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PHP Google Maps URLs

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This package allows you to build URLs for the Google Maps URLs API.

Here's a quick example:

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\UrlGenerator;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\SearchAction;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;

$searchAction = (new SearchAction())
    ->setQuery('The Netherlands Amsterdam');
$searchUrl = (new UrlGenerator($searchAction))->generate();

$directionsAction = (new DirectionsAction())
    ->setOrigin('The Netherlands Amsterdam')
    ->setDestination('The Netherlands Utrecht');
$directionsUrl = (new UrlGenerator($directionsAction))->generate();


This package provides a convenient way to generate URLs for the Google Maps URLs API. Each action has its own abstraction that can be used to generate a URL. For more information about this API, head over to the Google Maps URLs API documentation.


Table of contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Usage
  3. Credits
  4. License

Getting Started


This package requires PHP 7.4+.

Version information

Version Status PHP Version
^1.0 Active support ^7.4 and ^8.0
^0.0 End of life ^7.0


You can install this package via Composer using:

composer require cyrildewit/php-maps-urls


Generating a URL

The CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\UrlGenerator class is responsible for generation the URLs. The constructor accepts an instance of an action class. Action classes extends CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\AbstractAction.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\UrlGenerator;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\SearchAction;

$searchAction = (new SearchAction())
    ->setQuery('Eindhoven, Nederland');
$searchUrl = (new UrlGenerator($searchAction))->generate();

Output $searchUrl:,%20Nederland


The Google Maps URLs API allows you to generate a URL that performs a certain actions. These actions can be configured by using one of the provided action classes.


From the official documentation: "Launch a Google Map that displays a pin for a specific place, or perform a general search and launch a map to display the results."


To set the query of the search action, you can call the setQuery(string $query) method.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\SearchAction;

$searchAction = (new SearchAction())
    ->setQuery('Eindhoven, Nederland');

The query parameter may also consist of latitude/longitude coordinates. You can add them together yourself or make use of the setCoordinates(float $latitude, float $longitude) method.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\SearchAction;

$searchAction = (new SearchAction())
    ->setQueryCoordinates(47.5951518, -122.3316393);
Query Place ID

If you want to specify the optional place ID for a search action, you can add it using the setQueryPlaceId(string $placeId) method.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\SearchAction;

$searchAction = (new SearchAction())
Magic make constructor

To instantiate a search action with initial query parameters values, you can make use of the magic SearchAction::make(array $options) method.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\SearchAction;

$searchAction = SearchAction::make([
    'query' => 'Eindhoven, Nederland',
    'query_place_id' => 'ChIJn8N5VRvZxkcRmLlkgWTSmvM',


From the official documentation: "Request directions and launch Google Maps with the results."


The origin can be defined using method setOrigin(string $origin).

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;

$directionsAction = (new DirectionsAction())
    ->setOrigin('Eindhoven, Nederland');
Origin Place ID

The origin place ID can be defined using method setOriginPlaceId(string $placeId).

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;

$directionsAction = (new DirectionsAction())
    ->setOrigin('Eindhoven, Nederland')

The destination can be defined using method setDestination(string $destination).

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;

$directionsAction = (new DirectionsAction())
    ->setDestination('Monnickendam, Nederland');
Destination Place ID

The destination place ID can be defined using method setDestinationPlaceId(string $placeId).

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;

$directionsAction = (new DirectionsAction())
    ->setDestination('Monnickendam, Nederland')
Travel Mode

The travel mode can be defined using method setTravelMode(string $travelmode). The valid options are:

  • driving
  • walking
  • bicycling
  • transit

These options can be referenced using the constants defined in CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\TravelMode.



use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\TravelMode;

$directionsAction = (new DirectionsAction())

The CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Exceptions\InvalidTravelMode exception will be thrown when an invalid travel mode is provided.

Direction Action

The direction action can be defined using method setDirectionAction(string $directionAction). The only valid option is navigate. You can use the NAVIGATE constant in DirectionAction class for convenience.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\DirectionAction;

$directionsAction = (new DirectionsAction())

The CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Exceptions\InvalidDirectionAction exception will be thrown when an invalid direction action is provided.


The waypoints can be defined using method setWaypoints(array $waypoints).

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;

$directionsAction = (new DirectionsAction())
Waypoint place IDs

Waypoint place IDs can be defined using method setWaypointPlaceIds(array $placeIds).

