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Wishlists for the e-commerce website. Wish lists are collections of desired products saved by customers to their user account, signifying interest without immediate intent to purchase.

About /labs

Labs is a space where we can put demos and other experimental stuff. To run .py scripts inside of labs, make sure you are in the root directory and then run

PYTHONPATH=. python labs/<script>.py

API guide

Below are the supported endpoints:

GET / 
    -> returns basic API info

POST /wishlists 
    -> create a new wishlist

GET /wishlists 
    -> retrieve all wishlists
GET /wishlists/<int:wishlist_id> 
    -> retrieve a specific wishlist
PUT /wishlists/<int:wishlist_id> 
    -> update a wishlist's data (does not include updates to a wishlist's items)

DELETE /wishlists/<int:wishlist_id>
    -> delete a wishlist by id

POST /wishlists/<int:wishlist_id>/items 
    -> add a new item to a wishlist
GET /wishlist/<int:wishlist_id>/items 
    -> retrieve all items for a wishlist
GET /wishlists/<int:wishlist_id>/items/<string:item_id> 
    -> retrieve an item by id from a wishlist
PUT /wishlists/<int:wishlist_id>/items/<string:item_id>
    -> update a specific item by id from a wishlist

DELETE /wishlists/<int:wishlist_id>/items/<string:item_id>
    -> delete a specific item by id from a wishlist

PUT /wishlists/<int:wishlist_id>/items/clear
    -> clears all items from a wishlist

GET /wishlists/search
    -> Accepts query params <q> and <user_id> in order to search for the value of q
    -> in the items found in a user's wishlists