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jhack - Make charming charming again!

jhack foo Awesome

This is a homegrown collection of opinionated scripts and utilities to make the charm dev's life somewhat easier.

This README is meant as overview of what's there, and high-level documentation of the commands. More extensive documentation is provided in the cli itself. All commands can be called with --help and will provide more information than what is included here.


from sources (dev setup):

Clone the repo

pip install -e .
as package (requires setuptools 61 or later):
pip install git+
as snap:
sudo snap install --edge jhack
sudo snap connect jhack:dot-local-share-juju snapd
sudo snap connect jhack:ssh-read snapd

The last binding is only necessary if you work on LXD models and use commands that rely on juju ssh/juju scp.


jhack [category] [command]

for example:

jhack utils tail
jhack model rm


pip install build

python -m build

Happy hacking!


Many of the commands jhack offers are pretty destructive or bring a high risk of catastrophic failure and random explosions.

These commands will prompt the user for confirmation before proceeding, after, whenever possible, showing the low-level (Juju) commands it would run.

Enabling devmode

In devmode, destructive commands will be run without requiring a confirmation prompt.

You can permanently enable devmode by setting ~/.config/jhack/config.toml (see jhack conf) and set [general]enable_destructive_commands_NO_PRODUCTION_zero_guarantees to true.

To view example 'destructive' and 'yolo' profiles, you can run:

jhack conf destructive jhack conf yolo

Otherwise, set the JHACK_PROFILE=devmode envvar to run a single command without the confirmation prompt.

As only exception, nuke has a double safeguard in that even if you enable devmode, you will still get a confirmation prompt. To disable that one, set [nuke]ask_for_confirmation to false.



jhack utils sync application-name/0 -s ./src -s ./lib

Will watch the ./src and ./lib folders (recursively, by default) for changes and push any to the application-name/0 unit.

Pro tip: jhack utils sync application-name -s ./src will sync to all units of application-name!

Pro-pro tip: jhack sync * -s ./lib will sync to all applications in the current model! Handy when you're working on shared (relation interface, for example) libraries.


jhack utils unbork-juju

Does exactly what it says, and it does it pretty well.


jhack utils ffwd

Fast-forwards the firing of update-status hooks, and restores it to a 'slow' firing rate after the process is killed or after a given timeout.


jhack utils ffwd
  --timeout 10 # exits after 10 seconds
  --fast-interval 5 # update-status fires each 5 seconds
  --slow-interval 50m # when done, set update-status firing rate to 50 minutes.


Monitors the logs and gathers all logs concerning events being fired on the units. Will pprint the last N in a nice format. Keeps listening and updates in the background as new units are added.

┃ timestamp ┃ traefik-k8s/0                ┃ prometheus-k8s/1             ┃
│ 13:37:15  │                              │ ingress-relation-changed     │
│ 13:37:14  │                              │ ingress-relation-joined      │
│ 13:37:14  │                              │ ingress-relation-changed     │
│ 13:37:13  │                              │ prometheus-peers-relation-c… │
│ 13:37:12  │                              │ prometheus-peers-relation-j… │
│ 13:37:12  │                              │ prometheus-pebble-ready      │
│ 13:37:11  │                              │ start                        │
│ 13:37:10  │                              │ config-changed               │
│ 13:37:09  │                              │                              │
│ 13:37:09  │                              │ database-storage-attached    │
│ 13:37:09  │ ingress-per-unit-relation-c… │                              │
│ 13:37:08  │                              │ leader-settings-changed      │
│ 13:37:08  │ ingress-per-unit-relation-c… │                              │
│ 13:37:08  │                              │                              │
│ 13:37:08  │                              │ ingress-relation-created     │
│ 13:37:07  │ ingress-per-unit-relation-j… │                              │
│ 13:37:07  │                              │                              │
│ 13:37:07  │                              │ prometheus-peers-relation-c… │
│ 13:37:06  │                              │ install                      │

There's more!

You can use tail to visualize deferrals in ops.

If you pass the -d flag, short for --show-defer, whenever an event is deferred, reemitted, or re-deferred, you'll be able to follow it right along the tail. You might see then something like:

┃ timestamp                ┃ trfk/0                                ┃
│ 14:02:53                 │                                     │ │
│ 14:01:36                 │ event_3                           ❯─┘ │
│ 13:56:49                 │ ingress_per_unit_relation_changed     │
│ 13:56:47                 │ ingress_per_unit_relation_changed     │
│ 13:56:47                 │ ingress_per_unit_relation_changed     │
│ 13:56:46                 │ ingress_per_unit_relation_joined      │
│ 13:56:46                 │ event_3                           ❮─┐ │
│ 13:56:46                 │ ingress_per_unit_relation_created   │ │
│ 13:46:30                 │ event_3                            ⭘┤ │
│ 13:41:51                 │ event_3                           ❯─┘ │
│ 13:41:51                 │ event_2                           ❮─┐ │
│ 13:36:50                 │ event_2                           ❯─┘ │
│ 13:36:50                 │ event_1                           ❮─┐ │
│ 13:31:29                 │ event_1                           ❯─┘ │


The little circle is event-3 getting re-emitted and immediately re-deferred!

