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Cloud4RPi is a cloud control panel for your IoT device.

Build Status

This package provides a client library that simplifies the connection to the Cloud4RPi service.

Cloud4RPi Features

  • Use widgets to display device data and send commands in real time.
  • Control your IoT devices remotely.
  • Connect any device to Cloud4RPi.
  • Use MQTT or HTTP to send data and receive control commands.

Start Using

  1. Install this package:

    Install the library using your preferred Python version. The following command installs and integrates Cloud4RPi with your OS's default Python interpreter (usually Python 3):

     sudo pip3 install cloud4rpi

    If you are using Python 2, use the following command:

    sudo python2 -m pip install cloud4rpi
  2. Get examples for your platform:

    • Raspberry Pi: wget && unzip && rm && cd cloud4rpi-raspberrypi-python-master
    • C.H.I.P.: wget && unzip && rm && cd cloud4rpi-chip-python-master
    • Omega2: r="" && wget $r"/" $r"/" $r"/"
    • ESP8266 on MicroPython
    • ESP8266/ESP32 on Arduino framework
  3. Create a free account on Cloud4RPi.

  4. Create a device on the Devices page.

  5. Copy the Device Token from the device page.

  6. Replace the __YOUR_DEVICE_TOKEN__ string in one of the examples with your real device token.

  7. Run the example with python (if you use ESP8266, upload the required files to the board and reset it).

  8. Create your own scripts based on the examples.

For detailed instructions, refer to the documentation and corresponding repositories.

See Also