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   Copyright (c) 2020-2022 S. Varrette and UL HPC Team <>

This repository holds the ULHPC Technical Documentation, based on the mkdocs-material theme and the PyMdown Extensions. Inspired by the excellent NERSC Technical documentation.

Installation / Repository Setup

This repository is hosted on Github. To clone it, proceed as follows (adapt accordingly):

mkdir -p ~/git/
cd ~/git/
git clone # or for SSH interactions: git clone

/!\ IMPORTANT: Once cloned, initiate your local copy of the repository by running:

$> cd ulhpc-docs
$> make setup

This will initiate the Git submodules of this repository and setup the git flow layout for this repository. It will also ensure python components (direnv, pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv) are installed.

Later on, you can update your local branches by running:

  make up

If upon pulling the repository, you end in a state where another collaborator have upgraded the Git submodules for this repository, you'll end in a dirty state (as reported by modifications within the .submodules/ directory). In that case, just after the pull, you have to run make up to ensure consistency with regards the Git submodules:

Finally, you can upgrade the Git submodules to the latest version by running:

  make upgrade

Python Virtualenv / Pyenv and Direnv

You will have to ensure you have installed direnv, configured by .envrc), pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv. This assumes also the presence of ~/.config/direnv/direnvrc from this page - for more details, see this blog post.

### TL;DR; installation
# Mac OS
brew install direnv pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
# Linux/WSL
sudo { apt-get | yum | ... } install direnv
curl -L | bash
export PATH="$HOME/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
pyenv root     # Should return $HOME/.pyenv

Assuming you have configured the XDG Base Directories in your favorite shell configuration (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc or ~/.profile), you can enable direnv and pyenv as follows

# XDG  Base Directory Specification
# See
export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=$HOME/.config
export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$HOME/.cache
export XDG_DATA_HOME=$HOME/.local/share
# [...]
# Direnv - see
if [ -f "$HOME/.config/direnv/" ]; then
	. $HOME/.config/direnv/
# - pyenv:
# - pyenv-virtualenv:
export PYENV_ROOT=$HOME/.pyenv
export PATH="${PYENV_ROOT}/bin:${PYENV_ROOT}/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv/bin:$PATH"
if [ -n "$(which pyenv)" ]; then
   eval "$(pyenv init -)"
   eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"

Source your shell configuration file. You can now run the following command to setup your local machine in a compliant way (this was normally done as part of the make setup step) :

# Global Direnv Setup (to be done only once)
make setup-direnv
make setup-pyenv

Running direnv allow (this will have to be done only once), you should automatically enable the virtualenv ulhpc-docs based on the python version specified in .python-version. You'll eventually need to install the appropriate Python version with pyenv:

pyenv versions   # Plural: show all versions
pyenv install $(head .python-version)
# Activate the virtualenv by reentering into the directory
direnv allow .
pyenv version # check current pyenv[-virtualenv] version. MUST return the vurtualenv 'ulhpc-docs'

From that point, you should install the required packages using:

make setup-python

# OR (manually)
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt


See docs/.

The documentation for this project is handled by mkdocs with the mkdocs-material theme and the PyMdown Extensions. You might wish to generate locally the docs (after setting up your local virtualenv) i.e. to preview the documentation from the project root directory by running:

mkdocs serve    # OR make doc

Then visit with your favorite browser the URL http://localhost:8000. Alternatively, you can run make doc at the root of the repository.

Reporting Issues / Feature request

You can submit bug / issues / feature request with our documentation using the ULHPC/ulhpc-docs Issue Tracker.

Software list

Several markdown files under docs/software/swsets/ reflect the state of the software modules available on the ULHPC platform. They respect the following directory structure:

    ├──   list of all software ever built
    ├── <version>.md       software list in RESIF swset <version>
    ├── <category>.md      list of all software belonging to category '<category>'
    └── <category>/
    .   ├── <software>.md    short summary and available version for software <software>
    .   └── [...]            belonging to category <category>

These files are automatically generated by the Python script scripts/

$ ./scripts/ -h
  collect  Collect meta-data dict of the RESIF3 modules installed and...
  render   Generate markdown files summarizing available ULHPC modules
  • ./scripts/ collect [...] is expected to by run on one of the cluster to access the RESIF root path /opt/apps/resif
    • use make resif-collect to perform the following operations:
      • upload the script and the necessary files on the cluster access frontend (see RESIF_COLLECT_HOST variable in .Makefile.local)
      • generate a virtualenv under RESIF_COLLECT_TMPDIR
      • invoke the script in collect mode to generate the YAML file RESIF_COLLECT_YAML
      • download the generated yaml and store it under data/resif_modules.yaml
  • ./scripts/ render [...] can be used locally to render/generate the markdown files based on the data stored in data/resif_modules.yaml
    • use make resif-render to perform this action


The project was setup and populated by Sebastien Varrette, and received contributions from multiples persons -- see To get up-to-date statistics, use

make stats

In all cases, you are more than welcome to contribute to the development of this project. In order to get started, check out the Contributing Guide


Unless otherwise specified, this project and the sources proposed within this repository are released under the terms of the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence.


ULHPC Technical Documentation (mkdocs-based) -









  • Python 53.8%
  • Makefile 43.9%
  • Shell 2.3%