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Android Daisy Reader Requirements

soolara edited this page May 16, 2011 · 19 revisions

Aster – An Android Daisy Reader


The aim is to develop an open source app, which can read DAISY 3 content, to be used by no vision or low vision customers on any mobile device that runs Android. The goal is to leverage the accessibility features available to the maximum, to provide the best reading experience. To gain speed in development, FBReaderJ will be used as the base code.

###Terms and References: Content: Books or periodicals.
Bookshare API: []
All Navigation features refer to Daisy 3.0 Accessibility Recommendations:

1. Theme: Authenticate

  1. As an Aster user, I have the option to use the app in anonymous mode to search and download public domain/generally available Bookshare content.
  2. As an Aster user, I can login using my Bookshare account, so I can utilize both generally available and protected Bookshare content.
  3. As an Aster user, I need to be directed to a suitable place with information to create a Bookshare membership if I do not already have a Bookshare account.
  4. As an Aster user, I am prompted with the right set of actions, in case I have forgotten my password, so I can reset the same.

2. Theme: Acquire

  1. As an Aster user, I can use the same search capabilities ( eg. ISBN, Title, BookId, Title/Author etc) as in, in both anonymous and logged-in mode, so I can quickly find the books I need.
  2. As an Aster user, I can browse for books by category, most popular and recently added in both anonymous and logged-in mode, so I can discover content matching my interest.
  3. As an Aster user, I can view detailed information about the book ( author, date published, , category, synopsis, freely available, available for download ) from the search results, so I can learn more about the book.
  4. As an anonymous Aster user, I need the option to switch to logged-in mode seamlessly if I choose to download protected content.
  5. As an Aster user, I am alerted to the status of the download, so I can ensure the intended operation completed successfully.
  6. As an Aster user, I need to smoothly transition between acquiring books and other activities, so I can be read efficiently.
  7. As an Aster user, I can import my personal DAISY content from my computer to my mobile device, so I can access content seamlessly.

3. Theme: Access/Organize

  1. As an Aster user, I have a local library to organize and access my downloaded DAISY content.
  2. As an Aster user, I can find the books organized by few key attributes ( eg. author, title, recently used), so I can find my content efficiently.
  3. As an Aster user, I can search my local library by common search attributes such as author, title and category so I can find my content efficiently.

4. Theme: Read/Reading Tools

  1. As an Aster user, synchronized text highlighting by sentence with audio is enabled, so I can follow the audio smoothly.
  2. As an Aster user, I can highlight text that can be stored for offline use.
  3. As an Aster user, I can control the font size in both settings and dynamically within the book.
  4. As an Aster user, I am given some basic options to control the contrast in both settings and dynamically within the book.
  5. As an Aster user, I can search and find specific text within a book.
  6. As an Aster user, I can add a note that can be used for offline use.
  7. As an Aster user, I have some choices as to the speed of audio – slower or faster, so I can have an enjoyable experience.

5. Theme: Navigate

  1. As an Aster user, I can navigate from sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph, page to page, or chapter-to-chapter - so I can skim the book for content that are of specific interest to me.
  2. As an Aster user, I can easily find my relative position in the book ( eg. Page 10 of 100 ).
  3. As an Aster user, I can add/delete/access a bookmark to mark a location I may want to return to.
  4. As an Aster user, I can find my bookmarks organized by multiple books.
  5. As an Aster user, I can easily navigate to specific sections using Table of Contents, Page Number and bookmarks.

6. Theme: Personalize

  1. As a Bookshare member I have the ability to modify basic aspects of my user profile (download password, adult content filter ) directly from the device.

7. Theme: Error Handling

  1. As an Aster user, I expect elegant and useful messages when things do not work as expected in every step of work flow.

8. Theme: Support

Address Support in later phases.

9. Open Questions/Thoughts:

  1. User roles : No vision, low-vision, reading disabled, bookshare staff. What about NIMAC users and organizational users?
    • No/low-vision are the major user roles.
  2. Do we have to support different formats – BRF?
    • No
  3. How about content from other public domains – eg. Project Gutenberg ?
    • The app will be marketed to current Bookshare users. Bookshare already includes public domain books.
  4. How do we differentiate book vs periodicals ( eg. search criteria ). Should we provide a different UI experience for books vs periodicals.
    • Yes. Books/Periodicals need to be separated. Periodicals to be addressed as a medium priority.
  5. Language Support ( search by language, organize library by language, Acquire books by language , how many languages )
    • English only in phase 1
  6. FBReader organizes library by Author/Tag/Recent. Kindle does it by Author/Title/Recent. Title is what users remember most and search for.
    • Use the already available features in FBReader initially.
  7. Search Results - Filtering?
    • Bookshare API takes care of this.
  8. Human recorded vs Synthetic – do users have an option?
    • No, its all TTS.
  9. Screen orientation – horizontal/vertical , lock down option?
    • Retain current FBReader functionality.
  10. Table of contents (depth? , depends on meta data )
    • As available in Daisy Content.

10. Nice-to-have:

  1. Remember me option, so I do not have to login again
  2. Keep track of last read page per book ( useful if you are skimming around the book and want to continue sequential reading , or if you are reading multiple books ).
  3. Search Results : Organize alphabetically and provide a visual separation ( eg. List by A, B, C)
  4. User reviews and Ratings in Book Info.
  5. Recommendations and reading lists, when trying to discover content.
  6. Multiple downloads simultaneously.
  7. Work/phrase lookup using an online dictionary or Wikipedia