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Component/Entity System engine written in D. More information may be found on this CES wiki.

To quote it:

Component/Entity Systems are an architectural pattern used mostly in game development. A CES follows the Composition over Inheritance principle to allow for greater flexibility when defining entities (anything that's part of a game's scene: enemies, doors, bullets) by building out of individual parts that can be mixed-and-matched. This eliminates the ambiguity problems of long inheritance chains and promotes clean design. However, CES systems do incur a small cost to performance.

Nevertheless, we have room to organize components in a cache-friendly manner.



This project uses the DUB build system (check here).

To build the EntitySysD library, simply run in the top-level directory


To build and run all the unit-tests:

dub test

To generate the documentation, see doc/

API documentation

The complete reference API is there (generated with ddox):

Reference API


The Entity structure is a simple wrapper around a 64-bit unique id.

Creation of an entity:

import entitysysd;

auto ecs = new EntitySysD;

auto entity = ecs.entities.create();




Register a component to an entity (the struct is tagged by the @component attribute):

@component struct Position
    float x, y;

auto componentPtr = entity.register!Position(2.0, 3.0);


// accessor
entity.component!Position.y += 1.0;


Browsing through all valid entities:

foreach (entity; ecs.entities)
    //do stuff

Browsing through the instances of a type of component:

foreach (componentPtr; ecs.entities.components!Position)
    //do stuff

Browsing through entities with a certain set of components:

foreach (entity; ecs.entities.entitiesWith!(Position, Renderable))
    //do stuff
foreach (entity, pos, render; ecs.entities.entitiesWith!(Position, Renderable))
    // pos is equivalent to entity.component!Position
    // render is equivalent to entity.component!Renderable

Browsing through the components of an entity.

ecs.entities.accessor!Position = (e, p) { write("Entity:%s Xpos=%f", entity.toString(), p.x); };
auto entity = ecs.entities.create();
entity.register!Position(2.0, 3.0);
entity.iterate(); // call accessor delegates of the components registered to entity


Create a class inheriting from the System interface, registering it to the system manager and running it:

class RenderSystem : System
    override void run(EntityManager entities, EventManager events, Duration dt)
        // render renderable entities

... RenderSystem);



Subscribing to an event (tagged by the @event attribute)

@event struct MyEvent
    int data;

class TestReceiver : Receiver!MyEvent
    string str;

    void receive(MyEvent event)
        str ~=;

auto evtManager = new EventManager;
evtManager.subscribe!MyEvent(new TestReceiver);

Sending events:

auto e = MyEvent(43);



EntitySysD API is NOT (and will not be) thread-safe. Events will never be natively sent accross threads. If the user wants to use EntitySysD in a multi-threaded process, he will have to do its own resource synchronization on top of it. Thread-safety adds too much complexity. And from a software architecture point of view, it makes more sense to manage resource synchronization at the highest level. EntitySysD is just a library.



This engine is based on a D port inspired on EntityX in C++ of Alec Thomas. It's been simplified a lot (using D specific features, removing component handles, etc)):

There are many other CES engines in D out there.

Star-Entity is very similar to EntitySysD (it is also based upon EntityX) and I actually came across it after the start of EntitySysD development (had I known about it earlier, and maybe EntitySysD would not have existed at all):

Nitro design is based on statically built systems and components managers. There seems to be more thoughts towards cache-efficiency.


EntitySysD is released under the Lesser-GPL v3 licence. See COPYING.txt and COPYING.LESSER.txt for more information.




  • ISystem interface deprecated. Methods added to System abstract class (potentilly an API breaking change, but very unlikely in practise).
  • Allow to register systems in a certain ordering (absolute or relative to an already registered system).


  • Statistics added: module stat.



  • System interface is renamed to ISystem and becomes an abstract class.
  • API break: with std.meta and hasUDA. It cannot be compiled anymore with DMD compiler with a version below 2.068.0.


  • ISystem declares 2 new methods: prepare and unprepare. System abstract class implements empty body for prepare, run and unprepare.
  • SystemManager.runFull calls prepare, run and unprepare.

To convert 1.x.x user application to 2.0.0, prefix all your methods with override, and upgrade your DMD compiler to a version >= 2.068.0.


The 1st release puts down the base of EntitySysD API.

It uses exceptions (removed all the assert's)

It uses UDA's to tag components and events to ensure the correctness of the usage of library at compile time.

No benchmarking has been performed. The cache-friendly memory management is dependant of the application use, and cannot yet be customized for specific needs at the moment. So the current implementation is pretty naive and could totally miss the point of being cache-friendly. User experience will tell. So further enhancements may be programmed.

It has been tested on GNU-Linux environment using DMD64 D Compiler v2.068.x and v2.069.x.