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A natural language understanding system for English


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Sparser is a model-driven, rule-based language text analysis system for large volume, high-precision information extraction. At its heart, Sparser is a bottom-up, phrase-structure-based chart parser, optimized for semantic grammars and partial parsing. It has a highly efficient implementation based on resources of reused data structures and an indelible, deterministic parsing algorithm and style of grammar that enable it to do full semantic analyses at thousands of words per second on stock laptops.

Another way to look at Sparser is as a configurable toolkit for many kinds of text-handling. Alternative configurations are defined by the values that are given to an extensive set of parameters. These govern what operations are permitted, what data structures are used, what sets of rules will be loaded, the protocol for rule application, the checks that are performed as words are scanned, and so on. There are configurations that turn Sparser into a multi-document word-frequency and TF/IDF tabulator; a highly efficient information extraction engine driven from a semantic model of the target content; a shallow-meaning, ontology induction engine; or a large-lexicon, syntax-driven system for partially reading technical literature

Sparser is designed for continuous operation over sets of documents of arbitrary number and length, although grammar and model development is usually done over small texts. As a consequence, Sparser is run for side-effects. It does not 'return' anything, though it has machinery for periodically reading out its chart or the objects it has recognized or instantiated (i.e. categories and instances of categories). Sparser uses its native KRISP KR language to define its domain models and represent the information that that it identifies as it reads. KRISP can be easily converted to OWL triples or JSON.

Sparser is an open-source project under the Eclipse Public License (see LICENSE). The definitive repository for Sparser is on GitHub at, people who have been registered as 'contributors' can push commits to the repository directly.


Lisp You need to have a modern implementation of Common Lisp

already installed. We exclusively use SBCL in our own development ( In the past we have also used Clozure ( and Allegro ( We do not presently run our regression tests on those platforms, so caveat emptor.

OS We develop on Intel-based Macs under OS X and Unix.

Sparser has been used with Windows in the past though that has not been tested recently. Since we use ASDF for toplevel loading and Lisp pathnames for handling file compilation and module loading, we don't expect that working in Windows would be problem, but as of this writing we have not actually tested it.

Installation, Setup, and Loading

After cloning Sparser, the toplevel of the sparser directory tree will have four immediate subdirectories: "Mumble", "Sparser", "util", and "test", as well as this README file, the LICENSE file, a MakeFile for simple command-line operations like grep or removing all of the fasl compiled files, and the "sparser.asd" file which contains the Sparser ASDF system definitions for different configurations of the grammar, semantics, and runtime behavior.

Setup ASDF in your init file

At the toplevel, Sparser's loader is based on ASDF. To use it you have to provide Sparser's location in your file system into the ASDF registry so that ASDF can find Sparser's .asd file. In addition several of Sparser's subsystems make use of a couple of standard Lisp packages: CL-JSON, and CL-PPCRE, so you need to include a path to them as part of your source-registry. (they are named in the depends-on specification in the :sparser defsystem definition in the asd file.)

It is simplest to specify this information in your init file (e.g. ~/.sbclrc). This example assumes that your local copy of Sparser is at toplevel in your home directory (i.e. ~/sparser/).

(in-package :COMMON-LISP-USER)

(require :asdf)

(defun sparser-minimal-config ()
  (setf asdf:*central-registry* nil)
     (:tree (:home "sparser"))
     (:tree (:home "projects/cwc-integ/lisp-utils"))

(defmacro load-sparser ()
  (sparser-minimal-config) ; note A
  (defparameter cl-user::*use-all-proteins* nil) ; note B
      ((warning #'muffle-warning)) ; note C
    (asdf:load-system :sparser/fire)
    (asdf:load-system :mumble/sparser))
  (in-package :sparser)

A. Typically you will have the configurations for several systems in your init file, with their own library requirements. That is why we have broken out the asdf requirements for Sparser into a local function (sparser-minimal-config) and call it in the function you invoke to do the loading.

B. In its biology configuration Sparser defines a very large number of proteins. The cl-user parameter setting tells Sparser to ignore them.

C. Muffling warnings makes for a much quieter load. We periodically turn this off to check whether we have to address something, but these really are just warnings.

Configurations and Loading

In a running Lisp, with the ASDF registry configured as just described, you load Sparser by calling the function you defined. This is the result. (1/5/23 on a 2018 MacBook Pro running 12.6.2 with sbcl's --dynamic-space-size" set to "15000")

cl-user> (load-sparser)

 6,758  Referential categories
 138  Syntactic form categories
 99   Mixin categories
 330  Non-terminal categories
 11,464   Individuals
 26,283   Words
 8,240  Polywords
 23,631   Lexical rules
 9,266  Semantic rules
 25   Context sensitive rules
 333  Form rules
 912  Syntactic rules
 287  Debris analysis rules
 94   ETF tree schema
 381  Grammar modules loaded
System loaded in 17.0 seconds

Welcome to the Sparser natural language analysis system.
Copyright (c) David D. McDonald 1991-2005,2010-2022.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License.

Type (in-package :sparser) to use Sparser symbols directly.


