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Pipeline for the detection and isolation of viral reads from metagenomic data

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Earth Virome Pipeline - Documentation

Original paper (please cite if used):

Paez-Espino et al. (2017). Nature Protocol.

Adapted pipeline code and documentation by:

Chengzhen Dai (, Sepideh Pakpour (

Getting Started

This pipeline consists a set of command-line scripts provided for Linux and written in Python (2.7) and Java. To use, simply clone the repository:

git clone

Software Requirements

The pipeline requires a set of dependency softwares:

  • MEGAHIT: For fast, high-quality metagenomic assembly from raw reads
  • Prodigal: For predicting protein-coding genes in genomes.
  • HMMER 3.2: For detection of protein families based off of a reference HMM model
  • blastn: For detection of homologs in reads based on reference genomes
  • seqtk: For filtering fastq/fasta files

To install all of the required softwares, please first ensure you have sudo permission and then run:

cd src/
cd ..

Database Requirements

The pipeline also requires a set of reference database:

  • Viral protein families: HMM model consisting of 25,281 viral proteins, from ref. 20 of Paez-Espino et al. 2017 (Nature Protocol)
  • Metagenomic viral contigs: A reference database consisting of 125,842 metagenomic viral contigs (fasta file to be converted to a blast database).
  • Pfam: A large collection of protein families

To install all of the required databases, please run:

cd src/
cd ..

Running the Pipeline

All of the scripts should be run from the src folder

--- Step 1. Genome Assembly with MEGAHIT ---

To begin, we start with a pair of forward and reverse reads from a metagenomic sample. Here, we run: The arguments are:

usage: [-h] [--megahit MEGAHIT] [--read_1 READ_1]
                         [--read_2 READ_2] [--out_folder OUT_FOLDER]

Specify arguments for MEGAHIT assembly

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --megahit MEGAHIT     path to megahit tool
  --read_1 READ_1       path to forward reads (raw, unassembled reads)
  --read_2 READ_2       path to backwards reads (raw, unassembled reads)
  --out_folder OUT_FOLDER
                        path to output folder (Default: ../assembled/)

Note that the default output folder is the assembled folder in the parent folder. The output will be named similar to: final.contigs.fa (It is recommended that you rename the file to be something more specific to the sample.)

An example use of this script is:

python \
    --megahit ../tools/megahit \
    --read_1 ../example_reads/example_1.fastq \
    --read_2 ../example_reads/example_2.fastq \
    --out_folder ../assembled/

--- Step 2. Filter and Annotate Assembled Contigs ---

We first filter the assembly results, keeping only contigs of length 5+ kb. Then, we use prodigal to predict potential proteins and use Pfam to identify homologs of protein families in the predicted proteins. Note that this step in the original paper is done by the IMG/M System, which is an online system that requires manual uploading/downloading. Here, we use the offline method as implemented in the script: The arguments are:

usage: [-h]
                                     [--assembled_contigs ASSEMBLED_CONTIGS]
                                     [--pfam_db PFAM_DB]
                                     [--viral_hmm VIRAL_HMM]
                                     [--out_folder OUT_FOLDER]

Specify arguments for predicting genes with prodigal and finding protein
families using Pfam.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --assembled_contigs ASSEMBLED_CONTIGS
                        path to fasta file containing the filtered contigs of
                        length 5kb or more
  --pfam_db PFAM_DB     path to Pfam-A.hmm file
  --viral_hmm VIRAL_HMM
                        path to viral_reference_model.hmm file
  --out_folder OUT_FOLDER
                        path to output folder (Default: ../annotated_contigs/)

Note that the default output folder is the annotated_contigs folder in the parent folder. The exact path of the output files will be printed in the terminal.

