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Sarah Kaiser edited this page Jul 9, 2023 · 5 revisions

Workshop plan


  • The current presenter will be showing their screen in the room, and create a liveshare link with a short alias (via bitly or similar) as needed to ensure its easy to follow along with the presenter.
    • liveshare: can we auto-accept new participants? Might need to set the connectiontype to relay:

    • Turn on screencast mode to show keystrokes. This should be all setup in an appropriate profile.

    • Some presentation extensions don't work well with Liveshare yet, so participants may not be able to follow presenter in the slides directly.


  • Need to have a VM setup with appropriate ssh key(s) and user accounts setup that folks can then join in part 3.
  • All adapters and hardware needed for presenting are working
  • Check docs for workshop are up-to-date on the website and that all links are working
  • Check all stickers/swag is ready


  • As participants get setup, they should get env setup and anwser poll questions.
  • Announce the optional challenges for folks familiar with content, ask folks to share in real time in the discussions page cool things they found.
  • Helpers who are not presenting can walk around and help folks
  • During breaks, stickers++

🔗 Docs:

🔗 Liveshare: TODO

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