The graph can get nice and messy if multiple events get deferred in an interleaved fashion, enabling you to see what's going on. Which is nice.

update_status ❮──────┐
update_status   .....│
update_status  ⭘─────┤
update_status   .....│
update_status  ⭘─────┤
update_status ❮─────┐│
update_status ❯─────┼┘
update_status  ⭘────┤
update_status ❮────┐│
update_status ❯────┼┘
update_status ❮────┼┐
update_status  ⭘───┤│
update_status ❯────┼┘
update_status  ⭘───┤
update_status ❮───┐│
update_status ❮──┐││
update_status ❯──┼┼┘
update_status  ⭘─┼┤
update_status  ⭘─┤│
update_status ❯──┼┘

And did I mention that there's colors?

Event color coding

Events will be color-coded using a two-tier criterion:

  • origin: framework events, custom events, jhack-fire-emitted events, skipped-by-jhack-lobotomy events, and in general all non-juju events will receive a color based on their origin (and sometimes a fancy icon too)
  • category: all 'regular' juju events will receive a color based on their category: a (rather arbitrary) classification system based on the official one.

If an event doesn't match either criterion (effectively we don't know what event it is), it will not be colored.

You can view the current color coding schema in your console by running jhack tail --print-color-codes.


An example of the colored output on a real deployment: img.png

You can also tail saved logs

Say you have saved two debug-logs with:

juju debug-log --date -i prom/0 > prom.log
juju debug-log --date -i trfk/0 > trfk.log

Yielding files:


unit-prom-0: 2022-07-20 10:00:00 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "install" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-prom-0: 2022-07-21 5:00:00 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "prometheus-peers-relation-created" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)


unit-trfk-0: 2022-07-20 11:00:00 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "start" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)
unit-trfk-0: 2022-07-20 12:00:00 INFO juju.worker.uniter.operation ran "traefik-pebble-ready" hook (via hook dispatching script: dispatch)

You can run jhack utils tail --file=prom.txt --file=trfk.txt to see the events in all the logs, interlaced in the correct chronological order as expected:

┃ timestamp      ┃ prom/0                               ┃ trfk/0                  ┃
│  5:00:00       │ prometheus_peers_relation_created    │                         │
│ 12:00:00       │                                      │ traefik_pebble_ready    │
│ 11:00:00       │                                      │ start                   │
│ 10:00:00       │ install                              │                         │
│ The end.       │ prom/0                               │ trfk/0                  │
│ events emitted │ 2                                    │ 2                       │


Displays the databags of units involved in a relation. if the endpoint is of the form app-name/id:relation-name: it will display the application databag and the one for the unit with id=id. If the endpoint is of the form app-name:relation-name: it will display the application databag and the databags for all units. Examples:

jhack utils show-relation ipu:ingress-per-unit traefik-k8s:ingress-per-unit

jhack utils show-relation ipu/0:ingress-per-unit traefik-k8s:ingress-per-unit

jhack utils show-relation ipu/0:ingress-per-unit traefik-k8s/2:ingress-per-unit

Example output:

                                                      relation data v0.2
┃ category         ┃ traefik-k8s                                         ┃ ipu                                                ┃
│ relation name    │ ingress-per-unit                                    │ ingress-per-unit                                   │
│ interface        │ ingress_per_unit                                    │ ingress_per_unit                                   │
│ leader unit      │ 0                                                   │ 0                                                  │
│ application data │ ╭─────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │ ╭────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│                  │ │                                                 │ │ │ <empty>                                        │ │
│                  │ │  ingress  ipu/0:                                │ │ ╰────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │
│                  │ │             url:                                │ │                                                    │
│                  │ │ …  │ │                                                    │
│                  │ │           ipu/1:                                │ │                                                    │
│                  │ │             url:                                │ │                                                    │
│                  │ │ …  │ │                                                    │
│                  │ │           ipu/2:                                │ │                                                    │
│                  │ │             url:                                │ │                                                    │
│                  │ │ …  │ │                                                    │
│                  │ ╰─────────────────────────────────────────────────╯ │                                                    │
│ unit data        │ ╭─ traefik-k8s/0* ─╮ ╭─ traefik-k8s/1 ─╮            │ ╭─ ipu/0*  ────────────────────╮                   │
│                  │ │ <empty>          │ │ <empty>         │            │ │                              │                   │
│                  │ ╰──────────────────╯ ╰─────────────────╯            │ │  host              │                   │
│                  │ ╭─ traefik-k8s/2 ──╮ ╭─ traefik-k8s/3 ─╮            │ │  model  test-charm-ipu-9dg8  │                   │
│                  │ │ <empty>          │ │ <empty>         │            │ │  name   ipu/0                │                   │
│                  │ ╰──────────────────╯ ╰─────────────────╯            │ │  port   80                   │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ ╰──────────────────────────────╯                   │
│                  │                                                     │ ╭─ ipu/1  ─────────────────────╮                   │
│                  │                                                     │ │                              │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ │  host              │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ │  model  test-charm-ipu-9dg8  │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ │  name   ipu/1                │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ │  port   80                   │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ ╰──────────────────────────────╯                   │
│                  │                                                     │ ╭─ ipu/2  ─────────────────────╮                   │
│                  │                                                     │ │                              │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ │  host              │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ │  model  test-charm-ipu-9dg8  │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ │  name   ipu/2                │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ │  port   80                   │                   │
│                  │                                                     │ ╰──────────────────────────────╯                   │

