions.

Optimize trade signal performance

Here we want to try different trade signal (aggregation and selection) parameters by computing their overall performance and finally choose the best parameters. The input is a file with close prices and point-wise predictions (for each label-feature_set-algorithm). They are used to generate trade signals and using them for simulating trades.

Hyper-parameter tuning

There are two problems:

  • How to choose best hyper-parameters for our ML models. This problem can be solved in a classical way, e.g., by grid search. For example, for Gradient Boosting, we train the model on the same data using different hyper-parameters and then select those showing best score. This approach has one drawback - we optimize it for best score which is not trading performance, which means that the trading performance is not guaranteed to be good (and in fact it will not be good). Yet, we do not have any other approach. As a workaround, we use this score as an intermediate feature with the goal to optimize trading performance on later stages.
  • If we compute the final aggregated score (like +0.21), then the question is should we buy, sell or do nothing? In fact, it is the most difficult question. To help answer it, additional scripts were developed for backtesting and optimizing buy-sell signal generation:
    • Generate rolling predictions which simulate what we do by regularly re-training the models and using them for prediction: python -m scripts.generate_rolling_predictions -c config.json
    • Train signal models for choosing best thresholds for sell-buy signals which produce best performance on historic data: python -m scripts.train_signal_models -c config.json

Yet, this advanced level of data analysis is work in progress, and it is also the most challenging part because here we cannot rely on the conventional ML approach. The goal is to find parameters to optimize the trading strategy which is a sequence of buy and sell transaction. Such a scenario is difficult to formally describe in conventional ML terms. The provided scripts are aimed at helping in such optimizations because they can generate data and then test different trading (currently, rule-based) strategies.

Configuration parameters

The configuration parameters are specified in two files:

  • in the config field of the App class
  • -c config.jsom argument to the services and scripts. The values from this config file will overwrite those in the App.config when this file is loaded into a script or service

Here are some most important fields (in both and config.json):

  • symbol it is a trading pair like BTCUSDT - it is important for almost all cases
  • data_folder - location of data files which are needed only for batch scripts and not for services
  • Analyzer parameters. These mainly columns names.
    • labels List of column names which are treated as labels. If you define a new label used for training and then for prediction then you need to specify its name here. Note that we use multiple target variables (e.g., with different prediction horizons) and multiple prediction algorithms.
    • features_kline List of all column names used as input features for training and prediction.
  • signaler is a section for signaler parameters which specify conditions for notifying other services about important events detected by this service
  • trader is a section for trader parameters. Currently, not thoroughly tested.
  • collector These parameter section is intended for data collection services. There are two types of data collection services: synchronous with regular requests to the data provider and asynchronous streaming service which subscribes to the data provider and gets notifications as soon as new data is available. They are working but not thoroughly tested and integrated into the main service. The current main usage pattern relies on manual batch data updates, feature generation and model training. One reason for having these data collection services is 1) to have faster updates 2) to have data not available in normal API like order book (there exist some features which use this data but they are not integrated into the main workflow).

See sample configuration files for more details.


The trader is working but not thoroughly debugged, particularly, not tested for stability and reliability. Therefore, it should be considered a prototype with basic functionality. It is currently integrated with the Signaler but in a better design should be a separate service.


Intelligent Trading Bot: Automatically generating signals and trading based on machine learning and feature engineering






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  • Python 100.0%