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Merge pull request #1175 from kenjis/fix-lang-invalidEmail
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fix: confusing lang message `invalidEmail`
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kenjis authored Aug 26, 2024
2 parents dee51ee + d8e4bb3 commit 7d692f3
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Showing 18 changed files with 18 additions and 18 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/ar/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'رمز الوصول (Token) غير صالح.',
'oldToken' => 'انتهت صلاحية رمز الوصول.',
'noUserEntity' => 'يجب توفير كيان المستخدم للتحقق من صحة كلمة المرور.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'عذرا ، كانت هناك مشكلة في إرسال البريد الإلكتروني. لم نتمكن من إرسال بريد إلكتروني إلى "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'تم إجراء العديد من الطلبات من عنوان IP هذا. يمكنك المحاولة مرة أخرى في غضون {0} ثانية.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'ليس لديك الإذن اللازم لإجراء العملية المطلوبة.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/bg/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Токенът за достъп не е валиден.',
'oldToken' => 'Токенът за достъп е изтекъл.',
'noUserEntity' => 'Потребителското съдържание трябва да бъде предоставено за потвърждение на паролата.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Съжаляваме, имаше проблем с изпращането на имейла. Не можем да изпратим имейл до "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Твърде много заявки са направени от този IP адрес. Може да опитате отново след {0} секунди.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Нямате необходимите права за изпълнение на желаната операция.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/cs/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Přístupový token je neplatný.',
'oldToken' => 'Přístupový token je neplatný (vypršel).',
'noUserEntity' => 'Pro ověření hesla je třeba zadat uživatele.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Omlouváme se, došlo k problému s odesláním e-mailu. E-mail se nám nepodařilo odeslat na adresu "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Z této IP adresy bylo odesláno příliš mnoho požadavků. Můžete to zkusit znovu za {0} sekund.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Nemáte potřebné oprávnění k provedení požadované operace.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/en/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'The access token is invalid.',
'oldToken' => 'The access token has expired.',
'noUserEntity' => 'User Entity must be provided for password validation.',
'invalidEmail' => 'Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => 'Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Sorry, there was a problem sending the email. We could not send an email to "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Too many requests made from this IP address. You may try again in {0} seconds.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'You do not have the necessary permission to perform the desired operation.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/es/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'El token de acceso no es válido.',
'oldToken' => 'El token de acceso ha caducado.',
'noUserEntity' => 'Se debe proporcionar una entidad de usuario para la validación de contraseña.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Lo siento, hubo un problema al enviar el correo electrónico. No pudimos enviar un correo electrónico a "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Se han realizado demasiadas solicitudes desde esta dirección IP. Puedes intentarlo de nuevo en {0} segundos.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'No tienes los permisos necesarios para realizar la operación deseada.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/fr/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Le jeton d\'accès est invalide.',
'oldToken' => 'Le jeton d\'accès a expiré.',
'noUserEntity' => 'User Entity doit être fournie pour la validation du mot de passe.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Désolé, il y a eu un problème lors de l\'envoi de l\'email. Nous ne pouvons pas envoyer un email à "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Trop de requêtes faites depuis cette adresse IP. Vous pouvez réessayer dans {0} secondes.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Vous n\'avez pas l\'autorisation nécessaire pour effectuer l\'opération souhaitée.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/it/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Il token di accesso non è valido.',
'oldToken' => 'Il token di accesso è scaduto.',
'noUserEntity' => 'Deve essere fornita una User Entity per la validazione della password.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Spiacente, c\'è stato un problema inviando l\'email. Non possiamo inviare un\'email a "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Troppe richieste effettuate da questo indirizzo IP. Potrai riprovare tra {0} secondi.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Non si dispone dell\'autorizzazione necessaria per eseguire l\'operazione desiderata.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/lt/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Prieigos raktas neteisingas.',
'oldToken' => 'Prieigos raktas nebegalioja.',
'noUserEntity' => 'Slaptažodžio patikrinimui turi būti pateiktas vartotojo subjektas.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Deja, nepavyko išsiųsti el. laiško. Nepavyko išsiųsti laiško adresu "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Per daug užklausų iš šio IP adreso. Galite pamėginti iš naujo po {0} sekundžių.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Neturite operacijai atlikti užtektinų leidimų.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/nl/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Ongeldige toegangstoken.',
'oldToken' => 'Vervallen toegangstoken.',
