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Project Overview

In this project, we'll predict tomorrow's temperature using historical data. We'll start by downloading a dataset of local weather. You can customize this to your own location. Then, we'll clean the data and get it ready for machine learning. We'll build a system to make historical predictions. Then, we'll add more predictors to improve the model. We'll end with how to make next-day predictions.

Project Steps

  • Download weather data
  • Clean and graph data
  • Create a testing framework
  • Improve model accuracy


You can find the code for this project here

File overview:

  • predict.ipynb - predict the temperature


To complete this project, you'll need to have a good understanding of:

  • Python syntax, including functions, if statements, and data structures
  • Data cleaning
  • Pandas syntax
  • Using Jupyter notebook

You'll also need to know the basics of machine learning.

Please make sure you've completed these Dataquest courses (or know the material) before trying this project:

Local Setup


To follow this project, please install the following locally:

  • JupyerLab
  • Python 3.8+
  • Python packages
    • pandas
    • scikit-learn


We'll download our dataset from NOAA, a US government agency. You can follow these instructions to download the data:

  • Go to NOAA Search
  • Enter the years you want data for (I recommend starting with 1970), and search for the closest airport to you.
  • Click add to cart on the airport you want.
    • If there is no airport near you, try your city or country name instead.
  • Go to the cart
  • Select the csv format and click continue.
  • Select all of the checkboxes for data types.
  • Enter your email and click continue.
  • You'll get an email with a link to download the data.
  • Make sure to take a look at the data documentation as well.