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use Google maps zoom level with MKMapView, animated route tracking with overlay views, and some other handy MKMapView functionality

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  • Use Google maps zoom levels with your MKMapView
  • Add path overlay views to your MKMapView with an animated vehicle on it (useful for flight route tracking)
  • Get use of some other map view related functions


Classes in this project supports both ARC and non-ARC projects


Add the AIMapViewWrapper folder to your project

#How to use it?

##AIMapViewWrapper - Zoom level

#import "AIMapViewWrapper.h"

//create a AIMapViewWrapper instance with your MKMapView object
self.mapWrapper = [[AIMapViewWrapper alloc] initWithMapView:self.mapView];

//set a google maps zoom level
//valid zoom level values are between a minimum zoom level and maximum 19
//minimum zoom level changes in accordance with your map view's bounds
self.mapWrapper.zoomLevel = 5;

//in your MKMapView's delegate method listen for changes in zoomLevel
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated {

    self.zoomLevelSlider.value = self.mapWrapper.zoomLevel;

//become a delegate of your map view wrapper
self.mapWrapper.delegate = self;

//respond to changes of minimum zoom level that can be set on your MKMapView
- (void)mapViewWrapperMinimumZoomLevelChanged:(AIMapViewWrapper *)wrapper {

    NSInteger zoomLevel = wrapper.zoomLevel;


AIOverlayRouteView is a MKOverlayPathView subclass which you can use to add an animated vehicle over a path on your map view

#import "AIRoute.h"
#import "AIOverlayRouteView.h"

//Create a AIRoute (a MKOverlay) and add it to your map view
AIRoute *route = [AIRoute routeWithCoordinates:/*array of CLLocation objects*/];
[self.mapView addOverlay:route];

//in your map view's delegate method create an AIOverlayRouteView with the added route overlay
- (MKOverlayView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForOverlay:(id <MKOverlay>)overlay {
    if ([overlay isKindOfClass:[AIRoute class]]) {
        AIOverlayRouteView *pathView = [[AIOverlayRouteView alloc] initWithRoute:overlay vehicleImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"plane.png"]];
        pathView.delegate = self;
        pathView.strokeColor = [[UIColor whiteColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.7f];
        pathView.lineCap = kCGLineCapRound;
        pathView.lineWidth = 6.0f;
        return pathView;
    return nil;

//in your map view's delegate method call AIOverlayRouteView's layout method for proper subview layout
//using AIMapViewWrapper's zoomScale value
- (void)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated {

    AIOverlayRouteView *routeView = (AIOverlayRouteView *)[mapView viewForOverlay:self.route];
    [routeView layoutWithZoomScale:self.mapWrapper.zoomScale];

//in your AIRouteOverlay delegate method start the vehicle animation
//you can start this animation any time you want after this delegate method is called
- (void)overlayRouteViewIsReadyForAnimation:(AIOverlayRouteView *)routeView {
    //provide animation time intervals
    [routeView startAnimationWithTotalTravelTime:40000 

//you can track the vehicle as its position changes
//with this map view's zoom level focuses on the moving vehicle
self.mapWrapper.trackedRoute = self.route;


Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2


use Google maps zoom level with MKMapView, animated route tracking with overlay views, and some other handy MKMapView functionality






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