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Simple, common interface for entering virtual keystrokes on Windows and OS X usable from a VCL or FMX application. Delegates to SendInput on Windows and the CGEvent functions on OS X.

Example usage

Type '¡Hola!' into the active window


Type 'Привет!' into the active window, then press the 'Select All' shortcut

uses CCR.VirtualKeying;


  Sequence: IVirtualKeySequence;
  Sequence := TVirtualKeySequence.Create;
  Sequence.Add(vkA, [ssCommand], [keDown, keUp]);
  Sequence.Add(vkA, [ssCtrl], [keDown, keUp]);

TVirtualKeySequence reference

class function Create: IVirtualKeySequence; static;

Creates a default implementation of the IVirtualKeySequence interface for the current platform.

class procedure Execute(const Chars: string;
  DelayMSecs: Cardinal = 0); overload; static;

Types the characters in the passed string into the active window. If DelayMSecs is greater than 0, typing is done in a secondary thread after the given number of milliseconds.

class procedure Execute(const ShortCut: TShortCut;
  DelayMSecs: Cardinal = 0); static; overload;

Types the given short cut in the context of the active window. If DelayMSecs is greater than 0, typing is done in a secondary thread after the given number of milliseconds.

class procedure SetDefaultImplementation<T: class, constructor,
  IVirtualKeySequence>; static;

For internal use only - sets what is the implementing class used by Create.

IVirtualKeySequence reference

In each case the return value is simply a reference to the original interface to allow method chaining if desired.

  TVirtualKeyEventType = (keDown, keUp);

function Add(Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState; const EventTypes: array of
  TVirtualKeyEventType): IVirtualKeySequence; overload;

Adds one or more key events to the sequence specified using Delphi's cross-platform vkXXX and TShiftState types (these are what the VCL and FireMonkey use for a control's OnKeyDown and OnKeyUp events). On Windows, vkXXX values are are interchangeable with the Window API's VK_XXX ones; on OS X a mapping is done internally.

Note that for the Shift parameter, only ssAlt, ssCtrl and ssShift elements are taken account of on Windows, and only those and ssCommand on OS X; any others (e.g. ssLeft) are ignored. Also, if EventTypes is an empty array, no event will be added (typically one of [keDown], [keUp] or [keDown, keUp] is passed).

function Add(Ch: Char; const EventTypes: array of
  TVirtualKeyEventType): IVirtualKeySequence; overload;

Adds one or more key events to the sequence for a given Unicode character. Internally KEYEVENTF_UNICODE is used on Windows and CGEventKeyboardSetUnicodeString on OS X to prevent the character being 'dumbed down' or corrupted into an ASCII character were it to be otherwise originally.

function AddKeyPresses(const Chars: array of Char): IVirtualKeySequence; overload;

Adds key down/key up pairs for each character in the array to the sequence; equivalent to calling Add for each character and passing [keDown, keUp] for EventTypes.

function AddKeyPresses(const Chars: string): IVirtualKeySequence; overload;

Adds key down/key up pairs for each character in the string to the sequence; equivalent to calling Add for each character and passing [keDown, keUp] for EventTypes.

function AddShortCut(const ShortCut: TShortCut): IVirtualKeySequence; overload;

Decomposes ShortCut into its constituent Key and Shift components and calls Add with the result, passing [keDown, keUp] for EventTypes.

function Execute: IVirtualKeySequence;

Performs the key events previous added to the sequence. If required, Execute can be called multiple times since it does not clear previously added events.


Virtual keystroke interface for Delphi (Windows/OS X)






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