Since v0.3, also peer relations are supported. Additionally, it supports “show me the nth relation” instead of having to type out the whole app-name:endpoint thing: if you have 3 relations in your model, you can simply do jhack show-relation -n 1 and jhack will print out the 2nd relation from the top (of the same list appearing when you do juju status --relations, that is.


As we know, ops offers the possibility to use StoredState to persist some data between events, making charms therefore (somewhat) stateful. It can be challenging (or simply tedious) during testing and debugging, to inspect the contents of a live charm’s stored state in a uniform way.

Well, no more!

Suppose you have a prometheus-k8s charm deployed as prom (and related to traefik-k8s). Type: jhack show-stored prom/0 and you'd get:

                                                      stored data v0.1
┃ PrometheusCharm.GrafanaDashboardProvider._stored            ┃ PrometheusCharm.ingress._stored                            ┃
│                                                             │                                                            │
│  handle:  PrometheusCharm/GrafanaDashboardProvider[grafan…  │  handle:  PrometheusCharm/IngressPerUnitRequirer[ingress…  │
│    size:  8509b                                             │    size:  657b                                             │
│                           <dict>                            │                           <dict>                           │
│ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ │ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ │
│ ┃ key                   ┃ value                           ┃ │ ┃ key            ┃ value                                 ┃ │
│ ┡━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┩ │ ┡━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┩ │
│ │ 'dashboard_templates' │ {'file:prometheus-k8s_rev1.jso… │ │ │ 'current_urls' │ {'prom/0':                            │ │
│ │                       │ {'charm': 'prometheus-k8s',     │ │ │                │ ''}       │ │
│ │                       │ 'content':                      │ │ └────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────┘ │
│ │                       │ '/Td6WFoAAATm1rRGAgAhARYAAAB0L… │ │                                                            │
│ │                       │ 'juju_topology': {'model':      │ │                                                            $
│ │                       │ 'baz', 'model_uuid':            │ │                                                            │
│ │                       │ '00ff58ab-c187-497d-85b3-7cadd… │ │                                                            │
│ │                       │ 'application': 'prom', 'unit':  │ │                                                            │
│ │                       │ 'prom/0'}}}                     │ │                                                            │
│ └───────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ │                                                            │


The bottom part of the two table cells contains the ‘blob’ itself. At the moment we only implement ‘pretty-printers’ for python dicts. ops natively serializes only native python datatypes (anything you can `yaml.dump, in fact), but you could be serializing much more complex stuff than that.

For that reason, jhack show-stored exposes an --adapters optional argument, which allows you to inject your custom adapter to deserialize a specific handle. So, for example, if you are not happy with how the ingress StoredData is represented, you could create a file:

from urllib.parse import urlparse
from rich.table import Table
def _deserialize_ingress(raw: dict):
    urls = raw['current_urls']
    table = Table(title='ingress view adapter')

    for unit_name, url in urls.items():
        row = [unit_name]

        p_url = urlparse(url)
        hostname, port = p_url.netloc.split(":")
        row.extend((p_url.scheme, hostname, port, p_url.path))


    return table  # we can return any rich.RenderableType (str, or Rich builtins)

# For this to work, this file needs to declare a global 'adapters' var of the right type.
adapters = {
    "PrometheusCharm/IngressPerUnitRequirer[ingress]/StoredStateData[_stored]": _deserialize_ingress

And then by running jhack show-stored -a /path/to/that/file, you’d magically get:

