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This repo contains a Rust implementation of a subset of the Colonies API, making it possible to implement Colonies Executors in Rust.

Note: this code has only been tested on Linux.

Example code

Just a simple helloworld! For full example with error handling, click here.

let colonyname = "dev";
let executorprvkey = "ddf7f7791208083b6a9ed975a72684f6406a269cfa36f1b1c32045c0a71fff05";

loop {
    let assigned_process = colonies::assign(&colonyid, false, 10, &executorprvkey).await.unwrap();
    match assigned_process.spec.func.as_str() {
        "say" => {
            let attr = Attribute::new(
            colonies::add_attr(&attr, executorprvkey).await;
            colonies::close(&assigned_process.processid, executorprvkey).await;
        _ => {
            colonies::fail(&assigned_process.processid, executorprvkey).await;

To test it ...

Colonies server

First start a Colonies server.

source devenv
colonies dev

Start the Rust helloworld executor.

cd examples/assign
cargo run

Submit a process spec

colonies function exec --func say --args hello  --targettype cli --wait 