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;

$directionsAction = (new DirectionsAction())
Magic make constructor

To instantiate a directions action with initial query parameters values, you can make use of the magic DirectionsAction::make(array $options) method.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\TravelMode;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\DirectionAction;

$directionsAction = DirectionsAction::make([
    'origin' => 'Eindhoven, Nederland',
    'origin_place_id' => 'ChIJn8N5VRvZxkcRmLlkgWTSmvM',
    'destination' => 'Monnickendam, Nederland',
    'destination_place_id' => 'ChIJTZfQeLgFxkcRQhAYGf9HbrU',
    'travelmode' => TravelMode::DRIVING,
    'dir_action' => DirectionAction::NAVIGATE,
    'waypoints' => [
    'waypoint_place_ids' => [

Displaying a map

From the official documentation: "Launch Google Maps with no markers or directions."

Map action

The map_action query parameter is required and is therefore added by default with value map.


The center of the map can be defined by setting the coordinates using method setCenter(float $latitude, float $longitude).

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DisplayMapAction;

$displayMapAction = (new DisplayMapAction())
    ->setCenter(-33.8569, 151.2152);

The zoom level of the map can be defined by using method setZoom(int $zoom).

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DisplayMapAction;

$displayMapAction = (new DisplayMapAction())
Base Map

The base map can be defined using method setBaseMap(string $baseMap). The valid options are:

  • none
  • traffic
  • bicycling

These options can be referenced using the constants defined in CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\TravelMode.



use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DisplayMapAction;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\BaseMap;

$displayMapAction = (new DisplayMapAction())

The CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Exceptions\InvalidBaseMap exception will be thrown when an invalid base map is provided.


The layer can be defined using method setLayer(string $layer). The valid options are:

  • none
  • transit
  • traffic
  • bicycling

These options can be referenced using the constants defined in CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\Layer.



use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DisplayMapAction;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\Layer;

$displayMapAction = (new DisplayMapAction())

The CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Exceptions\InvalidLayer exception will be thrown when an invalid layer is provided.

Magic make constructor

To instantiate a display street view panorama action with initial query parameters values, you can make use of the magic DirectionsAction::make(array $options) method.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\BaseMap;
use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Enums\Layer;

$displayMapAction = DirectionsAction::make([
     'center' => [-33.8569, 151.2152],
     'zoom' => 10,
     'basemap' => BaseMap::BICYCLING,
     'layer' => Layer::TRANSIT,

Display a Street View panorama

From the official documentation: "Launch an interactive panorama image."

Map action

The map_action query parameter is required and is therefore added by default with value pano.


The viewpoint can be defined using method setViewpoint(float $latitude, float $longitude).

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DisplayStreetViewPanoramaAction;

$displayStreetViewPanoramaAction = (new DisplayStreetViewPanoramaAction())
    ->setViewpoint(48.857832, 2.295226);
Panorama ID

The panorama ID can be defined using method setPanoramaId(string $id).

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DisplayStreetViewPanoramaAction;

$displayStreetViewPanoramaAction = (new DisplayStreetViewPanoramaAction())

The heading can be defined using method setHeading(int $degrees). Only values from 180 to 360 degrees are expected.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DisplayStreetViewPanoramaAction;

$displayStreetViewPanoramaAction = (new DisplayStreetViewPanoramaAction())

The CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Exceptions\InvalidHeading exception will be thrown when an invalid heading is provided.


The pitch can be defined using method setPitch(int $degrees). Only values from -90 to 80 degrees are expected.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DisplayStreetViewPanoramaAction;

$displayStreetViewPanoramaAction = (new DisplayStreetViewPanoramaAction())

The CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Exceptions\InvalidPitch exception will be thrown when an invalid heading is provided.


The pitch can be defined using method setFov(int $degrees). Only values from -10 to 100 degrees are expected.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DisplayStreetViewPanoramaAction;

$displayStreetViewPanoramaAction = (new DisplayStreetViewPanoramaAction())

The CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Exceptions\InvalidFov exception will be thrown when an invalid heading is provided.

Magic make constructor

To instantiate a display street view panorama action with initial query parameters values, you can make use of the magic DirectionsAction::make(array $options) method.

use CyrildeWit\MapsUrls\Actions\DirectionsAction;

$displayStreetViewPanoramaAction = DirectionsAction::make([
    'viewpoint' => [48.857832, 2.295226],
    'pano' => 'tu510ie_z4ptBZYo2BGEJg',
    'heading' => 120,
    'pitch' => 40,
    'fov' => 80,


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.