That loaded the default configuration of Sparser. At the moment there are ten different Sparser asdf systems defined in ~/Sparser/sparser.asdf. Each one has an associated script that sets up its own configuration of grammar modules to load and its own choice of parameter ("switch") settings for configuring the analysis protocol. Most of these only interesting to illustrate the range of configurations we have used. We are actively doing development in just two configurations: 'biology' for our project work for DARPA, and 'fire' for wider-ranging explorations. The default configuration is the same as the one for fire ("Free-text Information and Relation Extraction").

Capabilities, documentation

Sparser can use context-free and context-sensitive semantic grammar phrase-structure rules, along with syntactic rules that check for valid semantic relations before they complete. It provides hooks for regular-expression analysis, multi-words, and arbitrary state-based analyses. It has a rich representation of the structure of documents.

There is extensive documentation for Sparser included with the code base: see sparser/Sparser/documentation/. We regularly extend this documentation, especially with 'notes' that provide a guide that is very close to the implementation. By the same token we are usually far behind in documenting the extensions we make or the rationale behind our approach to semantics and grammar.

The default configuration includes nearly every sublanguage grammar that has been developed for sparser, such as amounts and time, names and numbers, location, or person-company-title. Beyond semantically controlled sublanguages, we use an extensive syntactic grammar where composition is constrained by more heuristic type-checking. We also draw on the Complex lexicon to provide part of speech and simple subcategorization information about words that haven't been given an explicit semantic definition.

Using Sparser

In production, Sparser is usually being run over files of documents given as plain text (UTF-8) or as XML in a format we have a decoder for. Most of the time though you are debugging an extension to the grammar, which comes down to parsing short text strings and looking at the results: what rules were applied, what words were unknown, was the semantic structure of the results what you intended.

We can illustrate this with this short example, interpreting the string "it is almost Wednesday".

sp> (p "it is almost Wednesday")
[it ][is ]almost Wednesday
e7    BE            1 "it is almost Wednesday" 5

The function 'p' is one of the many abbreviations we use to cut down on typing. P combines the step of running the parsing engine on the string with printing out a view of the chart after the analysis was finished. An early step in the analysis was chunking the input into minimal phrases (noun groups, verb groups, or adjective groups), as shown in the square brackets.

Sparser's chart uses between-word positions, with edges representing constituents formed by the application of rules in the grammar. In this case the whole text was composed in to a single edge, with the index 'e7' that started at position 1 and ended at position 5.

Under the hood everything in Sparser's representation is a typed structured object. Manipulating objects directly is a matter of invoking functions or small programs and can be cumbersome. But for things we know we always want to see these have been already pre-packaged, and often use the numbers of the chart edges as their arguments.

To see the syntactic constituent structure of the text we have the function 'stree' for "syntactic tree". Constituency is shown by indentation. Each edge show its index, its category and syntactic labels, the chart positions at which it begins and ends, and the number (or name) of the rule that created it.

p> (stree 7)
 e7 be/s                      p1 - p5   rule 1679
  e2 pronoun/inanimate/pronoun    p1 - p2   rule 3159
  e6 be/vp                    p2 - p5   rule 1781
    e3 be/vg                  p2 - p3   rule 2305
    e5 time/np                p3 - p5   rule 2908
      e4 approximator/det     p3 - p4   rule 5510
      e0 weekday/proper-noun    p4 - p5   rule 3824
#<edge7 1 be 5>

The top edge is syntactically an 'S'. It is the result of applying a syntactic rule that took the subject np (e2) and assimilated it into the verb phrase predicate (e6). Note that the indexes of the rules (e.g. 1679) are assigned while the grammar is being loaded. You should not expect them to stay the same across sessions or particularly in different configurations

sp> (irr 1679)
referent: (funcall assimilate-subject left-referent right-referent)
#<PSR-1679 s → {pronoun vp}>

Semantically the result is a dependency tree. These are displayed as a set of nested expressions.

ssp> (semtree 7)
(#<be 11473>
 (subject (#<pronoun/inanimate "it" 1208> (word "it")))
   (#<relative-time 11471>
     (has-determiner (#<indefinite 11470>))
     (relativizer (#<almost "almost" 3155> (name "almost")))
     (reference-time (#<weekday "Wednesday" 1826>))))
 (present #<ref-category PRESENT>))

This shows an instance of the category representing 'be', whose index is 11473. This category has two local variables, 'subject' and 'predicate', and also binds a variable it inherited, 'present'. An expression for values of the variables follows them. The predicate, for example, is an instance of the category 'relative-time', which itself has variables for its relativizer and reference-time.

This a description of the semantic content of the input text. In a application that provided the necessary context, this description could be grounded and its terms given a denotation in actual calendar time. Presumably along with an application-specific model of what 'almost' means. (And an appreciation that the pronoun "it" should be understood as an empty grammatical marker, though that would be a reasonable extension to Sparser's own time model.)

There is much more that could be illustrated, but getting into more depth is usually best done by taking a guided tour in conjunction with exploring the grammar directly.

Sparser is written in Lisp, and until we restore some form of the interactive workbench it had on earlier versions of the MacOS, extending Sparser's abilities and understanding its operation requires you to have a working knowledge of Lisp and are comfortable reading code.


A natural language understanding system for English







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