                                                      stored data v0.1
┃ PrometheusCharm.GrafanaDashboardProvider._stored            ┃ PrometheusCharm.ingress._stored                            ┃
│                                                             │                                                            │
│  handle:  PrometheusCharm/GrafanaDashboardProvider[grafan…  │  handle:  PrometheusCharm/IngressPerUnitRequirer[ingress…  │
│    size:  8509b                                             │    size:  657b                                             │
│                           <dict>                            │                ingress view adapter                        │
│ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ │ ┏━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━┳━━━━━━┳━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓        │
│ ┃ key                   ┃ value                           ┃ │ ┃ unit   ┃ scheme ┃ hostname ┃ port ┃ path        ┃        │
│ ┡━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┩ │ ┡━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━╇━━━━━━╇━━━━━━━━━━━━━┩        │
│ │ 'dashboard_templates' │ {'file:prometheus-k8s_rev1.jso… │ │ │ prom/0 │ http   │  │ 80   │ /baz-prom-0 │        │
│ │                       │ {'charm': 'prometheus-k8s',     │ │ └────────┴────────┴──────────┴──────┴─────────────┘        │
│ │                       │ 'content':                      │ │                                                            │
│ │                       │ '/Td6WFoAAATm1rRGAgAhARYAAAB0L… │ │                                                            │
│ │                       │ 'juju_topology': {'model':      │ │                                                            │
│ │                       │ 'baz', 'model_uuid':            │ │                                                            │
│ │                       │ '00ff58ab-c187-497d-85b3-7cadd… │ │                                                            │
│ │                       │ 'application': 'prom', 'unit':  │ │                                                            │
│ │                       │ 'prom/0'}}}                     │ │                                                            │
│ └───────────────────────┴─────────────────────────────────┘ │                                                            │

Which is pretty cool.


This utility is the swiss army knife of "just get rid of this thing already". The broad goal is to have one easy-to-use command to destroy things in the most dirty and unsafe way possible, just please make it fast and please don't make me type all those letters out.

The tool is designed to be used with juju status --relations and juju models.

The basic usage is as follows:

jhack nuke -> will nuke the current model and that's that. jhack nuke foo* -> will:

  • scan juju models for models whose name begins with "foo" and nuke each one of them.
  • For each model it did not target as nukeable in the previous step, it will scan juju status -m that-model and:
    • for each app whose name begins with "foo", it will nuke it.
    • for each relation NOT involving an app selected for nukage in the previous step, if either the provider or requirer starts with "foo", it will nuke it.

You can switch between "starts with" / "ends with" and "contains" matching modes by placing stars around the string:

  • jhack nuke foo --> same as jhack nuke foo*
  • jhack nuke *foo --> same algorithm as above, but will nuke stuff whose name ends with "foo".
  • jhack nuke *foo* --> ... will nuke stuff that contains "foo"
  • jhack nuke !foo --> exact match only. So it will presumably only nuke one thing, except if you have many models with identically-named apps or relations in them. Then they'll all be vanquished.

For targeting relations only, you can type out the endpoint name up to and including the colon. For example, for purging all relations involving your my-db application, you could do: jhack nuke "my-db:", that will match all the relations of your app. They're history now.

By using this tool you acknowledge the possibility of it bricking your model or controller. Hopefully nothing beyond that.

Safety tips

  • Learn to use the command by trying out the --dry-run flag first, that will print out what it would nuke without actually nuking anything.

  • The command has an optional -n flag that allows you to specify the expected number of nukes that should be fired out. If more or less than n nukeables are matched, the command will print an error message and abort.

  • The command has a --selectors (-s) option that can be used to specify what to include/exclude in the bombardment.

    • 'a' for apps, 'A' for all except apps
    • 'm' for models, 'M' for all except models
    • 'r' for relations, 'R' for all except relations (although, the resulting nuke will probably also wipe the relations that would have been matched had this flag been omitted)

    So, for example, jhack nuke -s M foo will nuke all apps and relations it can find matching 'foo', equivalent to jhack nuke -s ar foo.

YOLO mode

Even in devmode, nuke has a confirmation prompt. Look at jhack conf to find out how you can set [nuke]ask_for_confirmation = false.


This command is used to simulate a specific event on a live unit. It works by building up an environment from scratch and tricking the charm to think a specific event is running by using juju exec. You can use it to simulate update-status, and other 'simple' events that have no special requirements in terms of envvars being set, but also more complex events are supported (relation events, workload events).


jhack fire traefik/0 update-status

jhack fire traefik/leader traefik-pebble-ready

jhack fire traefik/0 ingress-per-unit-relation-changed

Pro tip: use fire it in combination with jhack sync to quickly iterate and repeatedly execute the charm 'as if' a specific event was being fired.

Caveats: careless usage can rapidly and irrevocably bork your charm, since the events being fired in this way are not real juju events, therefore the charm state and the juju state can rapidly desync. E.g. Juju thinks everything is fine with the charm, but you just simulated a 'remove' event, following which the charm duly stopped all workload services, cleared a database and got ready to gracefully teardown. If after that Juju decides to fire any event, the charm will rightfully be surprised because it thought it was about to be killed.

However, if all of your event handlers truly are idempotent (hem hem) you should be fine.

Note: you can do

jhack fire traefik update-status

to fire the event on all traefik units!


