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Tags: channable/vaultenv



Toggle v0.16.0's commit message
Bump version to 0.16.0


Toggle v0.15.1's commit message
Release 0.15.1


Toggle v0.15.0's commit message
v0.15.0 - "A token of my appreciation"

This release adds two new authentication methods to Vaultenv:
- GitHub authentication
- Kubernetes authentication (thanks @ruuda!)

The former is meant to be used in a development environment, and works
with a personal access token. The latter is meant to be used in a
Kubernetes cluster.

This release also updates some dependencies.


Toggle v0.14.0's commit message
v0.14.0 - "It's the little things"

This release fixes some minor issues in Vaultenv:
 - Vaultenv will now enable "line buffering" mode for its output, which
   prevents issues with log messages getting mixed up or delayed if
   e.g. running under Systemd or Kubernetes.
   This was fixed by @ruuda in #115.

 - When printing the configuration with `--log-level info` Vaultenv will
   now correctly specify the unit for the base delay (milliseconds),
   where it previously printed an ambiguous plain number.
   This was added by @ruuda in #113.

This release also contains fixes to make running the integration tests
more reliable / work in more Linux environments.
This was contributed by @ruuda in #114.


Toggle v0.13.3's commit message
Bump version to v0.13.3


Toggle v0.13.2's commit message


This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
Merge pull request #105 from sarahhodne/fix-ci

Use nix derivation in CI


Toggle v0.13.1's commit message
v0.13.1 - "Owned by me and not by thee"

This release fixes a bug in the provided Debian package.
The packages of 0.13.0 and earlier versions were not build with the
`fakeroot` utility, which caused the installed package files
(`/usr/bin/vaultenv` and `/etc/secrets.d/`) to be owned by the local
user with uid 1000 instead of by `root`.
We've now adjusted the build script to correctly use `fakeroot`, the
package will also automatically correct this issue by changing the owner
and mode of `/usr/bin/vaultenv` and `/etc/secrets.d` when upgrading from
an earlier version.

There are no changes to the code of the Vaultenv binary, except for an
increase in the version number.


Toggle v0.13.0's commit message
v0.13.0 - "If at first you don't succeed"

This release fixes a bug in Vaultenv's retry behaviour.
The bug caused Vaultenv to crash immediately if it failed to retrieve
the mount information or a secret from the Vault server, while it was
supposed to retry fetching that information.

If Vaultenv fails to fetch the mount info or one or more secrets it will
now correctly retry fetching that information according to the
configured retry policy. This retry policy is (and was) configurable
with the options `--retry-base-delay-milliseconds` /
`VAULTENV_RETRY_BASE_DELAY_MS` and `--retry-attempts` /

Vaultenv will now also redact the used Vault token before outputting an
error message when a secret or the mount info cannot be fetched within
the retry period.


Toggle v0.12.0's commit message
v0.12.0 - "Need to Know"

Vaultenv now supports removing specific variables from the environment before
executing the wrapped command, allowing the user to selectively inherit the
parent environment (instead of completely or not at all).

This behaviour can be enabled by passing the `--inherit-env-blacklist`
option, setting the `VAULTENV_INHERIT_ENV_BLACKLIST` environment
variable, or setting the `VAULTENV_INHERIT_ENV_BLACKLIST` option in a
Vaultenv configuration file. The value of the option or variable should
be a list of names of environment variables to remove, separated by

Vaultenv will remove the variables from the environment of the command to
execute if the variable has a name that exactly matches a name in the
blacklist. Vaultenv will also remove variables retrieved from Vault if the name
of the variable matches a name on the blacklist.

The blacklist has no effect if `--no-inherit-env` is used, and the option will
be silently ignored.


Toggle v0.11.0's commit message
v0.11.0 - "Destination Unknown"

Vaultenv has gained support for reading connection configuration options
from the standard `VAULT_ADDR` environment variable.

With this release, we have also started shipping fully static binaries
for Linux.

VAULT_ADDR support

Vaultenv already had support for the following CLI options and
environment variables to configure connection information:

 - `--host` or `VAULT_HOST`
 - `--port` or `VAULT_PORT`
 - `--[no-]connect-tls` or `VAULTENV_CONNECT_TLS`

With this release, we also add support for reading this information from
the VAULT_ADDR environment variable. The old configuration options still
work and will remain supported.

Please refer to the README for details (most notably on how precedence
and conflicts in these options are handled).

Static binary releases

The Linux binaries that we used to provide were coupled to a version of
libc. This meant users had to compile vaultenv from source if they were
on a distro with an older libc than the one we compiled Vaultenv with.

From now on, the Linux binaries we distribute are fully static, meaning
they are no longer coupled to a version of libc. We ship a static binary
containing MUSL and integer-simple.