'noUserEntity' => 'Gebruikersentiteit moet worden opgegeven voor wachtwoordvalidatie.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Sorry, er is een probleem opgetreden bij het verzenden van de e-mail. We konden geen e-mail versturen naar "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Te veel inlogpogingen van dit IP adres. Probeer het over {0} seconden opnieuw.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'U hebt niet de nodige rechten om de gewenste bewerking uit te voeren.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/pl/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Token dostępu jest nieprawidłowy.',
'oldToken' => 'Token dostępu wygasł.',
'noUserEntity' => 'User Entity jest niezbędne do sprawdzania poprawności hasła.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Przepraszamy, był problem z wysłaniem wiadomości e-mail. Nie mogliśmy wysłać wiadomości e-mail do "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Zbyt wiele żądań z tego adresu IP. Możesz spróbować ponownie za {0} sekund.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Nie masz uprawnień niezbędnych do wykonania żądanej operacji.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/pt-BR/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'O token de acesso é inválido.',
'oldToken' => 'O token de acesso expirou.',
'noUserEntity' => 'A entidade de usuário deve ser fornecida para validação de senha.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Desculpe, houve um problema ao enviar o email. Não pudemos enviar um email para {0}.',
'throttled' => 'Muitas solicitações feitas a partir deste endereço IP. Você pode tentar novamente em {0} segundos.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Você não tem a permissão necessária para realizar a operação desejada.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/pt/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'O token de acesso é inválido.',
'oldToken' => 'O token de acesso expirou.',
'noUserEntity' => 'A entidade do utilizador deve ser fornecida para validação da password.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Desculpe, houve um problema ao enviar o email. Não pudemos enviar um email para {0}.',
'throttled' => 'Muitas solicitações feitas a partir deste endereço IP. Pode tentar novamente em {0} segundos.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Não tem a permissão necessária para realizar a operação desejada.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/ru/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Токен доступа недействителен.',
'oldToken' => 'Срок действия токена доступа истёк.',
'noUserEntity' => 'Для проверки пароля необходимо предоставить сущность пользователя.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Извините, возникла проблема с отправкой электронного письма. Не удалось отправить электронное письмо на "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'С этого IP-адреса было сделано слишком много запросов. Вы можете попробовать снова через {0} секунд.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'У вас нет необходимых разрешений для выполнения требуемой операции.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/sk/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Prístupový token je neplatný.',
'oldToken' => 'Platnosť prístupového tokenu vypršala.',
'noUserEntity' => 'Na overenie hesla je potrebné zadať entitu používateľa.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Ľutujeme, pri odosielaní e-mailu sa vyskytol problém. Nepodarilo sa nám odoslať e-mail na adresu „{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Z tejto adresy IP bolo odoslaných príliš veľa žiadostí. Môžete to skúsiť znova o {0} sekúnd.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Nemáte potrebné povolenie na vykonanie požadovanej operácie.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/sr/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Pristupni token nije validan.',
'oldToken' => 'Pristupni token je istekao.',
'noUserEntity' => 'Korisnički entitet mora postojati za verifikaciju naloga.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Žao nam je ali slanje email poruke nije moguće. Nismo u mogućnosti poslati poruku na "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Preveliki broj zahteva sa vaše IP adrese. Možete pokušati ponovo za {0} secondi.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Nemate dovoljan nivo autorizacije za zahtevanu akciju.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/sv-SE/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Access token är ogiltig.',
'oldToken' => 'Access token har gått ut.',
'noUserEntity' => 'User Entity måste anges för lösenordsvalidering.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Det var inte möjligt att skicka epost. Det gick inte att skicka till "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'För många anrop från denna IP-adress. Du kan försöka igen om {0} sekunder.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'Du har inte nödvändiga rättigheter för detta kommando.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/tr/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Erişim anahtarı geçersiz.',
'oldToken' => 'Erişim anahtarının süresi doldu.',
'noUserEntity' => 'Parola doğrulaması için Kullanıcı Varlığı sağlanmalıdır.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Üzgünüz, e-posta gönderilirken bir sorun oluştu. "{0}" adresine e-posta gönderemedik.',
'throttled' => 'Bu IP adresinden çok fazla istek yapıldı. {0} saniye sonra tekrar deneyebilirsiniz.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'İstediğiniz işlemi gerçekleştirmek için gerekli izne sahip değilsiniz.',
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/uk/Auth.php
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'badToken' => 'Токен доступу недійсний.',
'oldToken' => 'Термін дії токена доступу минув.',
'noUserEntity' => 'Потрібно вказати сутність користувача для підтвердження пароля.',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address matches the email "{0}".',
'invalidEmail' => '(To be translated) Unable to verify the email address "{0}" matches the email on record.',
'unableSendEmailToUser' => 'Вибачте, під час надсилання електронного листа виникла проблема. Не вдалося надіслати електронний лист на "{0}".',
'throttled' => 'Із цієї IP-адреси зроблено забагато запитів. Ви можете спробувати ще раз через {0} секунд.',
'notEnoughPrivilege' => 'У вас немає необхідного дозволу для виконання потрібної операції.',
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