This command offers facilities to capture runtime event contexts and use them to 're-fire' "the same event" later on. Unlike jhack utils fire, which uses a synthetic (i.e. built from scratch, minimal) environment, this command family gets a hold of a 'real' environment, serializes it, and reuses it as needed. So the env is more complete, and the simulation, more realistic. The flow consists of two main steps:

  • inject code that captures any event, serializes it and dumps it to a db on the unit.
  • whenever you like, trigger a charm execution reusing a recorded context.


This command is used to inject into a unit the code responsible for capturing the context in which the charm runs and dropping it to a db file.

Example usage:

jhack replay install trfk/0


This command is used to enumerate, first to last, all events which have been fired onto a unit (since replay was installed!). You can use the index of the enumeration to later re-fire the event.


jhack replay list trfk/0

its output could be something like:

Listing recorded events:
    (0) 2022-09-12 11:54:02.279174 :: start
    (1) 2022-09-12 11:54:02.768836 :: ingress-per-unit-relation-created
    (2) 2022-09-12 11:54:03.293178 :: ingress-per-unit-relation-joined
    (3) 2022-09-12 11:54:03.810452 :: ingress-per-unit-relation-changed
    (4) 2022-09-12 11:54:04.369351 :: ingress-per-unit-relation-joined
    (5) 2022-09-12 11:54:04.924288 :: ingress-per-unit-relation-changed
    (6) 2022-09-12 11:54:10.371510 :: traefik-pebble-ready

or if no events have been fired yet:

Listing recorded events:
    <no events>

Tip: to quickly get some events in, you could jhack fire trfr/0 update-status.


This command is used to re-fire a recorded event onto the same unit.

jhack replay emit trfk/0 2

Note that the index needs to match that of some recorded event (you can inspect those with jhack replay list).

Example run:

$ jhack replay install trfk/0
$ jhack replay list trfk/0
Listing recorded events:
    (0) 2022-09-12 11:54:02.279174 :: start
    (1) 2022-09-12 11:54:02.768836 :: ingress-per-unit-relation-created
    (2) 2022-09-12 11:54:03.293178 :: ingress-per-unit-relation-joined
    (3) 2022-09-12 11:54:03.810452 :: ingress-per-unit-relation-changed
$ jhack replay emit trfk/0 2
Replaying event (3): ingress-per-unit-relation-joined as originally emitted at 2022-09-12 11:54:03.293178.


Dump a recorded event (raw json). Interesting if you want to inspect the event context, or if you want to re-use it in other scripts (e.g. with jhack utils fire).


In jhack.utils.event_recorder.runtime you can find a Runtime class. That object can be used, in combination with the json database you obtained via replay dump, to locally execute a charm by simulating the context "exactly" as it occurred during the recorded execution.

At some point it will be moved to a charm lib.

The main use cases for Runtime are:

  • regression testing:
    • install replay on some unit,
    • wait for some event to bork your charm
    • grab the event db and put it in some /tests/replay_data folder
    • use Runtime to mock a charm execution using that backing database so that the charm will run again "exactly as it did back then"
    • Assert that the charm does not bork exactly as it did back then
  • local debugging:
    • use your favourite ide debugger tool to step through charm code without having to do any mocking at all: all juju-facing calls will return 'as they did in real life'.

Future work:

  • make it easier to manually edit the contents of the event database, to turn Runtime into a Scenario mocking lib. What if instead of returning True, leader-get returned False at that point?
  • Reuse the @memo injection facilities to reroute locally originating juju/pebble client calls to a specific remote controller and pebble server. Goal: be able to run a charm ANYWHERE but have it talk to a real backend living somewhere else.



jhack model clear

Will nuke all applications in the current model.


jhack model rm

Will nuke the current model.



Updates a packed .charm file by dumping into it any number of directories.

jhack charm update ./my_charm_file-amd64.charm --src ./src --dst src

This will take ./src and recursively copy it into the packed charm's /src dir (it will destroy any existing content).


Like update, but keeps watching for changes in the provided directories and pushes them into the packed charm whenever there's one.

jhack charm sync ./my_charm_file-amd64.charm --src ./src --dst src


Run a script in one or multiple units.

When debugging, it's often handy to install certain tools on a running unit, to then shell into it and start hacking around. How often have you:

juju ssh foo/0
apt update
apt install vim procps top mc -y

Well, no more!

The idea is: you create your unit provisioning script in ~/.cprov/default, keeping in mind that no user input can be expected (i.e. put -y flags everywhere).


jhack charm provision traefik-k8s/1;prometheus-k8s

will run that script on all prometheus units, and traefik's unit 1. You can put multiple scripts in ~/.cprov, and choose which one to use by:

jhack charm provision foo/1 --script foo

Alternatively, you can pass a full path, and it will not matter where the file is:

jhack charm provision foo/1 --script /path/to/your/


Used to pack a charm and refresh it in a juju model. Useful when developing. If used without arguments, it will assume the cwd is the charm's root, will run charmcraft pack, and grab the application name from the charm's name.

jhack charm repack

Otherwise, you can specify a folder where the packing should be done, and an application name to target with the refresh.