An example use of this script is:

python \
    --assembled_contigs ../assembled/example/example_contigs.fa \
    --pfam_db ../reference_files/Pfam-A.hmm \
    --viral_hmm ../reference_files/viral_reference_model.hmm \
    --out_folder ../annotated_contigs/

--- Step 3. Build Master Table and Filter Contigs ---

We first create a master table and filter out sequences with hits to viral proteins. Next, we apply a set of filters to extract viral contigs from metagenomic tables. Here, we run: The arguments are:

usage: [-h] [--hmmout_file HMMOUT_FILE]
                                            [--genes_fasta GENES_FASTA]
                                            [--assembly_fasta ASSEMBLY_FASTA]
                                            [--pfam_file PFAM_FILE]
                                            [--out_folder OUT_FOLDER]

Specify arguments for building a master table and filtering contigs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --hmmout_file HMMOUT_FILE
                        path to hmmsearch tab output
  --genes_fasta GENES_FASTA
                        path to FASTA file containing Scaffold ID and Gene ID
  --assembly_fasta ASSEMBLY_FASTA
                        path to assembly FASTA file containing contigs > 5kb
  --pfam_file PFAM_FILE
                        path to pfam output file in data frame form
  --out_folder OUT_FOLDER
                        name for output folder (Default: ../filter_contigs/)

Note that the default output folder is the filter_contigs folder in the parent folder. The exact path of the output files will be printed in the terminal.

An example use of this script is:

python \
    --hmmout_file ../annotated_contigs/example_contigs_5kb_genes_in_scafs_formatted_hits_to_vHMMs.hmmout \
    --genes_fasta ../annotated_contigs/example_contigs_5kb_genes_in_scafs_formatted.fa \
    --assembly_fasta ../assembled/example/example_contigs.fa \
    --pfam ../annotated_contigs/example_contigs_5kb_genes_in_scafs.pfam.txt \
    --out ../filter_contigs/

--- Step 4. Viral Genome Clustering ---

Here, we group viruses detected in public metagenomes with viral contigs from our specific sample. This step involves 1) a blastn operation to identify homolog hits against a metagenomic viral contigs database; 2) removal of self-hits; 3) parsing of the outputs to keep only those that meet a specific cutoff; and 4) single linkage clustering. Here, we run: The arguments are:

usage: [-h] [--viral_contigs VIRAL_CONTIGS]
                                  [--ref_db REF_DB] [--out_folder OUT_FOLDER]

Specify arguments for clustering contigs.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --viral_contigs VIRAL_CONTIGS
                        path to fasta file containing the filtered viral
                        contigs from the HMM search
  --ref_db REF_DB       path including the prefix of viral contig db (must be
                        indexed using makeblastdb)
  --out_folder OUT_FOLDER
                        path to output folder (Default: ../cluster_contigs/)

Note that the default output folder is the cluster_contigs folder in the parent folder. The exact path of the output files will be printed in the terminal.

An example use of this script is:

python \
    --viral_contigs ../filter_contigs/example_contigs_filtered_viral_contigs.fa \
    --ref_db ../reference_files/mVCs_PaezEspino_Nature.fna \
    --out_folder ../cluster_contigs/

--- Step 5. Hinting at Viruses with Low Abundance ---

In parallel to assemblying and filtering for viral contigs, we also use blastn to hint at viruses with low abundance and filter for viral sequences with at least 10% of their length covered by unassembled reads. Here, we run: The arguments are:

usage: [-h]
                                    [--unassembled_reads UNASSEMBLED_READS]
                                    [--ref_db REF_DB]
                                    [--out_folder OUT_FOLDER]

Specify arguments for hinting at the presence of viruses with low abundance.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --unassembled_reads UNASSEMBLED_READS
                        path to fasta file containing the unassembled raw
  --ref_db REF_DB       path including the prefix of viral contig db (must be
                        indexed using makeblastdb)
  --out_folder OUT_FOLDER
                        path to output folder (Default: ../low_abundance/)

Note that the default output folder is the low_abundance folder in the parent folder. The exact path of the output files will be printed in the terminal.

An example use of this script is:

python \
    --unassembled_reads ../example_reads/example_1.fastq \
    --ref_db ../reference_files/mVCs_PaezEspino_Nature.fna \
    --out_folder ../low_abundance/

Note: this step does not take into consideration pair-end reads so each read (forward or reverse) must be processed separately


For questions regarding this code and implementation, please contact Cheng ( For methodology specific questions, please consider contacting David Paez-Espino (author of the original paper).


Pipeline for the detection and isolation of viral reads from metagenomic data






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