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This is a client library of core-coin blockchain in .Net for managing Private/Public keys, creating and signing transactions of the blockchain.

Usage of keys

//can be byte array as well
var privateKey =

var networkId = 1;

//import key from stored private key
var key = new XcbECKey(privateKey, networkId);

//generate new key randomely
var newKey = XcbECKey.GenerateKey(networkId);

//generate wallet address from the key
var address = key.GetAddress();


//getting the public key bytes
var publicKey = key.GetPublicKey();

//getting the public key hex
var publicKeyHex = publicKey.ToHex();

//"hello" in hex is "0x666f6f"
var message = "666f6f"

//signing the message (it will prehash the message with SHA3NIST)
var signatureBytes = key.SignHashOfMessage(message.HexToByteArray());

//public key can be recovered from the signature
var recoveredPublicKey = XcbECKey.GetPublicKeyFromSignature(signatureBytes).ToHex();


//wallet address can be recovered from public key
var recoveredAddress = XcbECKey.GetAddressFromPublicKey(publicKey,networkId);

Assert.Equal(address, recoveredAddress);

Usage of transactions

var networkId = 11;

// creating the XcbECKey with the provided private-key
XcbECKey key = new XcbECKey("69bb68c3a00a0cd9cbf2cab316476228c758329bbfe0b1759e8634694a9497afea05bcbf24e2aa0627eac4240484bb71de646a9296872a3c0e", networkId);

// creating a simple transaction
// the destination address (the fund receiver) is ce276773ac97d16855a3c8faa45399136b56d4194860
// the fund amount which will be sent is 200 units
// nonce is zero (this is the first transaction from this private key)
Transaction transaction = new Transaction(to: "ce276773ac97d16855a3c8faa45399136b56d4194860",
amount: BigInteger.Parse("200"),
nonce: BigInteger.Parse("0"),
energyLimit: BigInteger.Parse("999999"),
energyPrice: BigInteger.Parse("10"),
data: "");


// signing the transaction with XcbECKey

// getting the rlp encoding of the signed trasnaction
var encoded = transaction.GetRlpEncoding();

// getting the hex of the encoded data
var encodedHex = encoded.ToHex(true);

// parse a transaction from encoded data
var transaction2 = Transaction.Decode(encoded);

// re-encode the transaction
var reEncode = transaction2.GetRlpEncoding();


// assert checking if everything is fine
Assert.Equal(encoded, reEncode);

Usage of Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet (HD-Wallet)

// suppose you have 24 mnemonic phrase
var mnemonic = new BIP39.Mnemonic24("urge genuine pelican eagle blouse emotion refuse fringe flock salute space climb marriage empower feature inform ostrich endless fault barely chronic shy couple wonder");

// or you can generate 24 words Mnemonic
var mnemonic = BIP39.Mnemonic24.GenerateMnemonic();

var masterExtPrivateKey = mnemonic.ToExtendedPrivateKey();

// suppose you have an master extended private key
var masterExtPrivateKey = (ExtendedPrivateKey)"004e843c2991930124e5a0711c6a8be763f5b605ee80f089dfa9cbec5ebb20123dcc787b162a7baf37b0251f6bdd4ac14ae111491ef391cf0d1413821ed67083c855c6db4405dd4fa5fdec39e1c761be1415623c1c202c5cb5176e578830372b7e07eb1ef9cf71b19518815c4da0fd2d3594"

// you can also generate a new random master extended private key
var masterExtPrivateKey = ExtendedPrivateKey.GenerateRandomMaster();

// or generate a deterministic master extended private key using a seed
var seed = byte[64];

// this key is the master key which m in derivaiton path stands for this key
var masterExtPrivateKey = ExtendedPrivateKey.SeedToMaster(seed);

// with an master extended private key you are able to create a private hd wallet
// "m/44'/654'/0'/0'" is the derivation path
var privateWallet = PrivateWallet.GetPrivateWalletAtSpecificDerivationPath(masterPrivateKey,  "m/44'/654'/0'/0'");

// you can derive a child private key
// this private key derivation path will be "m/44'/654'/0'/0'/20"
var derivedPrivateKey = privateWallet.GetPrivateKey(20);

// this private key derivation path will be "m/44'/654'/0'/0'/14/36/15"
var derivedPrivateKey = privateWallet.GetPrivateKey(14,36,15); // you can also pass "14/36/15"

// you can get XcbECKey from a wallet directly too
var xcbeckey = privateWallet.GetXcbECKey("14/36/15");

//you can also get public key or address from private hd wallet
// this public key derivation path will be "m/44'/654'/0'/0'/14/36/15"
var derivedPublicKey = privateWallet.GetPublicKey(14,36,15); // you can also pass "14/36/15"

var networkId = 1;
// this address derivation path will be "m/44'/654'/0'/0'/14/36/15"
var derivedAddress = privateWallet.GetAddress(networkId, 14, 36, 15) // you can also pass "14/36/15"

// you can also have public hd wallet, which they only have access to public key and address not private keys
// mostly they are used for watch-only wallets

// with a master private key and a derivation path you can create a public hd wallet
var publicWallet = PrivateWallet.GetPublicWalletAtSpecificDerivationPath(masterPrivateKey,  "m/44'/654'/0'/0'");

// same as private hd wallet you can derive public keyes or addresses at any derivation path after "m/44'/654'/0'/0'"
// this public key derivation path will be "m/44'/654'/0'/0'/14/36/15"
var derivedPublicKey = publicWallet.GetPublicKey(14, 36, 15); // you can also pass "14/36/15"

var networkId = 1;
// this address derivation path will be "m/44'/654'/0'/0'/14/36/15"
var derivedAddress = publicWallet.GetAddress(networkId, 14, 36, 15) // you can also pass "14/36/15"

// public hd wallets cannot derive private keys

Notice: if you create public/private hd wallet from a pair of master extended keys they will be associated with each other, which means a private key derived at m/44'/654'/0'/0'/8 can sign a message which a public key derived from public hd wallet at m/44'/654'/0'/0'/8 can verify it.

also remember that the standard derivation path for coreblockchain XCB is m/44'/654'/0'/0'


CORE License