jhack charm repack --root /where/my/charm/root/is --name juju-app-name

charm-info (previously called vinfo)

charm-info is a command to show in tabular format the full version fingerprint of a charmed unit or application.

jhack charm-info my-app will show (for example):

                               vinfo v0.1
│ app name                                    │ my-app/0               │
│ charm                                       │ my-app: v33 - stable   │
│ model                                       │ foo                    │
│ workload version                            │ 0.3.42                 │
│ grafana_k8s:grafana_dashboard               │ 0.13                   │
│ prometheus_k8s:prometheus_scrape            │ 0.21                   │
│ loki_k8s:loki_push_api                      │ 0.12                   │
│ parca:parca_scrape                          │ 0.2                    │
│ traefik_k8s:ingress                         │ 1.3                    │
│ observability_libs:kubernetes_service_patch │ 0.6                    │
│ observability_libs:juju_topology            │ 0.2                    │

To also check the charm lib versions against the latest available upstream: jhack charm-info -o my-app

┃ app name                                    ┃ my-app/0               ┃
│ charm                                       │ my-app: v33 - stable   │
│ model                                       │ foo                    │
│ workload version                            │ 0.3.42                 │
│ grafana_k8s:grafana_dashboard               │ 0.13    < (0.17)       │
│ prometheus_k8s:prometheus_scrape            │ 0.21    < (0.25)       │
│ loki_k8s:loki_push_api                      │ 0.12    ==             │
│ parca:parca_scrape                          │ 0.2     < (0.3)        │
│ traefik_k8s:ingress                         │ 1.3     < (1.5)        │
│ observability_libs:kubernetes_service_patch │ 0.6     < (1.5)        │
│ observability_libs:juju_topology            │ 0.2     < (0.4)        │


The list-endpoints command is a utility to view the integration endpoints a charm has to offer.

                                                           endpoints v0.1                                                           
┃ role          ┃ endpoint                   ┃ interface                       ┃ version       ┃ bound to                          ┃
│ requires      │ certificates               │ tls-certificates                │ 2.10          │ -                                 │
│               │ logging                    │ loki_push_api                   │ 0.21          │ -                                 │
│               │ tracing                    │ tracing                         │ 0.6           │ -                                 │
│               │ receive-ca-cert            │ certificate_transfer            │ 0.4           │ -                                 │
│ provides      │ ingress                    │ ingress                         │ 1.17|2.5      │ alertmanager, catalogue           │
│               │ ingress-per-unit           │ ingress_per_unit                │ 1.15          │ loki, prometheus                  │
│               │ metrics-endpoint           │ prometheus_scrape               │ 0.41          │ prometheus                        │
│               │ traefik-route              │ traefik_route                   │ 0.7           │ grafana                           │
│               │ grafana-dashboard          │ grafana_dashboard               │ 0.34          │ -                                 │
│ peers         │ peers                      │ traefik_peers                   │ n/a           │ <itself>                          │

in order to show the version of the library implementing a given interface, jhack naively attempts to match the interface name to a library file. It is standard practice to put a library for the foo-bar-baz interface in lib/charms/owner_charm/v42/, which allows jhack to deduce that the version of the library is 42.[whatever is in LIBPATCH]. This however is not enforced; in that case you'll see a <library not found> tag instead.

If multiple library files are found for a given interface, such as in the case of ingress in the example output above, jhack will assume that the charm supports both versions and print them all.


Ever went to the trouble of juju offer, then juju consume, juju relate? Done it once, and never ever want to do it again because you keep forgetting the commands, the arguments, the syntax? Well, search no more. jhack pull-cmr some-model. You'll see something like:

 ~
❯ ljhack pull-cmr cos
(0.0) :=         prom <-[grafana_datasource]-> grafana
(0.1) :=         prom <-[grafana_dashboard]-> grafana
(1.0) :=         prom <-[prometheus_scrape]-> prometheus
(2.0) :=         trfk <-[ingress]-> alertmanager
(3.0) :=         trfk <-[ingress]-> catalogue
(4.0) :=         trfk <-[traefik_route]-> grafana
(5.0) :=         trfk <-[ingress_per_unit]-> loki
(6.0) :=         trfk <-[ingress_per_unit]-> prometheus
(6.1) :=         trfk <-[prometheus_scrape]-> prometheus
Pick a CMR [0.0/0.1/1.0/2.0/3.0/4.0/5.0/6.0/6.1] (0.0): 1.0
relating <this model>.prom:self-metrics-endpoint <-[prometheus_scrape]-> cos.prometheus:metrics-endpoint



This subcommand is used to view and manage the Integration Matrix of a model, that is, for each application pair, the possible (not just the currently active) relations. Whether a relation is possible or not is determined based on whether the interface name matches, same as juju does.

