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parses jsdoc documentation from javascript or html files, outputs JSON


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Jsdoc-annotated source code in, JSON format documentation out.

Essentially, the output is the raw JSON output of jsdoc with a few extras:

  • Support for html input files (see --html option).
  • Support for new tags in the input javascript
    • @category <string>: Useful for grouping identifiers by category.
    • @done: Used to mark @todo items as complete.
    • @typicalname: If set on a class, namespace or module, child members will documented using this typical name as the parent name. Real-world typical name examples are $ (the typical name for jQuery instances), _ (underscore) etc.
    • @chainable: Set to mark a method as chainable (has a return value of this).
  • Some new fields:
    • id: a unique identifier (the jsdoc longname field is not guaranteed unique)
    • isExported: set to true on the identifier which is exported from a module.
    • todoList: A list.
    • typicalname
    • category
    • order: The sort position of the identifier in the source file. Useful for use in --sort-by expressions.
  • A separate constructor record. In jsdoc, the class and constructor information are contained within the same record. In jsdoc-parse, the constructor information is separated from the class into a record with kind "constructor".


Simple example

$ echo "/** a wonderful global */ var majestic = true;" | jsdoc-parse
    "id": "majestic",
    "longname": "majestic",
    "name": "majestic",
    "scope": "global",
    "kind": "member",
    "description": "a wonderful global",
    "order": 0

Longer example

This input javascript:

Pump an idiot full of volts. Returns a promise they will slump. 
@param {object | array} - the victim(s) to fry
@param [crazyHair=true] {boolean} - optional spikey hair effect
@return {external:Promise}
@resolve {Slump}
function taze(victim, crazyHair){}

returns this JSON:

$ jsdoc-parse example/function.js
    "id": "taze",
    "longname": "taze",
    "name": "taze",
    "scope": "global",
    "kind": "function",
    "description": "Pump an idiot full of volts. Returns a promise they will slump.",
    "params": [
        "type": {
          "names": [
        "description": "the victim(s) to fry",
        "name": "victim"
        "type": {
          "names": [
        "optional": true,
        "defaultvalue": true,
        "description": "optional spikey hair effect",
        "name": "crazyHair"
    "returns": [
        "type": {
          "names": [
    "deprecated": true,
    "customTags": [
        "tag": "resolve",
        "value": "{Slump}"
    "order": 0

HTML input example

This input HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    something in the head
    @type {number}
    var headGlobal = 1;
  <body class="main">
    body global
    @type {string}
    var bodyGlobal = "one";

produces this JSON output:

$ jsdoc-parse example/doc.html --html
    "id": "headGlobal",
    "longname": "headGlobal",
    "name": "headGlobal",
    "scope": "global",
    "kind": "member",
    "description": "something in the head",
    "type": {
      "names": [
    "order": 0
    "id": "bodyGlobal",
    "longname": "bodyGlobal",
    "name": "bodyGlobal",
    "scope": "global",
    "kind": "member",
    "description": "body global",
    "type": {
      "names": [
    "defaultvalue": "one",
    "order": 1

Install and use

Compatible Platforms

Tested on Mac OSX, Linux, Windows 8.1 and Windows XP.

As a command-line tool

Useful for quick access to the data..

$ npm install -g jsdoc-parse
$ jsdoc-parse --help

  Jsdoc-annotated source code in, JSON format documentation out.

  $ jsdoc-parse <files>
  $ cat <files> | jsdoc-parse

  --private              Include identifiers marked @private in the output
  --stats                Print a few stats about the doclets parsed
  --html                 Enable experimental parsing of .html files
  --src <array>          A list of javascript source files or glob expressions
  -s, --sort-by <array>  Sort by one of more fields, e.g. `--sort-by kind category`. Defaults to 'scope kind'.
  -h, --help

Usage form 2 warning: When piping input into jsdoc-parse it will intepret the whole of what is piped in as a single file, so take care not to pipe in input containing multipe @modules as this is illegal in jsdoc (see here):

The @module tag marks the current file as being its own module. All symbols in the file are assumed to be members of the module unless documented otherwise.

As a library

For use within your node.js app.

$ npm install jsdoc-parse --save

##API Reference Exports a single function to parse jsdoc data.


var parse = require("jsdoc-parse");

jsdocParse([options]) ⇒ TransformStream

Documented javascript source in, documentation JSON out.

Kind: Exported function


parse({ src:"lib/jsdoc-parse.js" }).pipe(process.stdout);


All options for jsdoc-parse, including defaults

Kind: inner class of jsdocParse

parseOptions.src : string | Array.<string>

A list of javascript source files (or glob expressions) to parse for documentation. If this option is not set jsdoc-parse will wait for source code on stdin (i.e. cat *.js | jsdoc-parse <options>).

Kind: instance property of ParseOptions

var parse = require("jsdoc-parse");
var fs = require("fs");

// either supply one or more file names
parse({ src: "example.js" }).pipe(process.stdout);

// or pipe in source code

parseOptions.private : boolean

Include identifier documentation marked as @private in the output

Kind: instance property of ParseOptions
Default: false

parseOptions.stats : boolean

Print a few stats about the doclets parsed

Kind: instance property of ParseOptions

parseOptions.html : boolean

Enable experimental parsing of .html files.

Kind: instance property of ParseOptions
Default: false

parseOptions.sort-by : array

Sort by one of more fields, e.g. --sort-by kind category. Pass the special value none to remove the default sort order.

Kind: instance property of ParseOptions
Default: ["scope","category","kind","order"]

© 2015 Lloyd Brookes <>. Documented by jsdoc-to-markdown.


parses jsdoc documentation from javascript or html files, outputs JSON









  • JavaScript 96.8%
  • HTML 3.2%