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Ldap_Login is a piwigo plugin to allow people to connect and get access to a piwigo website with their Ldap credentials. There is an option to allow creation of new users if they are granted access by ldap but don't exist in Piwigo DB.

Original work: stephane @


LDAP authentication plugin for piwigo with user-group support

Incompatible with other LDAP plugins, please deactivate the previous version before using this version. Also bear in mind that it can not be guarranteed that this plugin is safe. I try to keep security as high as possible but keep in mind that YOU are responsible for YOUR server.

Default config:

Most settings can be changed when the plugin activates and you visit configuration page.

Param Default Value Comment
ld_forgot_url password.php custom password forget link
ld_debug_location ./plugins/Ldap_login/logs/ log location
ld_debug 1 enable/disable loggin
ld_debug_clearupdate 1 clear debug log after update
ld_debug_level debug default debug level (currently only 'debug')
ld_host localhost hostname
ld_port 389 port of ldap (can be empty or 636)
ld_basedn ou=base,dc=example,dc=com your base directory DN
ld_user_class person your user class [inetOrgPerson, person, user]
ld_user_attr sAMAccountName login attribute [cn,sAMAccounName]
ld_user_filter null additional user filter
ld_group_class group class of group [group, groupOfNames]
ld_group_filter null additional group filter
ld_group_attr name Not in use (reserved)
ld_group_desc description Not in use (reserved)
ld_group_basedn cn=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld Base of your Piwigo Groups for Group sync
ld_group_member_attr member Attribute for user in group
ld_user_member_attr memberOf Attribute for group in user
ld_group_webmaster cn=piwigo_webmasters,cn=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld Group containing webmasters
ld_group_admin cn=piwigo_admins,cn=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld Group containing Admins
ld_group_user cn=piwigo_users,cn=groups,dc=domain,dc=tld Group containing Users
ld_binddn cn=service_account, ou=Users, ou=base, dc=domain,dc=tld Your (service)account for binding
ld_bindpw null The password
ld_anonbind 0 if binddn / bindpw empty then this is true, else false. This enables anonymous binding
ld_use_ssl 0 Untested! Usage of LDAPS
ld_membership_user 0 Should group be tested on user (memberOf in user = 1) or user be tested on group (member in group = 0). Recommended to keep on 0
ld_group_user_active 1 Is there a group restriction on all users?
ld_group_admin_active 0 Are admins automatically queried using LDAP?
ld_group_webmaster_active 0 Are webmaster automatically queried using LDAP?
ld_sync_data null Magic atrribute containing data of new Group Management system
ld_allow_newusers 1 Are new users allowed to be created using LDAP when logging in
ld_allow_profile 1 Redirect to user profile?
ld_advertise_admin_new_ldapuser 0 Should admin get mail if new users registrates?
ld_send_password_by_mail_ldap 0 Should users get a mail with info when registrating?


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  • PHP 87.2%
  • Smarty 12.3%
  • CSS 0.5%