Todo: extend this model to CMRs.


jhack imatrix view will pretty-print the Integration Matrix itself:

                            integration  v0.1
┃ providers\requirers ┃ prom                    ┃ trfk                   ┃
│ prom                │ -n/a-                   │ ┌────────────────────┐ │
│                     │                         │ │ - no interfaces -  │ │
│                     │                         │ └────────────────────┘ │
│ trfk                │ ┌─────────────────────┐ │ -n/a-                  │
│                     │ │ ingress_per_unit N  │ │                        │
│                     │ │ prometheus_scrape Y │ │                        │
│                     │ └─────────────────────┘ │                        │

This representation should tell you:

  • there are two applications in this model: trfk and prom
  • trfk exposes two relation endpoints (as a provider) that have a potential of interfacing with prom (who is a requirer): ingress_per_unit and prometheus_scrape
  • of these two endpoints, only prometheus_scrape is presently active, i.e. trfk is related to prom via that endpoint.
  • prom provides no endpoints that trfk requires

TODO: allow ignoring the directionality of the relation: show shared interfaces for which both apps have the same role (since juju will allow relating over those... won't it?)


jhack imatrix fill will try to cross-relate all applications with one another in all possible ways.


jhack imatrix clear is the opposite of fill: it will attempt to remove all relations in the matrix.


Jhack offers some scripts to work with Scenario.


Snapshot's purpose is to gather the State data structure from a real, live charm running in some cloud your local juju client has access to. This is handy in case:

  • you want to write a test about the state the charm you're developing is currently in
  • your charm is bork or in some inconsistent state, and you want to write a test to check the charm will handle it correctly the next time around (aka regression testing)
  • you are new to Scenario and want to quickly get started with a real-life example.

Suppose you have a Juju model with a prometheus-k8s unit deployed as prometheus-k8s/0. If you type scenario snapshot prometheus-k8s/0, you will get a printout of the State object. Pipe that out into some file, import all you need from scenario, and you have a working State that you can events with.

You can also pass a --format flag to obtain instead:

  • a jsonified State data structure, for portability
  • a full-fledged pytest test case (with imports and all), where you only have to fill in the charm type and the event that you wish to trigger.


If you write to disk a snapshot as json with scenario snapshot foo/0 --format json | state.json, you can then open it in an editor and make changes at will to the state data. For example you can change unit status, relation data, a stored state's value, or remove a deferred event.

Then you can type scenario state-apply foo/0 ./state.json and jhack will do its utmost to force-feed the modified state into the foo/0 unit.

It will call status-set, relation-set, state-set and even write files to disk, attempting to match the state you supplied as closely as possible.


It's important to understand what state-apply cannot do:

  • change another application's data (i.e. a relation's remote_[app|unit]_data)
  • change its own leadership status
  • change a model's name, uuid, etc...
  • add or remove a relation, network, etc...

And many other things.

In a nutshell, state-apply can only do:

  • what the charm unit itself could do by making the appropriate hook tool calls
  • what the admin could do by using wisely juju exec, juju ssh, juju scp on the specific target unit alone

Future work

  • scenario state-apply to force-feed a unit a previously snapshotted State data structure.
  • forward-port all jhack replay functionality to a scenario.State backend.
    • scenario recorder install install on a unit a script to automatically snapshot the state before/after each event the unit receives.
    • scenario recorder download-db
    • scenario recorder replay
    • integrate with Theatre to see the graph expand in real time


jhack eval is a command that allows you to evaluate simple one-line expressions in the context of a live charm (or multiple units thereof).

jhack eval myapp/0 self.model.relations

and you should see as output the current list of relations the charm has, for example

[<ops.model.Relation ingress:50>]

Similarly, if the charm has a method called _foobar, you could write:

jhack eval myapp/0 self._foobar() + 42

and see the result in your standard output. Whatever the value of your expression is, it will be printed to stdout before jhack eval exits.

The globals available to the evaluated script are:

  • self: the charm instance
  • ops: the ops module, so you can use, say, ops.ActiveStatus.
  • output: a function that takes any json-dumpable object and gives it back to you.

For example, you can do: jhack eval myapp/0 "output([self._foobar() + 42, ops.ActiveStatus().name])

and this would print to stdout:


Run the command with --help for additional options and configuration.


jhack script is a command that allows you to upload a python script to one or multiple live Juju units and running them with the charm instance as an argument.

# ./path/to/
def main(charm):
    relations = charm.model.relations['bar']
    for relation in relations:
        print(,[]['key'])[]['other-key'] = 'value'

Now type:

jhack script myapp/0 --input ./path/to/

and you should see as output the current value of the key application data setting. You will also see that the other-key has been updated to "value".

