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`ISHMonitor` is a PowerShell module on SDL Tridion Docs Content Manager (Knowledge Center Content Manager, LiveContent Architect, Trisoft InfoShare). Its goal is to offer a monitor dashboard over the Component Content Management System.


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ISHMonitor is a PowerShell module on SDL Tridion Docs Content Manager (Knowledge Center Content Manager, LiveContent Architect, Trisoft InfoShare). Its goal is to offer a monitor dashboard over the Component Content Management System. This library is constructed close to the "Web Services API" relying on the ISHRemote module.

The visualization part is handled through PowerShell Universal Dashboard. At the time of writing Adam Driscoll was looking into creating a community edition, where the commercial edition would offer the following extras: Commercial Licensing, Branding and Dashboard/REST API Authentication.

Features & Samples

  • List the version
  • See OneNote

Install & Update


When you have PowerShell 5 on your client machine, the PSVersion entry in $PSVersionTable reads 5.0... and PackageManagement is there implicitly. When you have a PowerShell version lower than 5 on your client machine, the PSVersion entry in $PSVersionTable reads 4.0 or even 3.0. Note that up to Knowledge Center 2016SP3/12.0.3 release is only verified with PowerShell 4 (not 5 or above), so don't upgrade your servers.

So either upgrade to Windows Management Framework 5.0 or stay on PowerShell 4 and install Package Management Preview – March 2016 for PowerShell 4 & 3.

At least PowerShellGet is required to support -AllowPrerelease parameter on Install-Module. You can verify the version by Get-PackageProvider. To raise the version run a PowerShell As Administrator and execute: Install-Module -Name PowershellGet,PackageManagement -Repository PSGallery -Force -confirm:$false -Verbose.


Open a PowerShell, then you can find and install the ISHMonitor module. CurrentUser -Scope indicates that you don't have to run PowerShell as Administrator. The -Force will make you bypass some security/trust questions.

	Install-Module UniversalDashboard.Community -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser -Force -AllowPrerelease
    ~~Install-Module ISHMonitor -Repository PSGallery -Scope CurrentUser -Force~~
	Import-Module .\ISHMonitor -Force 


Open a PowerShell and run.

    Update-Module UniversalDashboard.Community -Force
    ~~Update-Module ISHMonitor~~
	Import-Module .\ISHMonitor -Force 


Open a PowerShell and run.

    ~~Uninstall-Module UniversalDashboard.Community -AllVersion~~
    ~~Uninstall-Module ISHMonitor -AllVersion~~


A simple invoke would come down to, make sure a __ISHMonitor folder exists in the root of your CMS folder structure.

    $ishSession =  New-IshSession -WsBaseUrl -PSCredential ddemeyer
    Enable-UDLogging -FilePath C:\GITHUB\ISHMonitor\UniversalDashboard.log -Level Debug

Backlog & Feedback

Any feedback is welcome. Please log a GitHub issue, make sure you submit your version number, expected and current result,...

Known Issues & FAQ

Execution Known Issues

  • If Universal Dashboard returns New-UDPage : Method not found: 'Void NLog.Logger.Error(System.Exception, System.String)'.. The module relies on 4.5.3 (or higher), and in the GAC it was overruled with a 4.0.0 NLog.dll version making it all fail. gacutil /lr NLog NLog, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=5120e14c03d0593c, processorArchitecture=MSIL SCHEME: <WINDOWS_INSTALLER> ID: DESCRIPTION : gacutil /i C:\GITHUB\ISHMonitor\NLog.dll
  • If Universal Dashboard returns Unable to find type [Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.CookieOptions] when doing a Get-Help on New-UDGrid. It simply means that the library didn't load successfully, running a Start-UDDashboard did load it correctly and the ISE help worked.
  • If you get New-IshSession : Reference to undeclared entity 'raquo'. Line 98, position 121., most likely you specified an existing "Web Services API" url. Make sure your url ends with an ending slash /.
  • If a test fails with The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state., it probably means you didn't provide enough (mandatory) parameters to the WCF/SVC code so passing null parameters. Typically an -IshPassword is missing or using an existing username.
  • ISHDeploy Enable-ISHIntegrationSTSInternalAuthentication/Disable-ISHIntegrationSTSInternalAuthentication adds a /ISHWS/Internal/connectionconfiguration.xml that a different issuer should be used. As ISHMonitor doesn't have an app.config, all the artifacts are derived from the RelyingParty WSDL provided mex endpoint (e.g. /ISHSTS/issue/wstrust/mex).
    If you get error New-IshSession : The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state., it probably means you initialized -WsBaseUrl without the /Internal/ (or /SDL/) segment, meaning you are using the primary configured STS.

Testing Known Issues


Documentation Known Issues


Standards To Respect

Coding Standards

  • Any code change should
    • respect the coding standard like Strongly Encouraged Development Guidelines and Windows PowerShell Cmdlet Concepts
    • come with matching acceptance/unit test, to further improve stability and predictability
    • come with matching tripple-slash /// documentation verification or adaptation. Remember Get-Help drives PowerShell!
    • double check backward compatibility; if you break provide an alternative through Set-Alias, Get-Help,...
    • Any url reference should be specified with in samples and Service References.
  • Respect PowerShell concepts
    • parameters are Single not plural, so IshObject over IshObjects or FilePath over FilePaths
    • implement -WhatIf/-Confirm flags for write operations
  • ISHMonitor-build project holds the artefacts for in-house testing, signing, and publishing the library

Documentation Standards

  • Every function should be document to allow Get-Help to work.

Testing Standards

  • Most Pester tests are acceptance test, enriched which some unit tests where possible.
  • Data initialization and breakdown are key but also time consuming. BeforeEach/AfterEach are run for every It block, so makes things slow.

Coding Prerequisites

Testing and Debugging

Refreshing all module artefacts in a PowerShell ISE session can be done using

	Import-Module .\ISHMonitor -Force 

Module structure credits go to RamblingCookieMonster like PSStackExchange


`ISHMonitor` is a PowerShell module on SDL Tridion Docs Content Manager (Knowledge Center Content Manager, LiveContent Architect, Trisoft InfoShare). Its goal is to offer a monitor dashboard over the Component Content Management System.







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