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Upgrading to a New Release

Dave Walker edited this page Aug 19, 2024 · 3 revisions

Upgrading to a New Release


The instructions, below, assume you are running the application using the Docker container images

Remove the Local Docker Container Images

  • Stop the application, if it's running
  • Run the following command to list local docker container images:
docker image list
  • The output should look similar to the following:
REPOSITORY                            TAG        IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
davewalker5/droneflightlogmvc         latest     2bf77d90ecef   17 minutes ago   331MB
davewalker5/droneflightlogapisqlite   latest     cfad228eaf4a   18 minutes ago   319MB
  • For each of the "droneflightlogmvc" and "droneflightlogapisqlite" images, copy the image ID and run the following command to remove them:
docker rmi <image_id> --force
  • For example, using the example, above, the commands would be:
docker rmi 2bf77d90ecef --force
docker rmi cfad228eaf4a --force

Update the Docker Compose File

Upgrading to Versions Prior to

  • The release notes will indicate the version of the API associated with the release
  • Using the section on "Docker and Docker Compose" as a reference, find the volume mount for the database folder in the Docker Compose file
  • They will look similar to the following:
  - C:\DroneFlightLog:/var/opt/droneflightlog.api-x.x.x.x/
  • Where "C:\DroneFlightLog" is the local path to the database folder
  • Update the "x.x.x.x" to match the version number of the API and save your changes
  • For example, for version of the API the result would be:
  - C:\DroneFlightLog:/var/opt/droneflightlog.api-

Upgrading to Version

  • Beginning with version, the API version is no longer included in the path to the database folder in the running API container
  • Using the section on "Docker and Docker Compose" as a reference, find the volume mount for the database folder in the Docker Compose file
  • They will look similar to the following:
  - C:\DroneFlightLog:/var/opt/droneflightlog.api-x.x.x.x/
  • Where "C:\DroneFlightLog" is the local path to the database folder
  • Remove the "-x.x.x.x" and save your changes:
  - C:\DroneFlightLog:/var/opt/droneflightlog.api/

Upgrading to Versions Greater than

  • If you have not previously upgraded to, follow the instructions for that version, above
  • If you've already made the changes required for, no further changes are needed

Applying Database Updates

[!CAUTION] > If the release requires database updates to be applied, it's strongly recommended that you make a backup copy of the SQLite Database before applying them

  • The release notes will indicate if the new release requires any database migrations to be applied
  • If so, follow the instructions in the "Database > Updating an Existing Database" section of the Wiki

Downloading and Running the New Version

  • Using the section on "Docker and Docker Compose" as a reference, run the "docker compose" command to start the application
  • As the local container images have been removed, it will first pull the latest images from Docker Hub and will then run the application