Run the command with --help for additional options and configuration.

charm lobotomy

Helpful when you have to endure an event storm, or when you want a charm to temporarily suspend event processing for whatever reason.

jhack charm lobotomy myapp/0 will temporarily disable event processing for the charm. This is a total lobotomy. Juju will not be aware anything out of the ordinary is going on, but the charm will ignore all events and be effectively disconnected from the Juju state machine and allow all events to go through transparently.

jhack charm lobotomy myapp myotherapp -e update-status -e foo-relation-changed will lobotomize all units of myapp and myotherapp, and selectively so: they only ignore those specific events, and let any other go through to the charm.

jhack charm lobotomy --all: will lobotomize all applications in the current model

At any time, you can do jhack lobotomy --plan to view in a handy table what, lobotomy-wise, the status of the model is.


To reverse a lobotomy, do jhack charm lobotomy myapp/0 --undo.

jhack charm lobotomy myapp myotherapp --undo: removes the lobotomy from all units of myapp and myotherapp.

jhack charm lobotomy --undo will delobotomize the whole model.


There used to be a product manager who, in order to test any charm, would take it and repeatedly scale it up by N, then scale it back down by N. In the meantime, he'd grab a pack of popcorns and enjoy watching the cluster burn up in a fiery nova. This activity is referred to as Manciopping.

Those days are over, charms are more resilient, but still it's nice to have those little moments of relaxation from time to time.

chaos mancioppi

Run jhack chaos mancioppi and that will grab every single application in your model, scale it up by 2 and then, when you tell it to proceed, it will scale them all back down.

Some interesting prameters (for the full list refer to the CLI --help):

  • --reverse: first scale down, then up
  • --include <app>: include this app
  • --exclude <app>: exclude this app
  • --step: amount by which to scale up or down

chaos flicker

The second tool in the 'watch the cluster burn' category is chaos flicker. Run jhack chaos flicker and that will grab every single relation in your model, remove it and add it back. Ideally this should give you back the model in its initial state, as opposed to jhack imatrix clear;jhack imatrix fill which would give you back a fully-cross-related model.

Some interesting prameters (for the full list refer to the CLI --help):

  • --reverse: first add the relations, then remove them
  • --include <app>: include this app (you need to pass at least two of them for this to have any meaning)
  • --exclude <app>: exclude this app (you need to pass at least two of them for this to have any meaning)
  • --step: amount by which to scale up or down

For example, jhack chaos flicker --include tempo --include traefik will flicker all relations between tempo and traefik, and leave the rest of the model untouched.


When any event executes on a charm, modern ops emits a collect-unit-status event to which the charm can attach any number of statuses. Ops will select the one worth of being surfaced to the user and become the final 'unit status', the others are discarded. But that's not very kind, is it?

Sitrep is a tool to evaluate the status of the charm 'right now', collect all the separate individual statuses that have been attached to the collect-unit-status event, and output them in a colourful, structured manner.

If you label your statuses like so:

ActiveStatus("[] happy")
ActiveStatus("[] happy")
BlockedStatus("[] sad")
WaitingStatus("[bob] wait")
ActiveStatus("[rob] hee")

You'll see a hierarchically organized sitrep output, something like:

. active ""
    (wait) wait
    (active) hee
    (active) happy
      (active) happy
      (block) sad


If you are writing an integration test, or working with your development cloud and Juju has somewhat decided that myapp/7 should be the leader of your deployment, but you really, really disagree and want myapp/2 to be in charge instead, worry no longer! You now wield the power of advanced hackery and election manipulation: type

jhack elect myapp/2

...and in no time (about a minute, to be precise), myapp/7 shall be deposed and myapp/2 elected in its place. What's going on is, Jhack is killing the container agents on all units except the one you want to elect, waiting for reelection to occur, then restarting everything up. It's also patching the pebble plans on those units to inject a tiny python server that happily replies "oh I'm so healthy!" to any pebble/kubernetes probe that comes along, so nobody will realize that the agent is down.

Known issues

Stopped units come back to life before reelection has occurred

The solution to this might be to add logic to keep watching the units and keep them dead until reelection occurs. Come talk to me if you witness this, I've seen it happen but have been unable to reproduce.

Units receive stop and start events

First of all, don't worry too much: the pod/container should not be churning. Jhack is tricking both pebble and kubernetes to think that everything is fine with the unit. However, we still have to find a way to trick the Juju controller. Know how to do that? Get in touch!

Fact is, you can safely ignore those events as they are in fact spurious. Your unit isn't really being restarted. Telling the charm to ignore those events though can be tricky: consider using a partial jhack lobotomy (see above) for that!


jhack debug-log is a command meant to unify hard-to-get log streams in a handy overview. Run jhack debug-log myapp/0 and you will see a split view containing:

  • a pre-filtered juju debug-log only containing logs pertaining to the target unit
  • for each sidecar container:
    • for each pebble service defined in the container:
      • the logs for that service.
  • a handy tree-like overview of all the containers/services and their status

You can change the panels shown by default to only keep those that you want using the -i/--include flag.

You can enter focus mode (only show logs for specified containers or pebble services) by running: `jhack debug-log myapp/0 -f mycontainer:myservice.