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VSCode Cargo Runner

10X Rust Developer Tool to Run, Build, or Test without Mental Overhead


Cargo Runner is a powerful and intuitive tool designed to streamline the development workflow for Rust programmers. It integrates seamlessly into your development environment, allowing you to execute essential tasks like running, building, and testing Rust projects with minimal effort and maximum efficiency.


  • Context Aware Command Runner : Just fire the Keystroke CMD + R let it do the magic of either doing cargo run | build | test | bench.

  • Makefile Integration: Offers the ability to override Cargo run or Cargo build commands with a custom Makefile, providing more control and flexibility for complex build processes.

  • Enhanced Testing with Cargo-Nextest: well-defined preset and integration to cargo-nextest command if it is installed it will replace the default cargo test command, if you need more power you can override arguments.

  • Override Arguments : Quickly Override Command Arguments on different context such as: run , build, test, bench and env using CMD + SHIFT +R

  • Codelldb Debugger Integration: Automatically integrates with codelldb debugger for running Rust tests if there is a breakpoint.

  • Rust Analyzer Runnables Fallback: Uses Rust Analyzer runnables if there is no supported context match, e.g., doc tests.

  • Support Cargo Workspace : Cargo runner works on simply rust project to complex Cargo workspace.

Demo Screenshot

Cargo Run

  1. Go Inside any files that can be run :

    • src/
    • src/bin/*
    • examples/*
    • any file declare as [[bin]] on Cargo.toml


path = "src/"
name ="example"

Note: the file you wanna run must have a fn main block

  1. Press CMD+R


Cargo Build

  1. Go to Any file that hasfn main block

  2. Press CMD+R on Cursor


Cargo Test or Cargo Nextest (if installed) for specific test

  1. Go to any file with test block supports anykind of test macro e.g. #[test] or #[tokio::test]

  2. Place your cursor inside the test block you wanna run test

  3. Press CMD+R

Note: If Cargo Nextest is installed it would use that as default test runner instead of cargo test


Debug Test

  1. Add a breakpoint to any test block

  2. Place your cursor inside the test block that have that breakpoint

  3. Press CMD+R


Fallback Runner (using rust-analyzer) for running all test

  1. Place your cursor somewhere inside of a mod test block

  2. Press CMD+R


Fallback Runner (using rust-analyzer) for running doc-test

  1. Place your cursor somewhere inside a doc test block

  2. Press CMD+R


Adding Command Arguments

  1. Press CMD+SHIFT+R

  2. Choose context from any of the following options:

    • run
    • build
    • test
    • bench
    • env
  3. Type those parameters you wanna add to override the default

e.g. choose: env

  1. Type on the user input the args you wanna pass as override argument



Note: .cargo_runner.toml would be created per create , you can have multiple .cargo_runner.toml on workspace

Important: You may wanna add this to .gitignore file

Removing Command Arguments

  1. Press CMD+SHIFT+R

  2. Choose context from any of the following options:

    • run
    • build
    • test
    • bench
    • env
  3. Press Enter (dont type anything)

This would remove the parameters RUSTFLAGS="-Awarnings" on .cargo_runner.toml file

Advanced Features

Custom Build Scripts with Makefile.

Create a Makefile on Rust project, you can have multiple Makefile if your working with Cargo Workspace The choice is yours


below is example makefile , you can add to you project to test

# Makefile for a Rust project using cargo-leptos and cargo-nextest

# Default target
.PHONY: all
all: build

# Build target
.PHONY: build
	cargo build --package REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_PACKAGE_NAME

.PHONY: run

# Test target
.PHONY: test
	cargo test

# Clean up
.PHONY: clean
	cargo clean

By providing a comprehensive and user-friendly tool, Cargo Runner aims to significantly enhance the productivity and efficiency of Rust developers.